Sīc Venus et Veneris contrā sīc fīlius ōrsus:325

'Nūlla tuārum audīta mihī neque vīsa sorōrum,

ō quam tē memorem, virgō? namque haud tibi vultus

mortālis, nec vōx hominem sonat; ō, dea certē

(An Phoebī soror? an nymphārum sanguinis ūna?),

Sīs fēlīx nostrumque levēs, quaecumque, labōrem330

et quō sub caelō tandem, quibus orbis in ōrīs

iactēmur doceās: ignārī hominumque locōrumque

errāmus ventō hūc vāstīs et flūctibus āctī.

multa tibi ante ārās nostrā cadet hostia dextrā.'

Manuscripts: M | P | R

He replies that he has not, and asks her to tell him what country he has reached (Austin). 

325: Sic Venus: sc. inquit (Walpole). Supply locuta est (Robertson). Venus et Veneris...filius: the juxtaposition brings into relief the fact that they do not meet as mother and son (F-B). contra: “in reply” (Walpole). orsus: sc. est (Walpole).

326: audita mihi: sc. est (Walpole). “Heard by me”; mihi is a dative of agent (F-B) (AG 375a). Refers to clamore above (Storr).

327: O quam te memorem: O ought to be followed by a vocative, but Aeneas cannot at once think of the right name with which to address her (Walpole). memorem: deliberative subjunctive (F-B) (AG 444). tibi: sc. est. Dative of possession (Carter) (AG 373).

328: nec vox hominem sonat: sonat is here transitive (Frieze). “Nor does your voice have a human ring.” hominem is an inner (so-called cognate) accusative with sonat (F-B) (AG 390b).

329: Phoebi soror: i.e., Diana: sc. es (F-B). sanguinis: = generis (Carter). Genitive with una (Robertson).

330: sis felix: “be gracious.” sis is an optative subjunctive (F-B) (AG 441). Supply nobis (Robertson). quaecumque: sc. es (F-B).

332: locorumque: -que is elided before the vowel at the beginning of the next line. The syllable so elided is called hypermetric (F-B). In scanning this line notice that there is a syllable too much—hence the line is said to be hypermetrical; the que at the end of the line is to be elided before erramus at the beginning of the next line (Robertson).

334: dextra: ablative of instrument with cadet, which is virtually passive (Walpole) (AG 412).

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Suggested Citation

Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/sv/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-i-325-334