Anchises shows Aeneas and the Sibyl the fields of the blessed.

Anchises zeigt Aeneas und der Sibylle die Gefilde der Seligen. (Suerbaum)

Engraving from a German children’s picture-book version of the Aeneid by G. J. Lang and G. C. Eimmart, “A tapestry of Roman virtues as seen in Vergil’s Aeneas and his brave deeds, rendered in sparkling engravings, as illustrations of the remarkable deeds of antiquity, for the common benefit of noble youth,” (Peplus virtutum Romanarum in Aenea Virgiliano eiusque rebus fortiter gestis, ad maiorem antiquitatis et rerum lucem, communi iuventutis sacratae bono, aere renitens) (Nuremburg: J.L. Buggel, 1688), pl. 27.


Anchises sits between the Sibyl and Aeneas, teaching his son about the future of the Trojan race. All the souls waiting to be reborn fill up the background, mostly in military garb. There are five horses in the center of the field; horses are recognized as symbols of war, thus adding to the image of the future Rome as a powerful military state. (Lucy McInerney)

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