Fr. 101

       Ἥρῃ τῇ Σαμίῃ περὶ μὲν τρίχας ἄμπελος ἕρπει 

    Fr. 101 Harder (= 101 Pf., = 204 Mass.) P.Mil. Vogl. I 18 col. IV 30
    Trismegistos 59371

    This is another double aition, as either the same statue of Hera continues to be the focus, or a second one in Samos. This time the statue is adorned with the accoutrements of Dionysus (a vine) and Heracles (a lion skin). Both Heracles and Dionysus were ancestors of the Ptolemies, and were persecuted by Hera during their earthly existence.

    Fr. 101

    θρίξ, τριχός, ἡ: Hair

    ἄμπελος, -ου, ἡ: grape-vine

    ἕρπω: move-slowly, walk, creep

    Fragment 101a Harder (= Diegesis IV 30-5; 1.106 Pf.) P.Mil.Vogl. I 18 col. IV 30-5 [image], Trismegistos 59371

           Ἥρῃ τῇ Σαμίῃ περὶ μὲν τρίχας ἄμπελος ἕρπει

                   Λέγεται ὡς τῇ Σαμίᾳ Ἥρᾳ περιέρπει

                   τὰς τρίχας ἄμπελος, πρὸς δ' ἐδά-

                   φει λεοντῆ βέβληται, ὡς λάφυρα

    5            τῶν Διὸς νόθων παίδων, Ἡρακλέ-

                   ους καὶ Διονύσου.


    "Α vine creeps around Samian Hera's hair"

         It is said that a vine creeps around Samian Hera's 

         hair and that on the ground a lion's skin

         is thrown, like the spoils of the

         illegitimate sons of Zeus, Heracles5

         and Dionysus.

    Fr. 101

    a vine creeps around Samian Hera's hair

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    Suggested Citation

    Susan Stephens, Callimachus: Aetia. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-947822-07-8.