Quod ubi ille intellēxit, id agī atque id parārī ut fīliae suae vīs adferrētur, servōs suōs ad sē vocat; hīs imperat ut sē ipsum neglegant, fīliam dēfendant; excurrat aliquis quī hoc tantum domesticī malī fīliō nūntiet. Clāmor intereā fit tōtā domō; pugna inter servōs Rubrī atque hospitis; iactātur domī suae vir prīmārius et homō honestissimus; prō sē quisque manūs adfert; aquā dēnique ferventī ā Rubriō ipsō Philodamus perfunditur. Haec ubi fīliō nūntiāta sunt, statim exanimātus ad aedēs contendit, ut et vītae patris et pudīcitiae sorōris succurreret; omnēs eōdem animō Lampsacēnī, simul ut hoc audiērunt, quod eōs cum Philodamī dignitās tum iniūriae magnitūdō movēbat, ad aedēs noctū convēnērunt. Hīc līctor istīus Cornēlius, quī cum eius servīs erat ā Rubriō quasi in praesidiō ad auferendam mulierem conlocātus, occīditur; servī nōn nūllī vulnerantur; ipse Rubrius in turbā sauciātur. Iste, quī suā cupiditāte tantōs tumultūs concitātōs vidēret, cupere aliquā ēvolāre, sī posset.

The paragraph focuses on the events that unfold in Philodamus’ house, and how the dwelling becomes the centre of attention for the entire town. For the news spread. . . [full essay]

Grammar and Syntax:

  • Identify the type of ut-clause Cicero uses in the first sentence (ut filiae suae vis adferretur).
  • Explain the mood of excurrat.
  • What is the meaning of cum in cum Philodami dignitas etc.?
  • Identify the case and function of noctu.

Style and Theme:

  • Identify the words in the paragraph that refer to Philodamus’ household and dwelling – what overall image of the event is Cicero creating?
  • Discuss the movements and the action in the paragraph: who does what (from) where? And where in all of this is Verres?
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Suggested Citation

Ingo Gildenhard, Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53–86. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-90692-463-8. DCC edition, 2016. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/tr/cicero-verres/67