Vix ea dicta, dehinc progressus monstrat et aram

et Carmentalem Romani nomine portam

quam memorant, nymphae priscum Carmentis honorem,

uatis fatidicae, cecinit quae prima futuros340

Aeneadas magnos et nobile Pallanteum.

hinc lucum ingentem, quem Romulus acer asylum

rettulit, et gelida monstrat sub rupe Lupercal

Parrhasio dictum Panos de more Lycaei.

nec non et sacri monstrat nemus Argileti345

testaturque locum et letum docet hospitis Argi.

hinc ad Tarpeiam sedem et Capitolia ducit

aurea nunc, olim siluestribus horrida dumis.

iam tum religio pauidos terrebat agrestis

dira loci, iam tum siluam saxumque tremebant.350

'hoc nemus, hunc' inquit 'frondoso uertice collem

(quis deus incertum est) habitat deus; Arcades ipsum

credunt se uidisse Iouem, cum saepe nigrantem

aegida concuteret dextra nimbosque cieret.

haec duo praeterea disiectis oppida muris,355

reliquias ueterumque uides monimenta uirorum.

hanc Ianus pater, hanc Saturnus condidit arcem;

Ianiculum huic, illi fuerat Saturnia nomen.'

talibus inter se dictis ad tecta subibant

pauperis Euandri, passimque armenta uidebant360

Romanoque foro et lautis mugire Carinis.

ut uentum ad sedes, 'haec' inquit 'limina uictor

Alcides subiit, haec illum regia cepit.

aude, hospes, contemnere opes et te quoque dignum

finge deo, rebusque ueni non asper egenis.'365

dixit, et angusti subter fastigia tecti

ingentem Aenean duxit stratisque locauit

effultum foliis et pelle Libystidis ursae:

Nox ruit et fuscīs tellūrem amplectitur ālīs.


    dehinc (often monosyll.): (adv.), from this place; from this time; thereupon, then, 1.131.

    prōgredior, gressus sum, 3 dep. n.: to go, come forward or forth, 4.136; advance, 3.300; move on, 12.219. (prō and gradior)

    mōnstrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to show, point out, indicate, 1.444; inform, tell, 1.321; direct, incite, 9.44; ordain, appoint, prescribe, 4.636. (mōnstrum)

    Carmentālis, e: adj. (Carmentis), of Carmentis, 8.338.

    Rōmānus, ī, m.: a Roman, 1.234.

    memorō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to call to memory; mention, rehearse, relate, 1.8; say, speak, 3.182; name, 1.327; mention proudly, boast of, 5.392. (memor)

    nympha, ae, f.: a bride, a maiden; a nymph, one of the inferior deities, presiding over fountains, woods, etc., 1.71, et al.

    prīscus, a, um: (adj.), old, former, ancient, 7.706; Prīscī Latīnī, the ancient Latins, occupying Latium prior to the foundation of Rome, 5.598.

    Carmentis, is, f.: Carmentis, a prophetess, mother of King Evander, 8.336. (carmen)

    fātidicus, a, um: adj. (fātum and dīcō), prophetic, soothsaying, 8.340.

    Aeneadēs, ae, m.: a son of Aeneas; pl., Aeneadae, ārum, followers of Aeneas, the Trojans, 1.565; Aeneadae, 3.18.

    Pallantēum, ī, n.: the city of Evander on the Palatine, 8.54, et al.

    lūcus, ī, m.: a consecrated wood; sacred grove, 6.259, et al.; in general, a grove, wood, forest.

    Rōmulus, ī, m.: Romulus, the eponymous founder of Rome, son of Mars and Rhea Silvia or Ilia, 1.276, et al. (cf. Rōma)

    asȳlum, ī, n.: 1. A place of refuge; an asylum; a temple, sanctuary, 2.761. 2. The Asylum established by Romulus on the Capitoline, 8.342.

    gelidus, a, um: adj. (gelū), frosty, ice-cold; cold, cool, icy, chilling, 2.120; chilled, 3.30.

    rūpēs, is, f.: a rock, cliff, crag, ledge, freq.; quarry, 1.429. (rumpō)

    Lupercal, cālis, n.: the Lupercal, a cave on the Palatine at Rome, sacred to Lupercus or Pan, 8.343.

    Parrhasius, a, um: adj. (Parrhasia), of Parrhasia in Arcadia; Parrhasian or Arcadian, 11.31.

    Pān, Pānos (acc. Pāna), m.: the god of fields and woods, 8.344, et al.

    Lycaeus, a, um: of Lycaeus, a mountain in Arcadia noted for the worship of Zeus and Pan, Lycaean, 8.344.

    nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

    Argīlētum, ī, n.: the Argiletum, a place in Rome at the foot of the Capitoline hill, 8.345. (argilla, clay; wrongly derived from Argī, lētum)

    testor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to testify, bear witness to, with acc. of object witnessed, 3.487; to call to witness, appeal to, with acc. of witness called upon, 2.155; invoke, 12.496; w. object omitted, adjure, implore, 3.599; declare, proclaim, 6.619; beseech (call to witness the offering), 11.559. (testis)

    lētum, ī, n.: death, destruction, 2.134, et al. (cf. dēleō)

    Argus (Argos), ī, m.: a guest of Evander, 8.346; Argus, the hundred-eyed keeper who was made the guard of Io, after she was changed into a heifer by Juno, 7.791.

    Tarpēius (trisyll.), a, um: (adj.), pertaining to the Tarpeian rock or precipitous part of the Capitoline Hill at Rome; Tarpeian, 8.347.

    Capitōlium, iī, n.: the Capital, or national temple on the Capitoline hill at Rome, containing the shrines of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, 6.836; pl., the Capitoline places, or buildings; the Capitoline, 8.653. (caput)

    silvestris, e: adj. (silva), pertaining to the woods and fields; sylvan, pastoral; living in the forest, 9.673.

    horridus, a, um: adj. (horreō), rough, bristling, 3.23, et al.; bristling with arms; shaggy, grizzly, stiffened, 4.251; blustering, tempestuous, 9.670; terrible, fearful, 1.296.

    dūmus, ī, m.: a bramble, 4.526; brake, thicket.

    religiō, ōnis, f.: reverence for divine things; piety, devotion, 2.715; sanctity, 8.349; worship, sacred ceremonial, observance, 3.409; sacred thing, symbol, token, 2.151; object of worship; divinity, 12.182; augury, 3.363.

    pavidus, a, um: adj. (paveō, fear), trembling, alarmed, terror-stricken, 2.489; solicitous, trembling with expectation, eager, 5.575.

    agrestis, e: adj. (ager), pertaining to the fields or country; country-, rustic, rural, 3.34; wild, 7.111; subst., agrestis, is, m., a rustic, 7.504; husbandman.

    dīrus, a, um: (adj.), accursed; portentous; fearful, dreadful, awful, dire, cruel, horrible, freq.; accursed, 2.261; unhallowed, impious, 6.373; foul, carrion, 3.262; wild, furious, ardent, 9.185; pl., dīra (adv.), fearfully, 10.572.

    tremō, uī, 3, n. and a.: to tremble, quake, shake, quiver, 5.198; tremble at, fear, dread, 8.296.

    frondōsus, a, um: full of leaves, leafy; woody, 5.252. (frōns)

    vertex, icis, m.: a whirl; whirlpool, 7.567; vortex, 1.117; whirling column of flame, 12.673; the top, crown of the head, the head, 1.403; summit, top, 1.163; mountain summit, height, 3.679; ā vertice, from on high, from above, 1.114. (vertō)

    collis, is, m.: a hill, freq.

    incertus, a, um: (adj.), uncertain, 2.740; wavering; fickle, 2.39; doubtful, 3.7; undistinguished, base, 11.341.

    habitō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. and n.: to have continually, have in possession; occupy, inhabit, 3.106; dwell, 3.110. (habeō)

    Arcas, adis, m.: an Arcadian, 10.452;(adj.), 11.835.

    Iuppiter, Iovis, m.: Jupiter, son of Saturn and Rhea, and king of the gods, 1.223; Iuppiter Stygius, Pluto, 4.638.

    nigrō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a.: to be or make black; p., nigrāns, antis, black, dusky, dark, 5.97; cloud-covered, 8.353; gloomy, 9.87. (niger)

    aegis, idis, f.: the shield of Jupiter, carried also by Pallas; the aegis, 8.354.

    concutiō, cussī, cussus, 3, a.: to shake completely; shake, 2.629; push, 8.237; rouse, spur, 8.3; sift, examine, search, 7.338; agitate, strike with panic, terrify, 4.666; smite, afflict, 5.700. (com- and quatiō)

    nimbus, ī, m.: a violent rain; storm, tempest, 1.51; a black cloud, thunder-cloud, cloud, 3.587; a bright cloud; the nimbus surrounding a god, 2.616; cloud of smoke, 5.666; a multitude, 7.793.

    cieō, cīvī, citus, 2, a.: to cause, to move; stir, 2.419; agitate, move, 4.122; excite, kindle, rouse, 6.165; raise, 12.104; call upon, invoke, 3.68; call up, exhibit, 5.585; of tears, shed, 6.468.

    dīsiciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to throw, cast asunder; overthrow, demolish, 8.355; scatter, disperse, 1.70; cleave, 12.308. (dis- and iaciō)

    rēliquiae, ārum, f.: the things left; remnant, 1.30; relics, remains, 4.343. (relinquō)

    monumentum, ī, n.: a means of admonishing, reminding, or instructing; a memorial, 3.486; record, tradition, 3.102; memento, 12.945; token, 6.512. (cf. moneō)

    Iānus, ī, m.: an ancient divinity of Latium, probably symbolizing the sun, represented with two faces, 7.180, et al.

    Sāturnus, ī, m.: a deified king of Latium, whose reign was the “golden age"; identified by the Romans with the Greek Cronos, 8.319, et al.

    Iāniculum, i, n.: the Ianiculum; a mount or high hill on the right bank of the Tiber opposite the Palatine, 8.358. (Iānus)

    Sāturnius, a, um: adj. (Sāturnus), belonging to Saturn; Saturnian; sprung from Saturn; Saturnian, 4.372; subst., Sāturnius, iī, m., the son of Saturn, 5.799; Sāturnia, ae, f., 1. Daughter of Saturn, Juno, 1.23; 2. The city of Saturnia, built by Saturn on the Capitoline hill, 8.358.

    subeō, iī, itus (p. subiēns, euntis), 4, n. and a.: to go or come under, into, or up to; alone, or with acc. and prep., or with dat.; without a case, come up, 2.216; go under, bend, stoop down under, 10.522; come after; follow, 2.725; take one's place, 12.471; enter, 1.171; come into or upon the mind, suggest itself, occur, 2.560; with acc. and prep., go, advance towards, 8.359; with dat., come or go up to, down to, into, 5.203; succeed to, 5.176; come after, follow, 10.371; with acc., approach, enter, 1.400; go under a burden, bear, with abl. of instrument, 2.708; go under the yoke, draw, 3.113; enter the mind of, strike, occur to, 9.757; approach, reach, 3.512; approach, 7.22; meet, encounter, 10.798; attack, 9.344.

    Euander (-drus, 8.100; Ēvander, -drus), drī, m.: Evander, an Arcadian prince, son of Carmentis, and king of Pallanteum on the Tiber, 8.52.

    passim: (adv.), here and there, in all directions; everywhere, 2.364, et al. (passus)

    armentum, ī, n.: collective (arō), beasts used for plowing; cattle, 2.499, et al.; of all kinds of animals, a herd, drove; of deer, 1.185; of horses, 3.540.

    Rōmānus, a, um: adj. (Rōma), belonging to Rome; Roman, 1.33; subst., Rōmānus, ī, m., a Roman, 1.234.

    lautus, a, um: washed; neat, elegant; stately, magnificent, 8.361. (lavō)

    mūgiō, īvī or iī, 4, n.: to low, bellow, 8.218; (fig.), of a trumpet, 8.526; of the tripod, 3.92; to make a roaring sound, rumble, of the ground, 4.490.

    Carīnae, ārum, f.: the Carinae, a quarter of Rome between the Caelian and Esquiline, 8.361.

    veniō, vēnī, ventus: to come, freq.; come forth; approach, 6.755; rise, appear, 1.353; dawn, 10.241; to present one's self or itself, 5.344; descend, spring from, 5.373; impers., ventum est, we, they came or have come, 4.151.

    Alcīdēs, ae., m.: a descendant of Alceus; Hercules, 5.414, et al.

    rēgia: a palace, 7.171. (rēgius, a, um, sc. domus)

    asper, era, erum: (adj.), rough, 2.379; rugged, craggy, jagged, 6.360; chased, embossed, 5.267; (fig.), of the weather, stormy, 2.110; of temperament, spirit, or nature, barbarous, 5.730; formidable, fierce, 1.14; full of strife, warlike, 1.291; cruel, stern, 6.882; angry, 1.279; bitter, 2.96; displeased, 8.365.

    egēnus, a, um: adj. (egeō), needy; in want, destitute, 1.599; distressed, straitened, imperiled, desperate, 10.367.

    angustus, a, um: adj. (angō), strait, narrow, 3.411; straitened, perilous, 11.309; subst., angustum, ī, n., a narrow place, passage, 2.332.

    subter: (prep. w. acc. and abl.), below, beneath, under, 3.695; beneath, 4.182. (sub)

    fastīgium, iī, n.: that which is carried to a point or apex; the apex or point of a pediment; a gable, upper part of a house; roof, pinnacle, battlement, 2.444; slope of a trench; (fig.), chief point, 1.342. (fastīgō)

    Aenēās, ae, m.: 1. A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid, 1.92. 2. Aenēās Silvius, one of the Alban kings, 6.769.

    sternō, strāvī, strātus, 3, a.: to spread out, spread, 1.700; stretch on the ground, strike down, slay, 1.190; cast down, prostrate, devastate, 2.306; make level, smooth, calm, 5.763; spread, cover, 8.719; strew, litter; overthrow, conquer, 6.858; pass. (in middle sense), sternor, ī, to stretch one's self, lie down, 3.509.

    locō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to place, put, 1.213, et al.; lay, 1.428; found, 1.247. (locus)

    effultus, a, um: propped up; supported, 7.94.

    folium, iī, n.: a leaf, 1.175.

    pellis, is, f.: a skin, hide, 2.722, et al.

    Libystis, idis: (adj.), Libyan, 5.37.

    ursa, ae, f.: a she-bear; a bear, 5.37. (ursus)

    ruō, ruī, rutus, 3, n. and a.: to fall with violence; tumble down, fall, freq.; fall in battle, 10.756; of the sun, go down, set, 3.508; rush forward, 2.64; of the chariot of Nox, hasten up; ascend, rise, 2.250; advance, 10.256; plunge, rush, 2.353; flee, 12.505; tremble, quake, 8.525; hasten, pass away, 6.539; cause to fall; cast down, 9.516; plow, 1.35; cast, throw up, 1.85; throw up or together, 11.211.

    fuscus, a, um: (adj.), dark, dusky, 7.408.

    amplector, amplexus sum, 3, dep. a.: to embrace, clasp, 3.607; wind, pass around, 5.86; encircle, coil around, 2.214; (fig.), comprehend, embrace, in description.

    āla, ae, f.: a wing, 1.301; the feather of an arrow, 9.578; the wing of an army; cavalry, 11.730; troop, battalion, 11.604; horsemen, mounted huntsmen, 4.121.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.