Postquam rēs Asiae Priamīque ēvertere gentem

immeritam vīsum superīs, ceciditque superbum

Īlium et omnis humō fūmat Neptūnia Trōia,

dīversa exsilia et dēsertās quaerere terrās

auguriīs agimur dīvum, classemque sub ipsā5

Antandrō et Phrygiae mōlīmur montibus Īdae,

incertī quō Fāta ferant, ubi sistere dētur,

contrahimusque virōs. Vix prīma incēperat aestās

et pater Anchīsēs dare Fātīs vēla iubēbat,

lītora cum patriae lacrimāns portūsque relinquō10

et campōs ubi Trōia fuit. Feror exsul in altum

cum sociīs nātōque Penātibus et magnīs dīs.


    Āsia, ae, f.: 1. Asia, a town of Lydia, near the river Cayster. 2. Asia Minor; Asia, 7.224, et al.

    Priamus, ī, m.: 1. Priam, son of Laomedon, king of Troy, 1.458, et al. 2. A Trojan youth, son of Polites and grandson of King Priam, 5.564.

    ēvertō, vertī, versus, 3, a.: to upturn, 1.43; overthrow, demolish, destroy, 2.603.

    immeritus, a, um: (adj.), undeserving; guiltless, 3.2.

    Īlium, iī, n.: Troy, 1.68, et al.

    fūmō, āvī, ātus, 1, n.: to smoke, 3.3, et al.; send up vapor; fume, reek, 2.698; foam, 12.338. (fūmus)

    Neptūnius, a, um: adj. (Neptūnus), pertaining to Neptune, built by Neptune, Neptunian, 2.625; son or descendant of Neptune, 7.691.

    Trōia, ae, f.: 1. Troy, the capital of the Troad, 2.625, et al. 2. A city built by Helenus in Epirus, 3.349. 3. A part of the city of Acesta in Sicily, 5.756. 4. The name of an equestrian game of Roman boys, 5.602.

    dēsertus, a, um: desolate; abandoned, 12.664; uninhabited, solitary, lonely, 3.646.

    augurium, iī, n.: the business of the augur; augury, divination, 1.392; an augury, omen, portent, 2.703; oracle, 3.89; presage, 5.523. (augur)

    Antandros (-us), ī, f.: Antandrus, a coast town in Mysia, at the foot of Mount Ida, 3.6.

    Phrygius, a, um: Phrygian, Trojan, 1.381; subst., Phrygiae, ārum, f., Phrygian or Trojan women, 518. (Phryx)

    mōlior, ītus sum, 4, dep. a. and n.: to pile up; build, erect, construct, 1.424; plan, undertake, attempt, 2.109; pursue, 6.477; cleave, 10.477; contrive, devise, 1.564; occasion, 1.414; prepare, equip, 4.309; arrange, adjust, 12.327; of missiles, discharge, hurl, 10.131. (mōlēs)

    Īda, ae, f.: 1. Mount Ida in Crete, where Jupiter was reared, 12.412. 2. A mountain in the Troad, where Ganymede was caught up by the eagle of Jupiter, 2.801. 3. A Nymph, 9.177.

    incertus, a, um: (adj.), uncertain, 2.740; wavering; fickle, 2.39; doubtful, 3.7; undistinguished, base, 11.341.

    sistō, stitī, status, 3, a. and n.: to cause to stand, put, set, place, w. abl. of place, 2.245, et al.; place before one, bring, 4.634; fix, plant, 10.323; stop, 12.355; arrest, stay, 6.465; support, sustain, maintain, 6.858; set, place, 6.676; n., stand still, to stop, remain, abide, 3.7; stand in fight, 11.873.

    contrahō, trāxī, trāctus, 3, a.: to draw together, contract; bring together, collect, assemble, 3.8; gather, assume, 12.891.

    aestās, ātis, f.: the summer, 1.265, et al.; summer air, 6.707; a year.

    Anchīsēs, ae, m.: son of Capys and Themis, and father of Aeneas by Venus, 2.687, et al.

    vēlum, ī, n.: a cloth; sail, 1.103, et al.; a curtain, canvas, covering, 1.469.

    iubeō, iussī (fut. perf. iussō for iusserō, 11.467), iussus, 2, a.: to order, request, usually w. inf., freq.; bid, 2.3; ask, invite, 1.708; will, wish, desire, 3.261; direct, enjoin, admonish, 3.697; persuade, advise, 2.37; to clear by command, 10.444; w. subj., 10.53.

    lacrimō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a.: to shed tears, weep, 1.459. (lacrima)

    portus, ūs, m.: a port, harbor, haven, 1.159, et al; (fig.), 7.598.

    exsul, is, c.: an exile, 3.11.

    altum, ī, n.: the deep; the lofty; the deep sea, the main, the deep, 1.3; the sky, heaven, air, 1.297; from far, far-fetched, remote, 8.395. (altus)

    Penātēs, ium, m.: gods of the household; hearth-, fireside gods, 2.514, et al.; tutelary gods of the state as a national family, 1.68; (fig.), fireside, hearth, dwelling-house, abode, 1.527. (penus)

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.