Sacra Diōnaeae mātrī dīvīsque ferēbam

auspicibus coeptōrum operum, superōque nitentem20

caelicolum rēgī mactābam in lītore taurum.

Forte fuit iūxtā tumulus, quō cornea summō

virgulta et dēnsīs hastīlibus horrida myrtus.

Accessī viridemque ab humō convellere silvam

cōnātus, rāmīs tegerem ut frondentibus ārās,25

horrendum et dictū videō mīrābile mōnstrum.

nam quae prīma solō ruptīs rādīcibus arbōs

vellitur, huic ātrō līquuntur sanguine guttae

et terram tābō maculant. Mihi frīgidus horror

membra quatit gelidusque coit formīdine sanguis.30

Rūrsus et alterius lentum convellere vīmen

īnsequor et causās penitus temptāre latentīs;

āter et alterius sequitur dē cortice sanguis.

Multa movēns animō nymphās venerābar agrestīs

Grādīvumque patrem, Geticīs quī praesidet arvīs,35

rīte secundārent vīsūs ōmenque levārent.

Tertia sed postquam maiōre hastīlia nīsū

adgredior genibusque adversae obluctor harēnae,

(ēloquar an sileam?) gemitus lacrimābilis īmō

audītur tumulō et vōx reddita fertur ad aurīs:40

'Quid miserum, Aenēā, lacerās? Iam parce sepultō,

parce piās scelerāre manūs. Nōn mē tibi Trōia

externum tulit aut cruor hic dē stīpite mānat.

Heu Fuge crūdēlīs terrās, fuge lītus avārum:

nam Polydōrus ego. Hīc cōnfīxum ferrea tēxit45

tēlōrum seges et iaculīs incrēvit acūtīs.'

Tum vērō ancipitī mentem formīdine pressus

obstipuī steteruntque comae et vōx faucibus haesit.


sacrum, ī, n.: a holy thing; pl., sacra, ōrum, n., sacred symbols, rites, 12.13; sacred rites, ceremonies, sacrifices, 2.132; sacred things, utensils, symbols, 2.293; mysteries, 3.112.

Diōnaeus, a, um: adj. (Diōnē), pertaining to Dione, mother of Venus; Dionaean, 3.19.

auspex, icis, c.: one who divines by watching birds; a diviner; (fig.), a leader, author, patron, guide, director, 3.20. (avis and speciō, look)

nitēns, entis: shining, glittering, sparkling; bright, 1.228; (fig.), sleek, well-fed, 3.20.

caelicola, ae, c.: an inhabitant of heaven; a god, 2.641, et al. (caelum and colō)

māctō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to magnify by worship; to sacrifice, immolate, 2.202; slay, slaughter, 8.294, et al.

taurus, ī, m.: a bull, steer, ox, bullock, 2.202, et al.

iūxtā: (adv. and prep. w. acc.), near, close, near by, 2.513; at the same time, 2.666; near to, 3.506.

tumulus, ī, m.: a rising ground; a low hill, 9.195; a mound, 2.713; sepulchral mound, sepulcher, tomb, 3.304; 11.103. (tumeō)

corneus, a, um: adj. (cornus), of cornel-wood, 3.22.

virgultum, ī, n.: (used only in the plural) a growth of brambles; a thicket, grove, 12.522; shrubs, 3.23; shoots or sprigs, 12.207. (virga)

dēnsus, a, um: (adj.), thick, dense, crowded, compact, in close array, serried, 2.383; frequent, 5.459.

hastīle, is, n.: the shaft of a spear; a spear, lance, javelin, 1.313, et al.; a spear-like sapling or branch; a shoot, 3.23. (hasta)

horridus, a, um: adj. (horreō), rough, bristling, 3.23, et al.; bristling with arms; shaggy, grizzly, stiffened, 4.251; blustering, tempestuous, 9.670; terrible, fearful, 1.296.

myrtus, ī and ūs, f.: a myrtle; sacred to Venus, a myrtle shaft or spear, 7.817; a myrtle grove, 3.23; myrtle wreath, 5.72.

accēdō, cessī, cessus (perf. ind., accēstis for accessistis, 1.201), 3, n.: to go or draw near to; approach, with acc. alone, 1.307. (ad and cedo)

viridis, e: adj. (vireō), verdant, green, 3.24; green wood-, 7.677; fresh, blooming, 5.295; vigorous, 6.304.

convellō, vellī, vulsus, 3, a.: to pull violently; pluck, tear, pull up, 3.24; wrench forth, 12.774; cut off, 6.148; p., convulsus, a, um, rent, shattered, 1.383; convulsed, 5.143.

rāmus, ī, m.: a branch, bough, 4.485, et al.; limb, 8.318; wreath, 5.71.

frondeō, 2, n.: to be leafy; to bear or put forth leaves; frondēns, leafy, 3.25; green; still bearing leaves, 4.399. (1. frōns)

horrendus, a, um: to be shuddered at; dreadful, fearful, 2.222; awe-inspiring, venerable, 6.10; strange, wonderful, 8.565; fierce, warlike, 11.507. (horreō)

mīrābilis, e: adj. (mīror), wonderful, extraordinary, wondrous, admirable, 1.652, et al.; strange, 2.680.

mōnstrum, ī, n.: the thing which warns; an omen, a portent, 3.26; supernatural token, sign, 12.246; a prodigy, marvel, wonder, terror, 3.583; monster, 2.245. (moneō)

solum, ī, n.: the bottom or ground of anything; soil, earth, ground, 1.367, et al.; land, 3.698; foundation, 10.102; the water beneath a ship, as its support; the water, sea, 5.199; support, table, 7.111.

rādīx, īcis, f.: a root, 3.27, et al.

vellō, vellī or vulsī, vulsus, 3, a.: to pluck; pull up, 3.28; wrench, tear away, 2.480; tear down, 9.506; move, 11.19; seize, lift, 10.381; vellere sīgna, pluck up the standards from the ground; move the camp, depart.

āter, tra, trum: (adj.), black; dark, gloomy, 1.60, et al.; smoky, lurid, 7.456; 4.384; clotted, dark, 3.622; soiled, blackened, 2.272; (fig.), sad, fatal, 6.429; venomous, deadly; of the odor of smoke, 12.591.

līquor, 3, dep. n.: to be in a liquid state; run, ooze, trickle, flow, 3.28; p., līquēns, entis, liquid, fluid, 1.432.

gutta, ae, f.: a drop, 3.28.

tābum, ī, n.: corrupt matter; putrid blood; gore, 3.29. (tābeō)

maculō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to spot; stain; defile, 3.29; (fig.), 10.851. (macula)

frīgidus, a, um: adj. (frīgeō), cold, 7.715; chilling, benumbing; chill, shuddering, 3.29; cool; (fig.), without spirit, slow, w. dat., 11.338.

horror, ōris, m.: a roughening or bristling; (fig.), a shuddering; terror, dread, horror, dismay, 2.559; clashing din, 2.301. (horreō)

quatiō, no perf., quassus, 3, a.: to shake, freq.; brandish, 11.767; flap, 3.226; shatter, 2.611; make tremble, 5.200; thrill, penetrate, 3.30; ransack, beat up, search, scour, 11.513; torment, 6.571; assault, 9.608; spur, 12.338.

gelidus, a, um: adj. (gelū), frosty, ice-cold; cold, cool, icy, chilling, 2.120; chilled, 3.30.

coeō, coīvī or coiī, coitus, coīre, irreg. n. and a.: to go or come together, assemble, 7.582; come together in conflict, join battle; of the blood, stand still, congeal, curdle, 3.30; come to terms, form a compact, 7.317; coīre in ūnum, to come to one place, unite, concentrate, combine, 9.801, et al.

formīdō, inis, f.: dread, dismay, apprehension, terror, fear, 2.76; awe, 7.608; personif., Fear, Dismay, 12.335. (formīdō)

lentus, a, um: (adj.), adhesive, clammy, sticky, viscid; tough, 12.773; pliant, limber, 6.137; ductile, malleable, 7.634; slender, 3.31; 12.489; sluggish, creeping, 5.682; quiet, 7.28; inactive, 12.237.

vīmen, inis, n.: a flexible twig; osier, sprout, shoot, sprig, stem, 3.31.

īnsequor, secūtus sum, 3, dep. a.: to follow up, pursue, follow, 5.321; press on, follow up; succeed, 1.87; persecute, pursue, 1.241; w. inf., proceed, 3.32.

penitus: adv. (cf. penes), inwardly, far within, deep, deeply, 1.200; wholly, entirely, 6.737; afar, 11.623; far away, 1.512.

cortex, icis, m.: the bark, rind, 3.33.

nympha, ae, f.: a bride, a maiden; a nymph, one of the inferior deities, presiding over fountains, woods, etc., 1.71, et al.

veneror, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to venerate, reverence, revere, 3.79; adore, worship, 5.745; bow before, kneel at, 12.220; p., venerātus, a, um, (pass.), supplicated, entreated, 3.460.

agrestis, e: adj. (ager), pertaining to the fields or country; country-, rustic, rural, 3.34; wild, 7.111; subst., agrestis, is, m., a rustic, 7.504; husbandman.

Gradīvus, ī, m.: the one who steps or marches; an epithet of Mars, 3.35. (gradior)

Geticus, a, um: adj. (Getae), pertaining to the Getae; Getan, Thracian, 3.35.

praesideō, sēdī, 2, n. and a.: to sit before; preside over, rule over, w. dat., 3.35. (prae and sedeō)

rīte: (adv.), properly, fitly, rightly, 6.145; justly, meetly, 3.36; well, 3.107. (rītus)

secundō, 1, a.: to direct favorably; aid, favor, prosper; make auspicious, 3.36. (secundus)

vīsus, ūs, m.: a seeing; vision, sight, 4.277; a phenomenon, spectacle, appearance, sight, 2.212; aspect, 11.271; prodigy, 3.36. (videō)

ōmen, inis, n.: a prognostic, token, sign, omen, 2.182; (meton.), evil, 2.190; auspicious beginning, 7.174; pl., auspices; rites, 1.346; in ōmen, as or for a warning, 12.854.

levō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to render light; lighten; lift, aid, 1.145; raise, 4.690; (fig.), ease, relieve of (w. abl.); support, rest, 10.834; reënforce, help, 2.452; mitigate, 3.36; allay, 7.495; cure, 7.755; relieve, 7.571. (2. levis)

nīsus, ūs, m.: a leaning, pressing against; bracing; position of resistance, 5.437; effort, exertion, 3.37; descent, 11.852. (nītor)

aggredior, gressus sum, 3, dep. n. and a.: attempt, dare, with inf., 2.165; to advance toward; attempt, 3.38; attack, 9.325; assail, hew, 2.463; accost, address, 3.358. (ad and gradior)

genū, ūs, n.: a knee, 1.320, et al. (γόνυ)

obluctor, ātus sum, 1, dep. n.: to strive, struggle, press against, 3.38.

harēna, ae, f.: sand, 1.112; sandy shore, strand, 1.540; sandy ground, arena; space for races; an arena, 5.336.

ēloquor, locūtus sum, 3, dep. a. and n.: to speak out; speak, 3.39.

sileō, uī, 2, n. and a.: to be, keep, remain silent, 2.126; be hushed, calm, still, 1.164; w. acc., to pass over in silence; leave unmentioned, unsung, 10.793.

gemitus, ūs, m.: a groaning; a groan, 3.39, et al.; sigh, 1.485; lamentation, 2.486; cry, 2.413; noise, roaring, 3.555. (gemō)

lacrimābilis, e: adj. (lacrimō), that calls for tears; piteous, 3.39; causing tears; woeful, disastrous, 7.604.

Aenēās, ae, m.: 1. A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid, 1.92. 2. Aenēās Silvius, one of the Alban kings, 6.769.

lacerō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to tear, mutilate; wound, 3.41; rend, 12.98. (lacer)

sepeliō, pelīvī or peliī, pultus, 4, a.: to perform the rites of sepulture, whether by interring (humāre), or cremation (cremāre); to bury, 3.41; p., sepultus, a, um, buried, 4.34; of slumber, 6.424, et al.

scelerō, no perf., ātus, 1, a.: to make impious; desecrate, pollute, 3.42; p., scelerātus, a, um, foul with crime; polluted, impious, wicked, 2.231; accursed, 6.563; pertaining to the guilty or to guilt, due to wickedness, 2.576; sacrilegious, 9.137. (scelus)

manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

Trōia, ae, f.: 1. Troy, the capital of the Troad, 2.625, et al. 2. A city built by Helenus in Epirus, 3.349. 3. A part of the city of Acesta in Sicily, 5.756. 4. The name of an equestrian game of Roman boys, 5.602.

externus, a, um: adj. (exter), external; pertaining to foreigners; foreign, 6.94; subst., externus, ī, m., a stranger, 3.43.

cruor, ōris, m.: shed blood; gore, 3.43; 4.455; blood.

stīpes, itis, m.: a log or post, stem, trunk of a tree, 3.43; club, 7.524.

mānō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n.: to ooze forth, 3.175; distill, trickle, drop, 3.43; flow.

heu: (interj.), alas! ah! oh! 2.289, et al.

crūdēlis, e: adj. (crūdus), unfeeling, ruthless, cruel, inhuman, 2.124; relentless, 1.547; unnatural, 6.24; mortal, deadly, 2.561; bloody, 1.355; bitter, 1.361.

avārus, a, um: adj. (aveō, desire), desirous of gain; greedy; covetous, avaricious, 1.363; rapacious, devouring, (fig.), of the land ruled over by an avaricious prince, 3.44.

Polydōrus, ī, m.: son of Priam and Hecuba, 3.49.

cōnfīgō, fīxī, fīxus, 3, a.: to fasten together or firmly; transfix, pierce, 2.429, et al.

ferreus, a, um: adj. (ferrum), of iron, iron-, 3.45; (fig.), inflexible, stern, iron; of death, 10.745.

seges, etis, f.: a field of grain; standing corn, 2.304; crop, harvest, growth of spears, 3.46; pasture land, 4.129.

iaculum, ī, n.: a thing hurled; a spear, dart, or javelin, 3.46, et al. (iaciō)

incrēscō, crēvī, crētus, 3, n.: to grow in; grow up, 3.46; increase, w. dat., 9.688.

acūtus, a, um: sharpened, pointed, sharp, 1.45. (acuō)

anceps, cipitis: adj. (am- and caput), two-headed or two-edged, 7.525; (fig.), twofold, 3.47; uncertain, wavering, doubtful, 5.654; 10.304; perplexed, perplexing, intricate, 5.589.

obstipēscō, stipuī (stupuī), 3, inc. n.: to become stupefied; to be astonished, amazed, 1.613.

faucēs, ium, f.: the jaws, throat, 2.358; (fig.), mouth, entrance, jaws, 6.241; defiles, 11.516.

haereō, haesī, haesus, 2, n.: to stick; foll. by dat., or by abl. w. or without a prep.; hang, cling, adhere, cling to, 1.476, et al.; stop, stand fixed, 6.559; halt, 11.699; adhere to as companion, 10.780; stick to in the chase, 12.754; persist, 2.654; dwell, 4.4; pause, hesitate, 3.597; be fixed or decreed, 4.614.

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Suggested Citation

Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.