Fr. 97 

    Τυρσηνῶν τείχισμα Πελασγικὸν εἶχέ με γαῖα   

    Fr. 97 Harder (= 97 Pf., = 200 Mass.) P.Mil.Vogl. I 18 col. III 34
       sq. [image]
    Trismegistos 59371

    This aition takes place in Athens where, apparently, the eighth-century wall is speaking: “the land held me, the Pelasgian wall of the Τυρσηνοί.” The wall (like the lock) narrates the details of its past that have disappeared or been forgotten. It underscores how knowledge of that past is remembered or communicated; the Τυρσηνοί mentioned were supposedly the Pelasgians who had migrated to Italy. They were identified with the Etruscans.

    Fr. 97

    Τυρσηνός -ή -όν: Tyrrhenian, Etruscan

    Πελασγικός -ή -όν: Pelasgian

    τείχισμα -ατος, τό: a wall

    Fr. 97a Harder (= Diegesis III 34-41; 1, 102 Pf.) P.Mil.Vogl. I 18 col. III 34-41 [image], Trismegistos 59371

           Τυρσηνῶν τείχισμα Πελασγικὸν εἶχέ

           με γαῖα•   Ἱστορεῖ περὶ τῶν Ἀθήνη-

           σιν Πελασγικῶν ὅρων (?) καὶ τοῦ ποιηθέν-

           τος ὑπ' αὐτῶν τείχους.


    The earth held me as the Pelasgian wall of the 

    Tyrrhenians•   He gives an account of the Pelasgian

    boundries(?) in Athens and the

    wall which was built by them.

    Fr. 97

    the earth held me as the Pelasgian wall of the Tyrrhenians...

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    Suggested Citation

    Susan Stephens, Callimachus: Aetia. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-947822-07-8.