
Dickinson College Commentaries pass through five stages of peer review.

Stage 1: Evaluation of the Proposal

After complete proposal has been submitted, the proposal will be evaluated by an Editor. The Editor may ask for clarification or communicate suggestions for improvement to the author. After proposals pass this initial review, the Editor will forward the proposal to at least two reviewers on the DCC Editorial Board. The reviewers will judge the value of the overall project as well as the quality of the author's sample. After a proposal has received positive reports, authors will receive a contract to publish the commentary through the DCC. Select commentaries may also receive a contract for a print version to be published by Open Book Publishers.

Stage 2: Editorial Oversight

As the author develops the commentary, the author will work closely with an assigned Editor, who will provide technical and pedagogical guidance as needed. The Editor(s) will thoroughly vet the draft of the commentary.

Stage 3: Peer Review of Completed Commentary

After the draft of commentary is completed, the Editor will forward the commentary to at least two expert referees, at least one of whom will be from outside the DCC Editorial Board. Commentaries that are deemed excellent by the referees will be published on the DCC website.

Stage 4: Open Review of Published Commentary

Once the commentary has been published, the author can expect to receive comments and suggestions from instructors and readers who are using the commentary. Authors are expected to make corrections and improvements as appropriate in consultation with the Editor. 

Stage 5: Formal Review of Published Commentary

After the commentary has been published, it will be submitted for public review at the leading Classics review journals (e.g. Bryn Mawr Classical Review).