Vix ea fātus eram: tremere omnia vīsa repente,90

līminaque laurusque deī, tōtusque movērī

mōns circum et mūgīre adytīs cortīna reclūsīs.

Summissī petimus terram et vōx fertur ad aurīs:

'Dardanidae dūrī, quae vōs ā stirpe parentum

prīma tulit tellūs, eadem vōs ūbere laetō95

accipiet reducēs. Antīquam exquīrite mātrem.

Hīc domus Aenēae cūnctīs dominābitur ōrīs

et nātī nātōrum et quī nāscentur ab illīs.'

Haec Phoebus; mixtōque ingēns exorta tumultū

laetitia, et cūnctī quae sint ea moenia quaerunt,100

quō Phoebus vocet errantīs iubeatque revertī.

Tum genitor veterum volvēns monimenta virōrum

'Audīte, ō procerēs,' ait 'et spēs discite vestrās.

Crēta Iovis magnī mediō iacet īnsula pontō,

mōns Īdaeus ubi et gentis cūnābula nostrae.105

Centum urbēs habitant magnās, ūberrima rēgna,

maximus unde pater, sī rīte audīta recordor,

Teucrus Rhoetēās prīmum est advectus in ōrās,

optāvitque locum rēgnō. Nōndum Īlium et arcēs

Pergameae steterant; habitābant vallibus īmīs.110

Hinc māter cultrīx Cybelī Corybantiaque aera

Īdaeumque nemus, hinc fīda silentia sacrīs,

et iūnctī currum dominae subiēre leōnēs.

Ergō agite et dīvum dūcunt quā iussa sequāmur:

plācēmus ventōs et Cnōsia rēgna petāmus.115

Nec longō distant cursū: modo Iuppiter adsit,

tertia lūx classem Crētaeīs sistet in ōrīs.'

Sīc fātus meritōs ārīs mactāvit honōrēs,

taurum Neptūnō, taurum tibi, pulcher Apollō,

nigram Hiemī pecudem, Zephyrīs fēlīcibus albam.120


    tremō, uī, 3, n. and a.: to tremble, quake, shake, quiver, 5.198; tremble at, fear, dread, 8.296.

    repēns, entis: (adv.), suddenly, unexpectedly, 1.594.

    laurus, ī, f.: the laurel or bay tree, 2.513; a laurel crown or wreath, 3.81.

    circum: (adv.), about, around; (prep. with acc.), around, about.

    mūgiō, īvī or iī, 4, n.: to low, bellow, 8.218; (fig.), of a trumpet, 8.526; of the tripod, 3.92; to make a roaring sound, rumble, of the ground, 4.490.

    adytum, ī, n.: the inaccessible; the innermost part of a temple, accessible only to the priest; a shrine, sanctuary, oracle, 2.115; the interior of a tomb, or shrine of the dead, 5.84.

    cortīna, ae, f.: a caldron; kettle; (fig.), the tripod of Apollo, 3.92; an oracle, 6.347.

    reclūdō, clūsī, clūsus, 3, a.: to unclose; to open, freq.; throw open, 3.92; reveal, disclose, 1.358; unsheathe, 4.646; cut or lay open, 4.63. (re- and claudō)

    summittō, mīsī, missus, 3, a.: to send or put under; yield, 4.414; p., summissus, a, um, let down; bowing down, kneeling, prostrate, 3.93; submissive, 10.611; humble, 12.807. (sub and mittō)

    Dardanidēs, ae, m.: a son or descendant of Dardanus; Aeneas, 10.545; pl., Dardanidae, ārum (um), the Trojans, 1.560, et al.; adj., Dardanian, Trojan, 2.59.

    stirps, stirpis, f.: the lower part of the trunk together with the roots of plants and trees; the extremity, end; root; trunk, tree, 12.770; (fig.), origin, descent, lineage, stock, race, 1.626, et al.

    ūber, eris, n.: a teat, an udder, 3.392; the breast, 5.285; breast, bosom, 3.95; (meton.), richness, fertility, fruitfulness, productiveness, 1.531.

    redux, ucis: adj. (redūcō), led back, brought back, returning, 1.390.

    exquīrō, sīvī, sītus, 3, a.: to seek out, 3.96; discover, petition, pray for, implore, 4.57. (ex and quaerō)

    Aenēās, ae, m.: 1. A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid, 1.92. 2. Aenēās Silvius, one of the Alban kings, 6.769.

    dominor, ātus sum (pass. inf., dominārier, 7.70), 1, dep. n.: to be lord or master; rule, reign, be supreme, 2.363; foll. by abl. w. in, 2.327; by abl. without in, 6.766; and in 1.285; take possession, overrun, prevail. (dominus)

    ōra, ae, f.: a margin, border, 12.924; coast, shore, 3.396; region, 2.91; rim, extremity, 10.477; pl., outline, compass, 9.528.

    Phoebus, ī, m.: Phoebus or Apollo, 1.329, et al.

    exorior, ortus sum, 4, dep. n.: to rise up; come forth, appear, rise, 4.130; arise, 3.128; spring up, arise, 4.625.

    tumultus, ūs, m.: commotion; uproar; outcry, 9.397; shouting, cries, 3.99; haste, 11.447; uprising, 6.857. (tumeō)

    laetitia, ae, f.: joy, 1.514, et al. (laetus)

    iubeō, iussī (fut. perf. iussō for iusserō, 11.467), iussus, 2, a.: to order, request, usually w. inf., freq.; bid, 2.3; ask, invite, 1.708; will, wish, desire, 3.261; direct, enjoin, admonish, 3.697; persuade, advise, 2.37; to clear by command, 10.444; w. subj., 10.53.

    revertō, 3, n., and revertor, versus sum, 3, dep. n.: to turn back; go, come back, return, 3.101.

    genitor, ōris, m.: he who begets; father, sire, 1.155, et al. (gignō)

    volvō, volvī, volūtus, 3, a.: to roll, 1.86; roll along or down, 1.101; roll or cast up, 3.206; toss, hurl, 12.906; roll over, roll in the dust, 12.329; cast, hurl down, 1.116; 9.512; roll, wheel, 1.163; of books, open, unroll, 1.262; of the Fates, fix the circle of events, decree, ordain, dispose, 1.22; 3.376; of the mind, revolve, meditate, reflect upon, 1.305; pass, continue, live through, experience, endure, suffer, 1.9; rotam volvere, to complete a cycle, period; (pass.), volvī, roll over, roll, 10.590; turn or wind about, 7.350; to be shed, to flow, 4.449; roll on, revolve, 1.269.

    monumentum, ī, n.: a means of admonishing, reminding, or instructing; a memorial, 3.486; record, tradition, 3.102; memento, 12.945; token, 6.512. (cf. moneō)

    ō: (interj. expressing joy, grief, astonishment, desire, or indignation), O! oh! ah! w. voc., 2.281, et al.; w. sī and the subj., oh that, 11.415; sometimes placed after the word to which it relates, 2.281.

    procer, eris, m.: a chief, noble; pl., procerēs, um, elders, nobles, princes, 1.740. (in the sing. found only in the acc.)

    Crēta, ae, f.: Crete, a large island south of the Aegean Sea, now Candia, 3.104.

    Iuppiter, Iovis, m.: Jupiter, son of Saturn and Rhea, and king of the gods, 1.223; Iuppiter Stygius, Pluto, 4.638.

    Īdaeus, a, um: (adj.), of Mount Ida (either in Crete or in the Troad), Idaean, 3.105; 2.696, et al.; pertaining to Cybele, goddess of the Trojan Ida, 9.112.

    cūnabula, ōrum, n.: a cradle; birthplace, 3.105. (cūnae, cradle)

    habitō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. and n.: to have continually, have in possession; occupy, inhabit, 3.106; dwell, 3.110. (habeō)

    ūber, eris: (adj.), fruitful, fertile, 3.106. (compar., ūberior; superl., ūberrimus), (ūber)

    rīte: (adv.), properly, fitly, rightly, 6.145; justly, meetly, 3.36; well, 3.107. (rītus)

    recordor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a. and n.: to call to mind; remember, 3.107. (re- and cor)

    Teucer (Teucrus), crī, m.: 1. Teucer, first king of Troy, son of the river-god Scamander, and father-in-law of Dardanus, 1.235. 2. Teucer, son of Telamon and Hesione, half-brother of Ajax, and founder of Salamis in Cyprus, 1.619.

    Rhoetēus, a, um: (adj.), of Rhoeteum, a promontory on the coast of the Troad; Rhoetean, 6.505; Trojan, 12.456.

    advehō, vexī, vectus, 3, a.: to carry or convey to; (pass.), advehī, sail to, 1.558; 3.108; foll. by acc., 8.136.

    Īlium, iī, n.: Troy, 1.68, et al.

    Pergameus, a, um: adj. (Pergamus), of Pergamus, Pergamean; Trojan, 3.110. Pergamea (sc. urbs), the city built by Aeneas in Crete, 3.133.

    vallēs, is, f.: a valley, dell, dale, ravine, vale, 1.186, et al.

    cultrīx, īcis, f.: an inhabitant; protectress, 3.111. (colō)

    Cybelē, ēs, and Cybēbē, ēs, or ae, f.: 1. Cybele, the principal goddess of Phrygia, corresponding to the “Magna Mater” of the Romans, and often identified with Rhea and Ops, 10.220. 2. A mountain in Phrygia sacred to Cybele, 3.111.

    Corybantius, a, um: (adj.), of the Corybantes, priests of Cybele; Corybantian, 3.111.

    fīdus, a, um: adj. (fīdō), trustworthy, faithful, trusty, 1.188; safe, secure, hospitable, 5.24; w. gen., tuī fīdissima, most faithful to thee, 12.659.

    silentium, iī, n.: of the absence of any kind of sound; noiselessness, silence, stillness, 1.730; pl., 2.255. (silēns)

    sacrum, ī, n.: a holy thing; pl., sacra, ōrum, n., sacred symbols, rites, 12.13; sacred rites, ceremonies, sacrifices, 2.132; sacred things, utensils, symbols, 2.293; mysteries, 3.112.

    subeō, iī, itus (p. subiēns, euntis), 4, n. and a.: to go or come under, into, or up to; alone, or with acc. and prep., or with dat.; without a case, come up, 2.216; go under, bend, stoop down under, 10.522; come after; follow, 2.725; take one's place, 12.471; enter, 1.171; come into or upon the mind, suggest itself, occur, 2.560; with acc. and prep., go, advance towards, 8.359; with dat., come or go up to, down to, into, 5.203; succeed to, 5.176; come after, follow, 10.371; with acc., approach, enter, 1.400; go under a burden, bear, with abl. of instrument, 2.708; go under the yoke, draw, 3.113; enter the mind of, strike, occur to, 9.757; approach, reach, 3.512; approach, 7.22; meet, encounter, 10.798; attack, 9.344.

    leō, leōnis, m.: a lion, 2.722, et al.

    age, agite: (imperat. of ago), onward! away! come on!

    iussum, ī, n.: a thing ordered; command, injunction, order, 1.77, et al. (iubeō)

    plācō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to appease, 2.116; calm, quiet, still, 1.142; subdue, quell, 6.803. (rel. to placeō)

    Cnōsius, a, um: adj. (Cnōsus or Gnōsus), of Knossos, a city in Crete; Knossian, Cretan, 3.115.

    nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

    distō, 1, n.: to stand apart; be distant, 3.116.

    modo: (adv.), only, but, 1.389; lately, just now, 5.493; provided that, in case, 3.116; modo nōn, almost, 9.141. (abl. of modus, with limit or qualification)

    adsum, adfuī, esse, irreg. n.: to be near or by; to be present, at hand, or here, 1.595; to have arrived, 2.132; to be with, attend, 2.701; aid, accompany, 10.547; be propitious, 3.116; to beset, 2.330; inf., adfore, to be about to come, destined to come, 7.270. (imp. subj., adforem, -ēs, -et, -ent)

    Crētaeus, a, um: adj. (Crēta), of Crete; Cretan, 3.117.

    sistō, stitī, status, 3, a. and n.: to cause to stand, put, set, place, w. abl. of place, 2.245, et al.; place before one, bring, 4.634; fix, plant, 10.323; stop, 12.355; arrest, stay, 6.465; support, sustain, maintain, 6.858; set, place, 6.676; n., stand still, to stop, remain, abide, 3.7; stand in fight, 11.873.

    meritus, a, um: having deserved, deserving, 3.667; (pass.), deserved, merited, 4.611; due, 5.652. (mereō)

    māctō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to magnify by worship; to sacrifice, immolate, 2.202; slay, slaughter, 8.294, et al.

    taurus, ī, m.: a bull, steer, ox, bullock, 2.202, et al.

    Neptūnus, ī, m.: Neptune, one of the sons of Saturn, and brother of Jupiter, Juno, and Pluto; identified by the Romans, as god of the sea, with the Greek Poseidon, 1.125.

    Apollō, inis, m.: Apollo, son of Jupiter and Latona; the god of prophecy, medicine, music, poetry, and archery, 2.430; met., a temple of Apollo, 3.275.

    hiems, hiemis, f.: winter, 3.285; storm, tempest, 1.122; personif., 3.120.

    pecus, udis, f.: one animal of a flock or herd; an animal, 1.743; a sheep, 3.120; victim for sacrifices, 4.63.

    Zephyrus, ī, m.: Zephyrus or Favonius, the god of the west wind, 2.417, et al.; west wind, 4.562; wind, 10.103.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.