abbās, -ātis, m., abbot

abbātissa, -ae, f. abbess

antistes, -titis, m., bishop

attōnsus, -a, -um, adj., tonsured; as a noun, monk


baptīzo, -āre, -āvī, -ātum: to baptize

Brettones, -um, m., Britons


cīvitās, -ātis, f., city

comes, -itis, m., a king’s minister or nobleman (Anglo-Saxon, gesiþ [gesith])

conversātio, -ōnis, f., life in a religious community or as a hermit; manner of life


diaconus, -ī, m., deacon

dominicus, -a, um, adj., of the Lord; annus dominicae incarnātiōnis, the year of our Lord, A.D. (“the year of the Lord’s incarnation”); dies Dominica, the Lord’s Day (Sunday)

dominus, ī, m., lord (of kings); Lord (of Jesus Christ)


ecclēsia, -ae, f., church

epīscopus, -ī, m., bishop; epīscopātus, -ūs, m., office of bishop, episcopate

ēvangelium, -ī, n., the Gospel; ēvangelizō, -āre: to preach the Gospel, evangelize


familia, -ae, f. A “hide,” or familia, was an Anglo-Saxon unit of measurement, and equalled “the amount of land adequate to supply the needs of a household” (Colgrave and Mynors, 72 n. 3). The exact size of a familia varied over time, making it impossible to know the exact size.

famula -ae, f.: in a Christian context, famula was commonly used of a woman in religious orders, who was described as famula Christi (“handmaiden of Christ”) or famula Deī (“handmaiden of God”).

famulus, -ī, m., servant (usually, famulus Christī, servant of Christ); a monk. Also, famula, -ae, f., maidservant, nun.


Gallia, -ae, f., Gaul


habitus, -ūs, m., garment (e.g., a monk’s habit); way of life

Hibernia, -ae, f., Ireland


lāicus, -ī, m., layman

lavācrum, -ī, n., font


memorātus, -a, -um, adj., aforementioned (also praefātus, -a, -um)

missa, -ae, f. Mass

monachus, -ī, m., monk


ōrātio, -ōnis, f., prayer


Pāscha, -ae, f. (or –ātis, n.), Easter

pastōrālis, -e, adj., of a pastor; cūra pastōrālis, the office of duty of a pastor

peregrīnus, -a, -um, adj., foreign, living in a foreign land; as noun, exile, pilgrim

plaga, -ae, f., region, area

pontifex, -icis, m., bishop, Pope

praedicātio, -ōnis, f., preaching; sermon

praedicō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, to preach

praesul, -is, m., bishop

presbyter, -eri, m., priest

prōvincia, -ae, f.: in Bede this word normally means “kingdom, country, territory,” and is followed by the name of the people who live there in the genitive plural (prōvinciae Orientālium simul et Occidentālium Saxonum, “the territories of both the Eastern and Western Saxons,” Praef. 9). Since there is no system of provincial government in the Roman sense, do not translate it as “province.” However, the word can occasionally mean “unit of jurisdiction, diocese” (episcopus in Lindissī provinciā, “bishop in the diocese of Lindsey,” 3.11).


regulāris, -e, adj., in accordance with a monastic rule; regular, canonical


sacramentum, -ī, n., a sacrament

saeculāris, -e, adj., belonging to or existing in the temporal world; secular

saeculum, -ī, n., the temporal world (“this world”); time

salūs, -ūtis, f., health; salvation

sānctus, -a, -um, adj., holy; as a noun, Saint

scriptūra, -ae, f., Scripture

sēdes, -is, f., see (the seat of a bishopric, often sēdes ēpiscopātūs or ēpiscopālis)

spiritālis (spirituālis), -e, adj., spiritual

synodus, -ī, m., assembly of ecclesiastical authorities, synod


tumba, -ae, f., tomb


virtūs –ūtis f., moral or theological virtue; manifested divine power, miracle
