Headword Definition Part of Speech Semantic Group Frequency Rank
agitō -āre drive Verb: 1st Conjugation Verbs of Compelling/Directing 578
amō -āre to love; amāns -ntis m./f.: lover Verb: 1st Conjugation Love 219
appellō -pellāre call, address, name Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 700
celebrō -āre frequent, throng, crowd Verb: 1st Conjugation The City 893
certō -āre decide by contest; fight, compete, vie Verb: 1st Conjugation Athletics 864
cōgitō -āre think, reflect Verb: 1st Conjugation Education/Knowledge 515
comparō -āre get ready, provide; compare Verb: 1st Conjugation Business/Money 890
cōnstō -stāre -stitī agree; constat, it is established that (+ acc. and infin.) Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 731
creō -āre produce, create; elect, choose Verb: 1st Conjugation Making/Doing 978
cūrō -āre watch over, look after, care for (+ acc.) Verb: 1st Conjugation Love 743
damnō -āre condemn Verb: 1st Conjugation Justice 751
dēsīderō -āre long for, desire greatly Verb: 1st Conjugation Love 892
dō dare dedī datum give Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 28
dōnō -āre present with a gift (+ acc. of person and abl. of thing) Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 606
dubitō -āre hesitate, doubt Verb: 1st Conjugation Education/Knowledge 521
errō -āre go astray, wander Verb: 1st Conjugation Travel 402
exīstimō -āre think, believe Verb: 1st Conjugation Education/Knowledge 613
exspectō -āre watch, wait, expect Verb: 1st Conjugation Vision 442
fugō -āre put to flight Verb: 1st Conjugation Travel 957
imperō -āre command, control Verb: 1st Conjugation War and Peace 602
indicō -āre point out, show, make known Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 980
interrogō -āre put a question to, ask (+ acc.) Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 953
intrō -āre enter Verb: 1st Conjugation Motion 766
iūdicō -āre judge, decide Verb: 1st Conjugation Justice 565
iūrō -āre take an oath, swear; iūs iūrandum, oath Verb: 1st Conjugation Justice 896
iuvō iuvāre iūvī iūtum help, assist; please, delight Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 390
labōrō -āre toil, work; be in trouble or distress Verb: 1st Conjugation Business/Money 900
laudō -āre praise Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 435
mūtō -āre change Verb: 1st Conjugation Making/Doing 315
narrō -āre relate, recount Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 910
negō -āre deny, refuse Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 294
occupō -āre seize, occupy; anticipate, do a thing first (+ infin.) Verb: 1st Conjugation War and Peace 472
optō -āre choose, select Verb: 1st Conjugation Personality Traits/Characteristics 417
ōrō -āre pray Verb: 1st Conjugation Religion 755
parō -āre prepare, acquire; parātus -a -um, ready Verb: 1st Conjugation Making/Doing 160
peccō -āre commit a wrong, injure Verb: 1st Conjugation Justice 792
portō -āre carry a load Verb: 1st Conjugation Measurement 853
praestō -stāre -stitī -stitum excel, exhibit Verb: 1st Conjugation Other Senses 423
probō -āre approve, prove; convince one (dat.) of a thing (acc.) Verb: 1st Conjugation Verbs of Compelling/Directing 784
properō -āre hasten, speed Verb: 1st Conjugation Motion 537
pugnō -āre fight Verb: 1st Conjugation Violence 708
putō -āre think, suppose Verb: 1st Conjugation Education/Knowledge 166
revocō -āre call back, recall Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 813
rogō -āre ask Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 551
servō -āre save, watch over Verb: 1st Conjugation The Household 289
sonō sonāre sonuī sonitum sound, resound Verb: 1st Conjugation Other Senses 583
spectō -āre look at, consider Verb: 1st Conjugation Vision 473
spērō -āre to hope Verb: 1st Conjugation Emotions 648
stō stāre stetī statum stand Verb: 1st Conjugation Life and Being 168
superō -āre overcome, surpass, defeat Verb: 1st Conjugation War and Peace 668
temptō -āre try, test Verb: 1st Conjugation Making/Doing 430
turbō -āre disturb, confuse Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 868
vacō vacāre be empty, open, unoccupied Verb: 1st Conjugation Measurement 724
vetō -āre vetuī vetītum forbid Verb: 1st Conjugation Verbs of Compelling/Directing 665
vītō -āre avoid, shun Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 881
vocō -āre call Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 158