
Many scholars, teachers, and students contribute to DCC. If you would like to contribute in any way, please contact one of the senior editors.

Our commentaries are akin to the Bryn Mawr Commentaries: intended for first-time readers, whether students or advanced scholars who want to read the text expeditiously. 

Style Guide

Common Abbreviations

Anchors for Allen & Greenough

Anchors for Goodell

Commentary proposals should include:

  • A curriculum vitae
  • An approximately ten-page sample of notes
  • A summary of the specific types of introductory matter envisioned, with bibliography
  • A summary of the specific types of multimedia enhancements envisioned, whether audio, video, maps, images, or something else, and how those might be created, or from what sources drawn. Images are particularly welcome, but must be annotated to make clear their relevance and relationship to the text. How will those annotations be created?
  • A statement of what collaborators, if any, the editor can bring on board to help complete the work. These might include students, colleagues, or web developers at the author’s institution, or elsewhere. Please note any grants for which you might apply to speed the work.