9881 results found
test 2
admin - 09/13/2019 - 14:56
P. Vergili Maronis Opera
francese - 08/08/2016 - 15:50
Epictetus Encheiridion 9 read aloud (CF)
francese - 12/26/2019 - 08:22
Epictetus Encheiridion 21 read aloud (CF)
francese - 12/28/2019 - 11:46
Page one test
admin - 06/01/2016 - 14:12
Epictetus Encheiridion 8 read aloud (CF)
francese - 12/26/2019 - 08:21
Map: Building a Wall by Antonio Salinas
eidamb - 07/13/2018 - 11:07
Medal of Antoine Perrenot, Cardinal de Granvelle (verso)
francese - 08/25/2016 - 13:52
Brant: The Wooden Horse III
tyler.denton - 08/08/2014 - 15:56
Epictetus Encheiridion 20 read aloud (CF)
francese - 12/28/2019 - 11:45
Epictetus Encheiridion 11 read aloud (CF)
francese - 12/26/2019 - 08:25
Epictetus Encheiridion 10 read aloud (CF)
francese - 12/26/2019 - 08:23
Map: Abandoned Approach by Antonio Salinas
eidamb - 07/13/2018 - 10:57
Epictetus Encheiridion 17 read aloud (CF)
francese - 12/28/2019 - 11:42
P. Oxy. 1362
ayerm - 04/11/2016 - 16:47
Cicero de Imperio Cn. Pompei 30 read aloud (CF)
dappertj - 02/27/2017 - 12:06
Cicero de Imperio Cn. Pompei 45 read aloud (CF)
dappertj - 02/27/2017 - 12:32
Cicero de Imperio Cn. Pompei 41 read aloud (CF)
dappertj - 02/27/2017 - 12:26
Cicero de Imperio Cn. Pompei 43 read aloud (CF)
dappertj - 02/27/2017 - 12:28
Cicero de Imperio Cn. Pompei 49 read aloud (CF)
dappertj - 02/27/2017 - 12:38
Epictetus Encheiridion 13 read aloud (CF)
francese - 12/26/2019 - 09:11
Sulpicius Severus Vita Martini 8 read aloud (CF)
dappertj - 03/22/2017 - 12:17
Epictetus Encheiridion 18 read aloud (CF)
francese - 12/28/2019 - 11:44
Brant: Storming of the Trojan Citadel
tyler.denton - 08/11/2014 - 09:24
Caesar BG 1.5 read aloud (CF)
dappertj - 02/16/2017 - 14:18
Map: Attempt of Helvetii to Cross the Rhone by A.J. Mason
eidamb - 07/10/2018 - 08:22
Chapter 1.25
hamiltca - 12/28/2017 - 17:07
General Map of the Peoples of Gaul in the Time of Caesar by Eugene Stoffel
eidamb - 06/21/2018 - 09:36
Map of Aduatuca by Eugene Stoffel
eidamb - 06/21/2018 - 10:44
P. Oxy. 1011, fol. II, verso
ayerm - 04/11/2016 - 16:42