Nec nōn Aenēās opera inter tālia prīmus

hortātur sociōs paribusque accingitur armīs.

Atque haec ipse suō trīstī cum corde volūtat185

aspectāns silvam immēnsam, et sīc forte precātur:

'Sī nunc sē nōbīs ille aureus arbore rāmus

ostendat nemore in tantō! quandō omnia vērē

heu nimium dē tē vātēs, Mīsēne, locūta est.'

Vix ea fātus erat, geminae cum forte columbae190

ipsa sub ōra virī caelō vēnēre volantēs,

et viridī sēdēre solō. Tum maximus hērōs

māternās agnōvit avīs laetusque precātur:

'Este ducēs, ō, sī qua via est, cursumque per aurās

dērigite in lūcōs ubi pinguem dīves opācat195

rāmus humum. Tūque, ō, dubiīs nē dēfice rēbus,

diva parēns.' Sīc effātus vēstīgia pressit

observāns quae signa ferant, quō tendere pergant.

Pāscentēs illae tantum prōdīre volandō

quantum aciē possent oculī servāre sequentum.200

Inde ubi vēnēre ad faucēs grave olentis Avernī,

tollunt sē celerēs liquidumque per āëra lāpsae

sēdibus optātīs geminā super arbore sīdunt,

discolor unde aurī per rāmōs aura refulsit.

Quāle solet silvīs brūmālī frīgore viscum205

fronde virēre novā, quod nōn sua sēminat arbōs,

et croceō fētū teretīs circumdare truncōs,

tālis erat speciēs aurī frondentis opācā

īlice, sīc lēnī crepitābat brattea ventō.

Corripit Aenēās extemplō avidusque refringit210

cūnctantem, et vātis portat sub tēcta Sibyllae.


    nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

    Aenēās, ae, m.: 1. A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid, 1.92. 2. Aenēās Silvius, one of the Alban kings, 6.769.

    pār, paris: (adj.), equal, 1.705; like, 2.794; equal, well-poised, steady, 4.252; side by side, 5.580; well-matched, 5.114.

    accingō, cīnxī, cīnctus (pass. inf., accingier, 4.493), 3, a.: to gird on; gird, 2.614; arm, equip, 6.184; make one’s self ready; prepare, 1.210; resort to, 4.493. (ad and cingō)

    volūtō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. and n.: to roll about; to roll back, reëcho, 5.149; roll or send through, make resound, 1.725; of thought, turn over, ponder, think over; meditate, 1.50; with ellipsis of the acc., 4.533; n., fall prostrate, 3.607. (volvō)

    aspectō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a.: to look at or upon, behold, 10.4; survey earnestly, 6.186; with admiration, 1.420; with regret, 5.615. (ad and spectō)

    immēnsus, a, um: unmeasured; boundless; vast, immense, 2.204; mighty, 3.672; insatiate, unbounded, 6.823.

    rāmus, ī, m.: a branch, bough, 4.485, et al.; limb, 8.318; wreath, 5.71.

    heu: (interj.), alas! ah! oh! 2.289, et al.

    Mīsēnus, ī, m.: son of Aeolus; a skillful trumpeter, who followed Hector in the Trojan war, and afterwards Aeneas, and was drowned on the coast of Campania, 3.239.

    geminus, a, um: (adj.), twin, 1.274, et al.; twofold, 6.203; double, two, 4.470; pl., geminī, ae, a, twin, 2.500; two, 1.162.

    columba, ae, f.: a pigeon, dove, 2.516.

    veniō, vēnī, ventus: to come, freq.; come forth; approach, 6.755; rise, appear, 1.353; dawn, 10.241; to present one's self or itself, 5.344; descend, spring from, 5.373; impers., ventum est, we, they came or have come, 4.151.

    volō, āvī, ātus, 1, n.: to fly, 1.300, et al.; of rumor, to be spread rapidly, noised or spread abroad, 3.121.

    viridis, e: adj. (vireō), verdant, green, 3.24; green wood-, 7.677; fresh, blooming, 5.295; vigorous, 6.304.

    solum, ī, n.: the bottom or ground of anything; soil, earth, ground, 1.367, et al.; land, 3.698; foundation, 10.102; the water beneath a ship, as its support; the water, sea, 5.199; support, table, 7.111.

    hērōs, ōis, m.: a demigod; a hero, 6.192, et al.; an illustrious man, champion, hero, 5.453.

    māternus, a, um: adj. (māter), pertaining to a mother; mother's, maternal, 4.144; maternal, on the mother's side, 4.258; of a mother’s gift, 12.107.

    adgnoscō, nōvī, nitus, 3, a.: to recognize, 1.470.

    ō: (interj. expressing joy, grief, astonishment, desire, or indignation), O! oh! ah! w. voc., 2.281, et al.; w. sī and the subj., oh that, 11.415; sometimes placed after the word to which it relates, 2.281.

    quis, qua or quae, quid or quod: (indef. pron., adj., and subst.), any, some, 2.94, et al.; some one, any one, any body, anything, something, 1.413, et al.; sī quis, nē quis, etc., if any, lest any, etc., freq.; (adv.), quid, as to anything, in anything, at all, freq.; sī quid, if at all, freq.

    dērigō, rēxī, rēctus, 3, a.: to lay straight, bring into a definite line; to aim, direct, 1.401, et al. (dē and regō)

    lūcus, ī, m.: a consecrated wood; sacred grove, 6.259, et al.; in general, a grove, wood, forest.

    pinguis, e: (adj.), fat, 1.215; well-fed, 1.635; fertile; reeking, 4.62; fat or rich with victims, 9.585.

    opācō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to shade, 6.195. (opācus)

    dīvus (dīus), a, um: (adj.), divine; godlike, 11.657; subst., dīvus, ī, m., a god, freq.; the image of a god, 12.286; dīva, ae, f., a goddess, 1.632, et al.

    effor, fātus sum, 1, dep. a. and n.: to speak forth; speak, say, 6.560. (ex and for)

    observō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to note, observe, mark, watch, 6.198; remember, 9.393; observe, respect, revere.

    pāscō, pāvī, pāstus, 3, a. and n.: to furnish with food; to feed; rear, breed, 6.655; nourish, 1.608; (fig.), 1.464; let grow, 7.391; cherish, indulge, nourish, 10.627; pass. as dep., pāscor, pāstus sum, 3, a. and n., to graze, 1.186; feed upon, eat, 2.471; use for pasture, to pasture, 11.319.

    prōdeō, īvī or iī, itus, īre, irreg. n.: to go forth; move forward or along, 6.199; advance, project, 10.693.

    possum, potuī, posse, irreg. n.: to be able; can, 1.242, et al.; to avail, have influence, power, 4.382. (potis and sum)

    faucēs, ium, f.: the jaws, throat, 2.358; (fig.), mouth, entrance, jaws, 6.241; defiles, 11.516.

    gravis, e: (adj.), heavy, 1.728, et al.; pregnant, 1.274; ponderous, firm, 5.437; (fig.), grave, venerable, 1.151; stern, grave (gravely), 5.387; cruel, 10.630; fierce, 10.755; weighed down with years or disease; infirm, enfeebled, 2.436; grievous, hard, 6.56; painful, deep, 4.1; offensive; comp., graviōra, um, subst., n. pl., greater hardships, sufferings, 1.199.

    oleō, uī, 2, n. and a.: to emit a smell; to smell of; p., olēns, entis, smelling; fragrant, 11.137; strong-scented.

    Avernus, ī, m.: Avernus, a lake near Naples, between Baiae and Cumae, in Campania, now Lago d’ Averno. Near it was one of the entrances to Hades; hence, the lower world, Avernus, 6.126; portus Avernī, the harbor of Cumae, near Avernus, 5.813. (ἄορνος, birdless)

    liquidus, a, um: adj. (liqueō), flowing, liquid, fluid, 5.217, et al.; clear, serene, 6.202.

    lābor, lapsus sum, 3, dep. n.: to slide, glide down, or slip, freq.; fall down, 2.465; ebb, 11.628; pass away, 2.14; descend, 2.262; glide, sail, skim along, 8.91; flow, 3.281; fall, perish, 2.430; decline, 4.318; faint, 3.309.

    optātus, a, um: desired, longed for, much desired, 1.172; (adv.), optātō, according to one's wish; in good time, 10.405.

    sīdō, sīdī, 3, n.: to seat one’s self; perch, alight, 6.203.

    discolor, ōris: (adj.), of different color, 6.204.

    refulgeō, fulsī, fulsus, 2, n.: to flash back; shine forth, flash, be radiant, 1.402; glitter, glisten, 6.204.

    brūmālis, e: adj. (brūma), of the winter; wintry, 6.205.

    frīgus, oris, n.: cold, frost, 6.309; cold weather, a cold storm; coolness, cool breeze; frost; chilling, paralyzing fear, 1.92; the chill of death, 12.951. (rel. to frīgeō)

    vīscum, ī, n.: the mistletoe, 6.205.

    frōns, frondis, f.: a leaf, 3.449; leafage, foliage; leafy spray, branch, twig, bough, 2.249; a leafy crown, a garland, wreath, 4.148.

    vireō, uī, 2, n.: to be green, 6.206, et al.; p., virēns, entis, green, 6.679.

    sēminō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to plant, sow; produce, 6.206. (sēmen)

    croceus, a, um: adj. (crocus), of saffron; saffron-colored, yellow, 4.585.

    fētus, ūs, m.: a bearing or breeding; the young; the new swarm, 1.432; litter, 3.391; of vegetable products, growth, sprig, shoot, 6.207; fruit; product.

    teres, etis: adj. (terō), rubbed or rounded off smooth; tapering, 7.665; polished, 5.313; well twisted, strong, 11.579.

    circumdō, dedī, datus, dare, 1, a.: to put or throw around; (with abl.), to encircle, surround, encompass, inclose with, 1.368; of dress, gird, 9.462; adorn, 6.207; set, 1.593; border, 4.137; (with dat.), throw around, 2.792; twine or coil around, 2.219; put round, 2.510.

    truncus, ī, m.: the stem, stock, or trunk of a tree; stem, trunk, 6.207; trunk of the human body, 2.557.

    frondeō, 2, n.: to be leafy; to bear or put forth leaves; frondēns, leafy, 3.25; green; still bearing leaves, 4.399. (1. frōns)

    opācus, a, um: (adj.), shady, 6.283; obscure, dark, 3.619; subst., opāca, ōrum, n., partitive; opāca viārum, dark pathways, roads, 6.633.

    īlex, icis, f.: the holm-oak, scarlet oak, ilex, 6.180.

    lēnis, e: (adj.), mild, 3.70; gentle, quiet, 2.782.

    crepitō, 1, n.: to make a rattling noise; creak, crackle, murmur, rustle, 3.70; crack, crash, 5.436; rattle, 5.459; dash, 11.299. (crepō)

    bractea, ae, f.: a thin plate of metal; gold-foil, -leaf, 6.209.

    corripiō, ripuī, reptus, 3, a.: to take completely or eagerly; to grasp, snatch, seize, catch, 1.45; hurry away, 1.100; tear away; hasten on, take, 1.418; raise quickly, rouse, 4.572; sē corripere, to hasten away, 6.472. (com- and rapiō)

    extemplō: (adv.), immediately, forthwith, at once, directly, 6.210. (ex and tempus)

    avidus, a, um: adj. (aveō, desire), longing, eager, 1.514; eagerly, quickly, 6.210; with longing, 3.132; eager for destruction, devouring, destructive, baneful; with infin., 12.290; with gen., eagerly, desirous of, eager for, 9.661.

    refringō, frēgī, frāctus, 3, a.: to break back; break off, 6.210. (re- and frangō)

    cunctor, ātus sum, 1, dep. n.: to delay, hesitate, linger, wait, 4.133; keep one's ground, stand at bay, 10.717.

    Sibylla, ae, f.: a prophetess, a sibyl; the Cumaean sibyl, Deiphobe, 3.452, et al.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.