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Headword | Definitions | Occurrences in the Aeneid |
praemium, iī, n. | that which is taken first or as the best; prize, 5.70; reward, recompense, 1.461; gift, blessing, 4.33. (prae and emō) |
18 |
praenatō, 1, n. and a. | to swim in front of or by; (fig.), flow by, along by, 6.705. |
1 |
Praeneste, is, n. and f. | a town in Latium on a lofty hill about twenty miles southeast of Rome; now Palestrina, 7.682. |
2 |
Praenestīnus, a, um | adj. (Praeneste), of Praeneste, 7.678. |
1 |
praenūntia, ae, f. | a harbinger, forerunner, 11.139. |
1 |
praepes, etis | (adj.), hastening before, swift, fleet, 3.361; winged, 5.254. |
2 |
praepes, etis | (adj.), hastening before, swift, fleet, 3.361; winged, 5.254. |
1 |
praepinguis, e | (adj.), very fat; rich, 3.698. |
1 |
praeripiō, ripuī, reptus, 3, a. | to snatch, seize before another; seize quickly; snatch away, 4.516. (prae and rapiō) |
2 |
praerumpō, rūpī, ruptus, 3, a. | to burst or break off in front; p., praeruptus, a, um, broken or torn off; precipitous, abrupt, steep, 1.105. |
1 |
praesaepe, is, n. | an inclosure, fold, stall, stable, pen, 7.17; hive, 1.435.(rel. to praesaepio) |
4 |
praesāgus, a, um | adj. (praesāgiō), divining, prophetic, 10.177; foreboding, w. gen., 10.843, et al. |
2 |
praescius, a, um | (adj.), foreknowing, prescient, 6.66; foreboding, ill-boding, 12.452. |
2 |
praesēns, entis | (adj.), being before, present in person; present before one, 3.174; propitious, 9.404; immediate, instant, 1.91; prompt, 12.152; urgent, powerful, 12.245. (praesum) |
10 |
praesentia, ae, f. | a being present; presence, 9.73. (praesēns) |
1 |
praesentiō, sēnsī, sēnsus, 4, a. | to feel, perceive beforehand, 4.297. |
1 |
praeses, idis, c. | one presiding; an arbiter; arbitress, 11.483. (praesideō) |
1 |
praesideō, sēdī, 2, n. and a. | to sit before; preside over, rule over, w. dat., 3.35. (prae and sedeō) |
4 |
praesidium, iī, n. | protection, 11.58. (praesideō) |
1 |
praestāns, antis, comp., praestantior, ius | excellent, superior, distinguished, 5.361; w. gen., 12.19. |
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praestō, stitī, stātus or stitus, 1, n. and a. | to stand before; surpass; represent, 11.438; (impers.), praestat, praestitit, it is, was better, preferable, more fitting, important, 1.135. |
4 |
praesēns, entis | (adj.), being before, present in person; present before one, 3.174; propitious, 9.404; immediate, instant, 1.91; prompt, 12.152; urgent, powerful, 12.245. (praesum) |
1 |
praesūmō, sūmpsī, sūmptus, 3, a. | to take beforehand; anticipate, 11.18. |
1 |
praetexō, texuī, textus, 3, a. | to weave in front; to fringe, 6.5; (fig.), palliate, cloak, 4.172; conceal, 4.500. |
1 |
praetendō, tendī, tentus, 3, a. | to hold out before; stretch forth, extend, wave, 8.116; stretch, extend before, 3.692; oppose, 9.599; (fig.), pretend, promise, 4.339. |
7 |
praeter | (prep. w. acc.), beyond, 7.24. (prae) |
1 |
praeter | (adv.), besides, along by, past, 10.399. |
1 |
praetereā | (adv.), besides, moreover, freq.; then too, 1.647; hereafter, 1.49. |
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praetereō, īvī, or iī, itus, īre, irreg. n. and a. | to pass by, to come to an end; to go, pass by, 5.156; outstrip, 4.157; p., praeteritus, a, um, past, 8.560. |
4 |
praeterlābor, lāpsus sum, 3, dep. n. and a. | to glide, flow along by, 6.874; sail past or by, 3.478. |
2 |
praetervehor, vectus sum, 3, pass. of praetervehō, as dep. a. | to go by; pass, sail by, 3.688. |
1 |
praetexō, texuī, textus, 3, a. | to weave in front; to fringe, 6.5; (fig.), palliate, cloak, 4.172; conceal, 4.500. |
2 |
praevehor, vectus sum, 3, dep. | to ride before, ride up, 7.166. |
1 |
praevertō, vertī, versus, 3, a. | to turn before; to preoccupy, prepossess, 1.721; surpass, 7.807; pass. as dep. (only in pres.), praevertor, to surpass, outstrip, 1.317. |
3 |
praevertō, vertī, versus, 3, a. | to turn before; to preoccupy, prepossess, 1.721; surpass, 7.807; pass. as dep. (only in pres.), praevertor, to surpass, outstrip, 1.317. |
1 |
praevideō, vīdī, vīsus, 2, a. | to see beforehand; foresee, 5.445. |
1 |
praeūrō, ussī, ūstus, 3, a. | to burn at the point, 7.524. |
1 |
prātum, ī, n. | a meadow, 6.674. |
3 |
prāvus, a, um | (adj.), crooked; subst., prāvum, ī, n., perverseness, wrong, evil, falsehood, 4.188. |
1 |
precor, ātus sum, 1, dep. n. and a. | to pray; entreat, invoke, implore, beseech, supplicate, 4.521; pray for, 3.144; w. dat., 8.127; p., precāns, antis, suppliant, 7.237. |
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prehendō (prēndō), ī, ēnsus, 3, a. | to lay hold of; seize, 2.592; catch, 3.450; seize, hold for defense, 2.322; overtake, reach, 6.61. |
8 |
prēnsō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. | to grasp, 2.444. (prēndō) |
3 |
premō, pressī, pressus, 3, a. | to press, freq.; tread upon, 2.380; trample, 5.331; press together, close, 6.155; press after, pursue, 1.324; overflow, overwhelm, 1.246; press upon, 2.530; follow up in speech, 7.119; stab, slay, 9.330; hem in, 11.545; suppress, keep down, conceal, 1.209; 12.322; obscure, withdraw, 4.81; restrain, curb, 1.63; check, discourage, 11.402; repress, 4.332; subject, reduce, oppress, 1.285; premere vestīgia, arrest the footsteps, 6.197; plant one's footsteps on, tread on (with abl. of place), 11.788. |
53 |
pressō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. | to press hard; squeeze, press; milk. |
1 |
premō, pressī, pressus, 3, a. | to press, freq.; tread upon, 2.380; trample, 5.331; press together, close, 6.155; press after, pursue, 1.324; overflow, overwhelm, 1.246; press upon, 2.530; follow up in speech, 7.119; stab, slay, 9.330; hem in, 11.545; suppress, keep down, conceal, 1.209; 12.322; obscure, withdraw, 4.81; restrain, curb, 1.63; check, discourage, 11.402; repress, 4.332; subject, reduce, oppress, 1.285; premere vestīgia, arrest the footsteps, 6.197; plant one's footsteps on, tread on (with abl. of place), 11.788. |
1 |
pretium, iī, n. | price, 4.212; value, worth, 9.232; money; bribe, 6.622; reward, punishment, 12.352; prize, 5.292; ransom, 9.213. |
9 |
(prex), precēs, f. | (not used in nom. and gen. sing.), a prayer, supplication, entreaty, 2.689. (precor) |
21 |
Priamēius, a, um | adj. (Priamus), of Priam, 2.403; Priam's, 7.252. |
3 |
Prīamidēs, ae, m. | son of Priam, 3.295. |
4 |
Priamus, ī, m. | 1. Priam, son of Laomedon, king of Troy, 1.458, et al. 2. A Trojan youth, son of Polites and grandson of King Priam, 5.564. |
38 |
prīmaevus, a, um | adj. (prīmus and aevum), first in age; eldest born, 9.545; youthful, 10.345; early, 7.162. |
3 |
prīmitiae, ārum, f. | the first fruits; first offerings, 11.16; beginnings, first essays, 11.156. (prīmus) |
2 |
premō, pressī, pressus, 3, a. | to press, freq.; tread upon, 2.380; trample, 5.331; press together, close, 6.155; press after, pursue, 1.324; overflow, overwhelm, 1.246; press upon, 2.530; follow up in speech, 7.119; stab, slay, 9.330; hem in, 11.545; suppress, keep down, conceal, 1.209; 12.322; obscure, withdraw, 4.81; restrain, curb, 1.63; check, discourage, 11.402; repress, 4.332; subject, reduce, oppress, 1.285; premere vestīgia, arrest the footsteps, 6.197; plant one's footsteps on, tread on (with abl. of place), 11.788. |
3 |
prīmōris, e | adj. (primus), first; subst., prīmōrēs, um, the chiefs, princes, nobles, 9.309. |
1 |
prīmus, a, um | (num. adj., superl. of prior), first in space, time, order, degree, or dignity (usually referring to three or more); first, foremost, 5.151; front, fore-, 5.566; nearest, 2.32; first part of, 1.541; edge, border, outskirt of, 9.244; chief, 9.785; earliest, first, 1.345; for the first time, 11.573; as an adv., 1.442; 6.810, et al.; in the earliest times, 1.1; prīma proelia, the beginning of battle, 12.103; subst., prīmum, ī, n., the chief concern, affair, work, 8.408; prīmī, ōrum, m., foremost, first, 2.494; prīma, ōrum, n., the first place, front, van, 10.157; first prize, 5.194; adv., prīmum, first, 2.375; ut prīmum, as soon as, 1.306; prīmō, at first, in the beginning, 4.176; in prīmīs, or imprīmīs, especially, chiefly, 1.303. |
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prīmus, a, um | (num. adj., superl. of prior), first in space, time, order, degree, or dignity (usually referring to three or more); first, foremost, 5.151; front, fore-, 5.566; nearest, 2.32; first part of, 1.541; edge, border, outskirt of, 9.244; chief, 9.785; earliest, first, 1.345; for the first time, 11.573; as an adv., 1.442; 6.810, et al.; in the earliest times, 1.1; prīma proelia, the beginning of battle, 12.103; subst., prīmum, ī, n., the chief concern, affair, work, 8.408; prīmī, ōrum, m., foremost, first, 2.494; prīma, ōrum, n., the first place, front, van, 10.157; first prize, 5.194; adv., prīmum, first, 2.375; ut prīmum, as soon as, 1.306; prīmō, at first, in the beginning, 4.176; in prīmīs, or imprīmīs, especially, chiefly, 1.303. |
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prīnceps, ipis | adj. (primus and capiō), first; chief; foremost, 5.160; subst., m., a chief, leader, commander, prince, 1.488; progenitor, founder, ancestor, 3.168. |
5 |
prīnceps, ipis | adj. (primus and capiō), first; chief; foremost, 5.160; subst., m., a chief, leader, commander, prince, 1.488; progenitor, founder, ancestor, 3.168. |
3 |
prīncipium, iī, n. | a beginning, commencement; abl. adverbially, prīncipiō, in the beginning, at first, in the first place, 2.752. (prīnceps) |
11 |
prior, ius, ōris (superl., prīmus, wh. see) | first or foremost, of two, 5.155; first in order of time, 1.581; earlier, former, first, 3.213; beforehand, anticipating, 11.760; superior, 11.292; (subst.), priōrēs, m., ancestors, 3.693. |
25 |
prior, ius, ōris (superl., prīmus, wh. see) | first or foremost, of two, 5.155; first in order of time, 1.581; earlier, former, first, 3.213; beforehand, anticipating, 11.760; superior, 11.292; (subst.), priōrēs, m., ancestors, 3.693. |
1 |
prīscus, a, um | (adj.), old, former, ancient, 7.706; Prīscī Latīnī, the ancient Latins, occupying Latium prior to the foundation of Rome, 5.598. |
6 |
prīstinus, a, um | (adj.), primitive, pristine, former, 6.473; recent, 10.143; subst., prīstina, ōrum, n., former, first condition, 12.424. |
3 |
pristis, is, f. | 1. A sea-monster, 10.211. 2. Pristis, the Pristis, one of the ships of Aeneas, 5.154. (another form for pistrīx) |
5 |
pristis, is, f. | 1. A sea-monster, 10.211. 2. Pristis, the Pristis, one of the ships of Aeneas, 5.154. (another form for pistrīx) |
1 |
Prīvernum, ī | a city of Latium, 11.540. |
1 |
Prīvernus, ī, m. | a Rutulian warrior, 9.576. |
1 |
prius | (adv.), before, sooner rather, 2.190. (prior) |
7 |
priusquam | (adv.), before that, before, 1.472. |
5 |
prō | (prep. w. abl.), before, in front of, 12.661; on the front of an elevated place; on, 9.575; in defense of, 8.653; on account of, for the sake of, 6.821; in place of, instead of, for, 1.659; for, in return for, 3.604; in preference to, 5.483; prō sē, according to his strength, 5.501. |
48 |
prō (prōh) | (interj. denoting wonder, surprise, lamentation, distress, agony). O! ah! alas! 4.590. |
1 |
proavus, ī, m. | a great-grandfather; sire, ancestor, 3.129. |
3 |
probō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to try, put to proof; approve, 5.418; permit, allow, 4.112. (probus, upright) |
3 |
Procās, ae, m. | one of the Alban kings, and father of Numitor and Amulius, 6.767. |
1 |
procāx, ācis | (adj.), bold, insolent; (fig.), wild, raging, 1.536. |
1 |
prōcēdō, cessī, cessus, 3, n. | to go or come forth or forward; advance, proceed, go on, 2.760; move, 4.587; elapse, pass by, 3.356; continue, 5.461. |
11 |
procella, ae, f. | a gale, storm, squall, tempest, 1.102. |
5 |
procer, eris, m. | a chief, noble; pl., procerēs, um, elders, nobles, princes, 1.740. (in the sing. found only in the acc.) |
9 |
Prochyta, ae, f. | an island near the Bay of Naples, now Procida, 9.715. |
1 |
prōclāmō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a. | to cry out; declare, announce, proclaim, 5.345. |
1 |
Procris, idis, f. | Procris, a daughter of Erectheus, married to Cephalus, king of Phocis, by whom she was accidentally killed in a forest, whither she had followed him out of jealousy, 6.445. |
1 |
prōcumbō, cubuī, cubitus, 3, n. | to lie down; to bend, lean forward, lie along, 8.83; bend down, lie prostrate; fall upon, 11.150; bend to, ply the oars, 5.198; to fall in death or battle, 2.426; fall down, sink in ruins, 2.505. |
3 |
procul | (adv.), far off, at a distance, 2.42; far hence, away, 6.258; from a distance, from far, 10.401; high, aloft, 5.642. |
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prōculcō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to tread down, trample upon, 12.534. (prō and calcō) |
1 |
prōcumbō, cubuī, cubitus, 3, n. | to lie down; to bend, lean forward, lie along, 8.83; bend down, lie prostrate; fall upon, 11.150; bend to, ply the oars, 5.198; to fall in death or battle, 2.426; fall down, sink in ruins, 2.505. |
12 |
procūrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to care for; attend to; refresh, 9.158. |
1 |
prōcurrō, cucurrī or currī, cursus, 3, n. | to run forth or forward, 12.267; advance, sally forth, 9.690; roll, rush along, 11.624; jut, run out, project, 5.204. |
6 |
prōcursus, ūs, m. | a running forward, onward course, career, 12.379; charge, onset, 12.711. (prōcurrō) |
2 |
prōcurvus, a, um | (adj.), curved forward; curving, 5.765. |
1 |
procus, ī, m. | one who asks, a wooer, suitor, 4.534. (procor, ask) |
2 |
prōdeō, īvī or iī, itus, īre, irreg. n. | to go forth; move forward or along, 6.199; advance, project, 10.693. |
2 |
prōdigium, iī, n. | a prognostic, sign, prodigy, wonder, portent, 3.366; monster, 8.295. |
4 |
prōditiō, ōnis, f. | a giving forth, betrayal; treachery, treason; allegation or charge of treason, 2.83. (prōdō) |
1 |
prōdō, didī, ditus, 3, a. | to put, bring, give forth; propagate, 4.231; give up, desert, betray, 1.252; expose, 12.42; discover, 9.374; give over, sentence, 2.127; announce, disclose, make known, 10.99. |
9 |
prōdūcō, dūxī, ductus, 3, a. | to lead, draw forth, carry, bring, conduct, lead forth, 9.487; breed, produce, 12.900; prolong, protract, 2.637. |
3 |
proelium, iī, n. | a battle, conflict, contest, combat, fight, 5.375, et al.; charge, 11.631. (in Virgil always pl.) |
41 |
profānus, a, um | adj. (prō and fānum, shrine), in front or outside of the sacred inclosure; not sacred; profānōs facere, to desecrate, 12.779; subst., profānī, ōrum, m., the unconsecrated; uninitiated, profane, 6.258. |
2 |
profectō | (adv.), as a fact; in truth, truly, indeed, surely, certainly, 8.532. (prō and factum) |
1 |
prōferō, tulī, lātus, ferre, irreg. a. | to carry forward or forth; extend, 6.795; postpone, delay, 12.395. |
2 |
proficīscor, profectus sum, 3, dep. n. | to put one's self forward; set out, depart, 1.340; proceed, spring from, 8.51. |
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