(prep. with abl. and acc.); (with abl.), under, (denoting situation); beneath, under, freq.; at the foot of, 3.5; in the lower part of a thing, in, 1.453; down in, deep in, 1.36; by, close, to, 5.837; (of time), in, 4.560; (of rank or order), just behind, next after, 5.323; close to, in subjection to, subordinate to, under, 9.643; by reason of, under, 2.83; (with acc.), denoting tendency, down to, 4.243; down under, into, 4.654; down before, 6.191; near to, 5.327; in the midst of, 12.811; (of approaching the foot of some high object), up to or close to, 2.442; to or towards, 6.541; (of some object situated above or on high), up to, towards, 3.422, et al.; of time, just before or after; following after, in reply to, 5.394; coming under, subject to, under, 4.618; sub noctem, at nightfall, 1.662.

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