Alter autem Lūcullus, quī Macedoniam administrābat, Bessīs prīmus Rōmānōrum intulit bellum atque eōs ingentī proeliō in Haemō monte superāvit. Oppidum Uscudamam, quod Bessī habitābant, eōdem diē, quō adgressus est, vīcit, Cabylēn cēpit, ūsque ad Dānuvium penetrāvit. Inde multās suprā Pontum positās cīvitātēs adgressus est. Illīc Appolloniam ēvertit, Callatim, Parthenopolim, Tomōs, Histrum, Burziaonem cēpit bellōque cōnfectō Rōmam rediit. Ambō tamen triumphāvērunt, Lūcullus, quī contrā Mithridātēn pūgnāverat, māiore glōriā, cum tantōrum rēgnōrum victor redīsset.

    The conquests of Marcus Lucullus in Thrace (72 BCE)

    Alter autem Lūcullus: Marcus Terentius Varro Lucullus, younger brother of the more famous Lucius Licinius Lucullus, who fought Mithridates.

    Macedoniam: Macedonia

    Bessīs: dative object of intulit (LS infero I.β). For more information, see Bessi.

    in Haemō monte: Mons Haemus

    Oppidum Uscudamam: later named Hadrianopolis

    Apolloniam ēvertit, Callatim, Parthenopolim, Tomōs, Histrum, Burziaonem cēpit: see Apollonia, Callatis, Parthenopolis, Tomis, Histria, and Bizone. Eutropius had probably visited most or all of these towns while on campaign with Valens between 367 and 369 CE (Bird).

    bellōque cōnfectō: ablative absolute with perfect passive participle (AG 419)

    Lūcullus, quī contrā Mithridātēn pūgnāverat: Lucius Lucullus

    cum tantōrum rēgnōrum victor redīsset: cum is causal (AG 549).

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates


    Lūcullus, ī, m.

    the name of a Roman family. (1) L. Licinius Lūcullus, consul 74 B.C.; (2) M. Licinius Lūcullus, brother of (1)

    Macedonia, ae, f.

    an extensive country north of Greece, between Thessaly and Thrace

    administrō, āre, āvī, ātus [ad + ministrō, to manage]

    to manage, govern, regulate, carry on (war)

    Bessī, ōrum, pl. m.

    a mountain tribe of Thrace

    Haemus, ī, m.

    a lofty range of mountains separating Thrace and Moesia

    Uscudama, ae, f.

    a city in Thrace

    habitō, āre, āvī, ātus [freq. of habeō]

    to dwell, inhabit, live

    aggredior, gredī, gressus sum

    to approach, attack, undertake

    Cabylē, ēs, f.

    a town in Thrace

    Dānuvius, ī, m.

    the Danube river

    penetrō, āre, āvī, ātus [penitus]

    to enter, penetrate

    Pontus, ī, m.

    (1) Pontus Euxīnus, the Black Sea; (2) a country of Asia Minor on the Black Sea

    Apollonia, ae, f.

    a city of Thrace on the Pontus Euxinus

    ēvertō, ere, ī, versus

    to overturn, destroy, ruin

    Callatis, is, f.

    a town in Moesia, on the Black Sea

    Parthenopolis, is, f.

    a city in Lower Moesia on the Black Sea

    Tomī, ōrum, pl. m.

    a city in Lower Moesia

    Hister, trī, f.

    a town in Lower Moesia

    Burziaonē, ēs, f.

    a city in the modern Bulgaria

    ambō, ae, ō, adj.


    triumphō, āre, āvī, ātus

    to celebrate a triumph

    Mithradātēs, is, m.

    surnamed the Great, king of Pontus 120–63 B.C.


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