Interea pauidam uolitans pennata per urbem

nuntia Fama ruit matrisque adlabitur auris

Euryali. at subitus miserae calor ossa reliquit,475

excussi manibus radii reuolutaque pensa.

euolat infelix et femineo ululatu

scissa comam muros amens atque agmina cursu

prima petit, non illa uirum, non illa pericli

telorumque memor, caelum dehinc questibus implet:480

'hunc ego te, Euryale, aspicio? tune ille senectae

sera meae requies, potuisti linquere solam,

crudelis? nec te sub tanta pericula missum

adfari extremum miserae data copia matri?

heu, terra ignota canibus data praeda Latinis485

alitibusque iaces! nec te tua funere mater

produxi pressiue oculos aut uulnera laui,

ueste tegens tibi quam noctes festina diesque

urgebam, et tela curas solabar anilis.

quo sequar? aut quae nunc artus auulsaque membra490

et funus lacerum tellus habet? hoc mihi de te,

nate, refers? hoc sum terraque marique secuta?

figite me, si qua est pietas, in me omnia tela

conicite, o Rutuli, me primam absumite ferro;

aut tu, magne pater diuum, miserere, tuoque495

inuisum hoc detrude caput sub Tartara telo,

quando aliter nequeo crudelem abrumpere uitam.'

hoc fletu concussi animi, maestusque per omnis

it gemitus, torpent infractae ad proelia uires.

illam incendentem luctus Idaeus et Actor500

Ilionei monitu et multum lacrimantis Iuli

corripiunt interque manus sub tecta reponunt.


    intereā: (adv.), amid these things; meanwhile, in the meantime, 1.418, et al.

    pavidus, a, um: adj. (paveō, fear), trembling, alarmed, terror-stricken, 2.489; solicitous, trembling with expectation, eager, 5.575.

    volitō, āvī, ātus, 1, freq. n.: to fly about, whirl about, hover, flit, 6.329; ride or gallop around, 12.126; circulate, pass rapidly, fly. (1. volō)

    pennātus, a, um: adj. (penna), winged, 9.473.

    nūntius, a, um: (adj.), announcing.

    ruō, ruī, rutus, 3, n. and a.: to fall with violence; tumble down, fall, freq.; fall in battle, 10.756; of the sun, go down, set, 3.508; rush forward, 2.64; of the chariot of Nox, hasten up; ascend, rise, 2.250; advance, 10.256; plunge, rush, 2.353; flee, 12.505; tremble, quake, 8.525; hasten, pass away, 6.539; cause to fall; cast down, 9.516; plow, 1.35; cast, throw up, 1.85; throw up or together, 11.211.

    adlābor, lāpsus sum, 3, dep. n.: to glide to; (with dat., rarely acc.), sail to, reach, 3.569; advance, glide (with abl. of manner), 10.269; fly to, 9.474; descend, fall upon, 12.319.

    Euryalus, ī, m.: a Trojan youth among the followers of Aeneas, 5.294.

    subitus, a, um: having come up suddenly; unexpected, sudden, 2.692; suddenly, 3.225. (subeō)

    calor, ōris, m.: warmth, heat, vital heat, 4.705. (caleō)

    excutiō, cussī, cussus, 3, a.: to shake out or off, 2.224; throw or cast down, 1.115; cast out, 10.590; drive away, 3.200; expel, 7.299; shake out, uncoil, 3.267; uncoil and arrange (set the sails), 3.683; deprive of, 6.353; throw aside, break, 12.158; hurry forth, call forth, 9.68. (ex and quatiō)

    manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

    radius, iī, m.: a staff, rod; spoke of a wheel, 6.616; beam, ray, 5.65; a shuttle, 9.476; the representation of rays on a crown, 12.163.

    revolvō, volvī, volūtus, 3, a.: to roll back, 5.336; (fig.), bring back, recall, repeat, 2.101; retrace, 9.391; go over again, suffer again, 10.61; turn, change again, 6.449; (pass.), revolvor, fall back, fall down, 9.476; p., revolūtus, a, um, rolling, 10.660; returning, following, 10.256.

    pēnsum, ī, n.: that which is weighed out or assigned for a day's spinning; a day's work; task, 8.412; a web, 9.476. (pendō)

    ēvolō, āvī, ātus, 1, n.: to fly away, 9.477.

    īnfēlīx, īcis: (adj.), unlucky; unfortunate, luckless, unhappy, 1.475, et al.; sad, miserable, 2.772; of ill omen, ill-starred, ill-boding, fatal, 2.245; unfruitful.

    fēmineus, a, um: adj. (fēmina), pertaining to women; female, 9.142; a woman’s, of a woman, 2.584; of women, 4.667; fit for a woman, 12.53.

    ululātus, ūs, m.: a yelling, howling, 7.395; wailing, shrieking, 4.667. (ululō)

    scindō, scidī, scissus, 3, a.: to cut asunder; split, 6.182; part, separate, divide, 1.161; tear, 9.478; (fig.), divide, 2.39.

    āmēns, entis: out of one’s mind or senses; amazed, beside one’s self, frantic, mad, furious, 2.314; 4.203; distracted, 3.307.

    memor, oris: adj. (rel. to mēns and meminī), mindful, remembering, 1.23; heedful, 480; thankful, grateful, 4.539; not forgetting; relentless, 1.4; with nōn or nec, unmindful, regardless, 12.534.

    dehinc (often monosyll.): (adv.), from this place; from this time; thereupon, then, 1.131.

    questus, ūs, m.: a complaining; moaning; groans, 7.501; mournful sound. (queror)

    senecta, ae, f.: old age, 5.395. (senex)

    sērus, a, um: (adj.), late, freq.; late in life, 6.764; slow, tardy, 2.373; too late, 5.524; (adv.), sērum, late, 12.864.

    requiēs, ētis or ēī, f.: repose, rest, 3.393; respite, 4.433; support, comfort, 9.482; cessation, 12.241.

    possum, potuī, posse, irreg. n.: to be able; can, 1.242, et al.; to avail, have influence, power, 4.382. (potis and sum)

    linquō, līquī, 3, a.: to leave, 1.517, and freq.; desert, abandon, flee from, 3.213; pass by, 3.705; depart from, leave, 3.124; of death, yield up, 3.140; give up or over, desist from, 3.160.

    crūdēlis, e: adj. (crūdus), unfeeling, ruthless, cruel, inhuman, 2.124; relentless, 1.547; unnatural, 6.24; mortal, deadly, 2.561; bloody, 1.355; bitter, 1.361.

    nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

    adfor, fātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to speak to; address, 1.663; beseech, supplicate, 2.700; bid adieu, farewell to, 2.644.

    heu: (interj.), alas! ah! oh! 2.289, et al.

    ignōtus, a, um: (adj.), unknown, 1.359; strange, 5.795; not well known, but little known, 11.527.

    Latīnus, a, um: adj. (Latium), of Latium; Latin, 1.6, et al.; Latīna, ae, f., a Latin woman, 12.604.

    āles, itis (gen. pl. sometimes alituum, 8.27): adj. (āla), winged, swift, 5.861, et al.; subst. c., a bird, 1.394; an owl, 12.862.

    prōdūcō, dūxī, ductus, 3, a.: to lead, draw forth, carry, bring, conduct, lead forth, 9.487; breed, produce, 12.900; prolong, protract, 2.637.

    lavō, lāvī, lautus, and lōtus, 1 and 3, a. and n.: to wash, bathe, 3.663; wet, sprinkle, 6.227; p., lautus, a, um, washed; neat, elegant; stately, magnificent, 8.361.

    festīnus, a, um: adj. (festīnō), hastening. 9.488.

    urgeō, ursī, 2, a. and n.: to drive, impel, press forward, 1.111; ply, hasten, 9.489; press, oppress, crush, bear down, 3.579; press around, inclose, surround, hem in, 11.524; weigh upon, oppress, close, 10.745; overpower, 2.653; attack, 10.375; punish, torture, 6.561.

    tēla, ae, f.: a web; the long thread of a woven fabric; the warp; web, 4.264. (texō)

    sōlor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to solace, console, 5.770; assuage, comfort, aid, relieve, 5.41; console one's self for, 1.239.

    anīlis, e: adj. (anus), of an old woman; an old woman’s, 4.641.

    artus, ūs, m.: a joint of the body of man or beast, 5.422; a limb, 2.173, et al.; part, member, 6.726; frame, body, 9.490. (generally in the pl., except in later writers)

    āvellō, vellī or vulsī, vulsus, 3, a.: to pluck, or tear off, or away from, with acc. and abl., take away, steal, 2.165; to force away, 11.201; p., avulsus, a, um, torn from, 2.608; torn, rent, 3.575.

    lacer, era, erum: (adj.), torn, mangled, bruised, mutilated, 5.275.

    fīgō, fīxī, fīxus, 3, a.: to fix or fasten; freq., the object in or on which, in the abl., 1.212; abl. w. prep., 6.636; acc. w. prep., 9.408; fasten up, suspend from, 3.287; hang up, 1.248; set up, establish, make, 6.622; transfix, pierce, 5.516; hurl (fix by hurling), 10.883; wound, 10.343; inscribe, 11.84.

    quis, qua or quae, quid or quod: (indef. pron., adj., and subst.), any, some, 2.94, et al.; some one, any one, any body, anything, something, 1.413, et al.; sī quis, nē quis, etc., if any, lest any, etc., freq.; (adv.), quid, as to anything, in anything, at all, freq.; sī quid, if at all, freq.

    coniciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to throw together; pile up, 5.662; throw, cast, hurl, 2.545; turn, 12.483. (com- and iaciō)

    ō: (interj. expressing joy, grief, astonishment, desire, or indignation), O! oh! ah! w. voc., 2.281, et al.; w. sī and the subj., oh that, 11.415; sometimes placed after the word to which it relates, 2.281.

    Rutulī, ōrum, m.: the Rutulians, an ancient tribe of Latium dwelling south of the Tiber, 1.266, et al.

    absūmō, sūmpsī, sūmptus, 3, a.: to take away; of death, to end, destroy, 3.654; exhaust, spend, 7.301; consume, devour, 3.257; cut off, end, 1.555.

    misereō, uī, itus, 2, n., and misereor, itus sum, 2, dep. n.: to pity, commiserate, have compassion, 2.645; impers., miseret (mē, tē, etc.), w. genit. of the object of pity, it grieves me for, I pity, etc., 5.354. (miser)

    invīsus, a, um: hated, hateful, odious, 1.387; (act.), inimical, an enemy, hostile, 11.364.

    dētrūdō, trūsī, trūsus, 3, a.: to thrust down or away; push off from, 1.145; drive from, thrust out, 6.584; thrust down, 7.772.

    Tartarus, ī, m., pl., Tartara, ōrum, n.: the lower world, Hades; especially that portion which was set apart for the wicked; Tartarus, 5.734, et al.

    nequeō, īvī or iī, itus, īre, irreg. n.: to be unable; can not, 1.713.

    abrumpō, rūpī, ruptus, 3, a.: to break off, away, or tear away from, 9.118; tear asunder, rend, 3.199; end suddenly or abruptly, 4.388; put an end to, 4.631; violate, 3.55; p. abruptus, a, um, having burst, bursting, breaking forth, subst., abruptum, ī, n., anything broken off; a precipice; abyss, chasm, 3.422; in abruptum, headlong, 12.687.

    flētus, ūs, m.: a weeping; tears, 3.599; a flood of tears, 2.271; lamentation, mourning, 4.463; tearful, sad message, 4.437. (fleō)

    concutiō, cussī, cussus, 3, a.: to shake completely; shake, 2.629; push, 8.237; rouse, spur, 8.3; sift, examine, search, 7.338; agitate, strike with panic, terrify, 4.666; smite, afflict, 5.700. (com- and quatiō)

    gemitus, ūs, m.: a groaning; a groan, 3.39, et al.; sigh, 1.485; lamentation, 2.486; cry, 2.413; noise, roaring, 3.555. (gemō)

    torpeō, uī, 2, n.: to be numb, torpid; unmoved, 9.499.

    īnfringō, frēgī, frāctus, 3, a.: to break in; break, 12.387; (fig.), to break down, subdue, 5.784; dishearten, paralyze, 9.499. (in and frangō)

    incendō, cendī, cēnsus, 3, a.: to set fire to, burn, 2.353; kindle, 3.279; illuminate, 5.88; (fig.), of the mind, fire, inflame, 1.660; arouse, rouse to action, 5.719; excite, irritate, enrage, madden, provoke, 4.360; disturb, rend, fill, 10.895.

    lūctus, ūs, m.: a mourning; sorrow, grief, woe, lamentation, 2.298, and freq.; personif., 6.274. (lūgeō)

    Īdaeus, ī, m.: Idaeus, the charioteer of Priam, 6.485.

    Actor, oris, m.: 1. The name of a Trojan, 9.500. 2. The name of an Auruncian, 12.94.

    Īlioneus (quadrisyll.), eī, m. (acc. ēa instead of ea, 1.611): commander of one of the ships of Aeneas, 1.120, et al.

    monitus, ūs, m.: an admonition, warning, 4.282. (moneō)

    multum: (adv.), much, greatly, exceedingly, 3.348, et al.

    lacrimō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a.: to shed tears, weep, 1.459. (lacrima)

    Iūlus, ī, m.: Iulus or Ascanius, son of Aeneas, 1.267, et freq.

    corripiō, ripuī, reptus, 3, a.: to take completely or eagerly; to grasp, snatch, seize, catch, 1.45; hurry away, 1.100; tear away; hasten on, take, 1.418; raise quickly, rouse, 4.572; sē corripere, to hasten away, 6.472. (com- and rapiō)

    repōnō, posuī, positus (postus), 3, a.: to lay, place, put back, replace, 3.231; lay aside or down, 5.484; put, lay up, store away, w. abl., 4.403; lay, deposit, place, 6.220; w. dat., 11.594; restore, w. in and acc., 1.253; return, repay, 12.878.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.