Pandarus et Bitiās, Īdaeō Alcānore crētī,

quōs Iovis ēdūxit lūcō silvestris Iaera

abietibus iuvenēs patriīs et montibus aequōs,

portam, quae ducis imperiō commissa, reclūdunt675

frētī armīs, ultrōque invītant moenibus hostem.

ipsī intus dextrā ac laevā prō turribus astant

armātī ferrō et cristīs capita alta coruscī:

qūalēs āeriae līquentia flūmina circum

sīve Padī rīpīs Athesim seu propter amoenum680

cōnsurgunt geminae quercūs intōnsaque caelō

attollunt capita et sublīmī vertice nūtant.

Inrumpunt aditūs Rutulī ut vīdēre patentīs:

continuō Quercēns et pulcher Aquīculus armīs

et praeceps animī Tmarus et Māvortius Haemōn685

agminibus tōtīs aut versī terga dedēre

aut ipsō portae posuēre in līmine vītam.

Tum magis incrēscunt animīs discordibus īrae,

et iam collēctī Trōes glomerantur eōdem

et cōnferre manum et prōcurrere longius audent.690


    Pandarus, ī, m.: Pandarus, a Mysian chief, allied with the Trojans, who broke the truce at Troy by wounding Menelaus with his arrow, 5.496, et al.

    Bitiās, ae, m.: 1. Bitias, a Carthaginian nobleman, 1.738. 2. A Trojan, 9.672.

    Īdaeus, a, um: (adj.), of Mount Ida (either in Crete or in the Troad), Idaean, 3.105; 2.696, et al.; pertaining to Cybele, goddess of the Trojan Ida, 9.112.

    Alcānor, oris, m.: 1. Alcanor, a Trojan hero, 9.672. 2. A Rutulian, 10.338.

    Iuppiter, Iovis, m.: Jupiter, son of Saturn and Rhea, and king of the gods, 1.223; Iuppiter Stygius, Pluto, 4.638.

    lūcus, ī, m.: a consecrated wood; sacred grove, 6.259, et al.; in general, a grove, wood, forest.

    silvestris, e: adj. (silva), pertaining to the woods and fields; sylvan, pastoral; living in the forest, 9.673.

    Iaera, ae, f.: a wood-nymph, wife of Alcanor and mother of Bitias and Pandarus, 9.673.

    abies, etis (often trisyll. in the oblique cases), f.: a fir tree; fir wood or fir timber, 2.16; (meton.), a ship, 8.91; a lance, 11.667.

    patrius, a, um: adj. (pater), pertaining to one's father or ancestors; a father's, 2.658; paternal, natural to a father, 1.643; exacted by a father, 7.766; due to, felt for a father or parent, 9.294; ancestral, hereditary, 3.249; of one's country, native, 3.281; belonging to the nation, of the country, 11.374.

    reclūdō, clūsī, clūsus, 3, a.: to unclose; to open, freq.; throw open, 3.92; reveal, disclose, 1.358; unsheathe, 4.646; cut or lay open, 4.63. (re- and claudō)

    frētus, a, um: (adj.), leaning on; w. abl. of the thing on which; relying on, confiding in, trusting to, 4.245.

    ultrō: (adv.), to the farther side; furthermore, over and above, moreover, 2.145, et al.; even, 9.127; beyond the limit of necessity; uncompelled, unasked, unimpelled; apart from all external influences, of one's self, of one's own accord or motion, voluntarily, willingly; unprompted by any words on another's part, first, 2.372; 4.304; unaddressed, 10.606; promptly, 10.282; impetuously, 12.3. (cf. ulterior)

    invītō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to ask as a guest; to invite, 8.178; encourage, incite, 5.292.

    intus: (adv.), within, 1.294, et al. (in)

    atque, or ac: (conj.), and in addition, or and besides; and, as well, and indeed, and, 1.575; freq.; even, 2.626; in comparisons, as, 4.90; than, 3.561.

    laeva, ae, f. (sc. manus): the left hand, 1.611; ab laevā, on the left side, 8.460.

    turris, is, f.: a tower, 2.445, et al.

    adstō, stitī, 1, n.: to stand at, near, or upon; alight, 1.301; stand, 9.677; be present, 3.150; stand or be ready, 3.123; impend, 3.194.

    armō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to equip with arms; arm, equip, 2.395, et al.; fit out, make ready, prepare, 4.299; (fig.), imbue, charge, 9.773; p., armātus, a, um, armed, charged, 12.857; subst., armātī, ōrum, m., armed men, warriors, 2.485. (arma)

    crista, ae, f.: a crest, plume, 3.468; helmet, 7.185.

    coruscus, a, um: adj. (coruscō), vibrating, tremulous, waving, 12.701; flashing, 1.164; gleaming, 2.172.

    āerius, a, um: (adj.), pertaining to the air; airy, aërial, 5.520; rising into the air; towering, lofty, 3.291; air-cleaving, 9.803.

    līquor, 3, dep. n.: to be in a liquid state; run, ooze, trickle, flow, 3.28; p., līquēns, entis, liquid, fluid, 1.432.

    circum: (adv.), about, around; (prep. with acc.), around, about.

    sīve or seu: (conj.), or if, freq.; or, 5.69; elliptical, 11.327; sīve (seu) — sīve (seu), whether — or, 1.569, 570; either — or, 4.240, 241.

    Padus, ī, m.: the river Po, the mythical Eridanus, 9.680, et al.

    Athesis, is, m.: the Athesis, a river in the N.E. part of Upper Italy, 9.680.

    amoenus, a, um: (adj.), charming; usually to the sight, delightful, pleasant, 6.638.

    cōnsurgō, surrēxī, surrēctus, 3, n.: to rise together, rise up; rise at once, 8.110; rise, 5.20; rise or spring to the oars, ply, 10.299.

    geminus, a, um: (adj.), twin, 1.274, et al.; twofold, 6.203; double, two, 4.470; pl., geminī, ae, a, twin, 2.500; two, 1.162.

    quercus, ūs, f.: an oak tree, 3.680; (meton.), an oak leaf crown, 6.772.

    intōnsus, a, um: (adj.), unshaven, unshorn, 9.181; leafy, 9.681.

    attollō, 3, a.: to lift or raise up, throw, cast up, 3.574; rear, build, 2.185; (fig.), to rouse, excite, 2.381; with se, lift one’s self or itself, 4.690; come into view, appear, 3.205; (fig.), arise, be exalted, 4.49; (pass.), attollī, to rise, 5.127. (ad and tollō)

    sublīmis, e: (adj.), raised up, elevated, uplifted, 11.602; aloft; on high, 1.259; through the air, 1.415; on high, 6.720; to heaven, 5.255; of lofty soul, 12.788; (adv.), sublīme, loftily, aloft, on high, 10.664.

    vertex, icis, m.: a whirl; whirlpool, 7.567; vortex, 1.117; whirling column of flame, 12.673; the top, crown of the head, the head, 1.403; summit, top, 1.163; mountain summit, height, 3.679; ā vertice, from on high, from above, 1.114. (vertō)

    nūtō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. n.: to nod; sway to and fro, 2.629; move, wave, 9.682. (nuō, nod)

    inrumpō, rūpī, ruptus, 3, n. and a.: to burst; w. acc., rush into, rush through, 11.879; w. dat., burst into, 6.528.

    aditus, ūs, m.: a going to; an approach, avenue, access, passage, entrance, 2.494; (fig.), approach, 4.423. (adeō)

    Rutulī, ōrum, m.: the Rutulians, an ancient tribe of Latium dwelling south of the Tiber, 1.266, et al.

    patēns, entis: open; broad, gaping, 11.40.

    continuō: (adv.), immediately, straightway. (continuus)

    Quercēns, entis, m.: a Rutulian warrior, 9.684.

    Aquīcolus, ī, m.: a Rutulian, 9.684.

    praeceps, cipitis: adj. (prae and caput), head foremost; headlong, 2.307; deep, 11.888; hurried, hasty, quick, speedy, 4.573; flying, running swiftly, 2.516; 3.598; rash, impetuous, fiery, 9.685; prolept., ready to sink, 10.232; subst., praeceps, n., a steep, precipice, verge, 2.460; in praeceps, headlong; downwards, 6.578.

    Tmarus, i, m.: a Rutulian warrior, 9.685.

    Māvortius, a, um or Mārtius, a, um: adj. (Māvors), pertaining to Mavors or Mars; ; warlike, martial; of Mars, 1.276; son of Mars, 6.777; received in battle, honorable, 7.182; sacred to Mars, 9.566.

    Haemōn, onis, m.: a Rutulian, 9.685.

    tōtus, a, um: (adj.), the whole, total, entire, 1.128, et al.; tōtō corpore, with all one's strength, 12.920.

    magis, and short form, mage: (adv.), in a greater measure; more, 5.94; 10.481; the more, 7.787; for potius, by preference, rather, 5.29; better, 4.452. (rel. to māgnus)

    incrēscō, crēvī, crētus, 3, n.: to grow in; grow up, 3.46; increase, w. dat., 9.688.

    discors, cordis: adj. (dis- and cor), disagreeing, 2.423; hostile, 9.688; opposing, contending, 10.356.

    Trōes, m.: (subst.), the Trojans, 1.30, et al. (Tros, one of the kings of Troy)

    glomerō, āvī, atus, 1, a.: to gather into a ball or mass; roll, whirl, 3.577; collect; assemble, gather, 2.315; (pass.), glomerārī, in mid. signif., to throng, gather; troop, flock, 1.500. (glomus, ball)

    eōdem: (adv.), to the same place, 9.689. (idem)

    manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

    prōcurrō, cucurrī or currī, cursus, 3, n.: to run forth or forward, 12.267; advance, sally forth, 9.690; roll, rush along, 11.624; jut, run out, project, 5.204.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.