Intereā rēgēs ingentī mōle Latīnus
quadriiugō vehitur currū (cui tempora circum
aurātī bis sex radiī fulgentia cingunt,
Sōlis avī specimen), bīgīs it Turnus in albīs,
bīna manū lātō crīspāns hastīlia ferrō.165
hinc pater Aenēās, Rōmānae stirpis orīgō,
sīdereō flagrāns clipeō et caelestibus armīs
et iūxtā Ascanius, māgnae spēs altera Rōmae,
prōcēdunt castrīs, pūrāque in veste sacerdōs
saetigerī fētum suis intōnsamque bidentem170
attulit admōvitque pecus flagrantibus ārīs.
Illī ad surgentem conversī lūmina sōlem
dant frūgēs manibus salsās et tempora ferrō
summa notant pecudum, paterīsque altāria lībant.
intereā: (adv.), amid these things; meanwhile, in the meantime, 1.418, et al.
mōlēs, is, f.: a cumbrous mass; a heavy pile or fabric; mound, rampart, 9.35; dike, 2.497; a mass of buildings, vast buildings, 1.421; structure, 11.130; frame or figure, 2.32; bulk, 5.118; weight, 7.589; pile, mass, 1.61; gigantic frame, 5.431; warlike engine, siege tower, 5.439; array, pomp, train, 12.161; body of soldiers, phalanx, 12.575; heavy storm, tempest, 5.790; toil, work, labor, 1.33.
Latīnus, ī, m.: Latinus, a king of Latium, whose capital was Laurentum, and whose daughter, Lavinia, became the wife of Aeneas, 6.891, et al. (Latium)
quadriiugus, a, um: adj. (quadrīgae), pertaining to a team of four; four-horse-, 12.162.
tempus, oris, n.: 1. Time in general, a period, time, 1.278; interval or space of time, 4.433; crisis, circumstance, juncture, 7.37; season, fitting time, opportunity, proper moment, 4.294; ex longō (tempore), in or for a long time, 9.64. 2. The temple of the forehead, 9.418; commonly pl., 2.684; of animals, 12.173.
circum: (adv.), about, around; (prep. with acc.), around, about.
aurātus, a, um: adj. (aurum), gilded, golden, of gold, 12.163; embroidered with gold, 5.250.
bis: (adv.), twice, 1.381. (in composition bi-)
sex: six, 9.272, et al. (num. indecl. adj.)
radius, iī, m.: a staff, rod; spoke of a wheel, 6.616; beam, ray, 5.65; a shuttle, 9.476; the representation of rays on a crown, 12.163.
fulgēns, entis: gleaming, flashing, 2.749; glowing, bright, 9.614. (fulgeō)
sōl, sōlis, m.: the sun, 1.431, et al.; a day, 3.203; sunlight, 2.475; as a god, Sōl, 1.568, et al.; pl., sōlēs, days, 3.203.
avus, ī, m.: a grandfather, grandsire, 2.457; sire, father, ancestor, 6.840.
specimen, inis, n.: a means of seeing or knowing; token, symbol, emblem, 12.164. (speciō, look)
bīgae, ārum, f. pl: a team of two horses; a car or chariot drawn by two horses; a car, 2.272; bīgīs in albīs, in a chariot drawn by two white horses, 12.164. . (bis and iugum)
Turnus, ī, m.: the chief of the Rutulians, 7.56, et al.
bīnī, ae, a: (adj. num. distrib.), two by two; two to each, 5.61; (poet. as cardinal), two, 1.313, et al. (bis)
manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.
crīspō, no perf., ātus, 1, a.: to crisp, curl; to vibrate, brandish, 1.313.
hastīle, is, n.: the shaft of a spear; a spear, lance, javelin, 1.313, et al.; a spear-like sapling or branch; a shoot, 3.23. (hasta)
Aenēās, ae, m.: 1. A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid, 1.92. 2. Aenēās Silvius, one of the Alban kings, 6.769.
Rōmānus, a, um: adj. (Rōma), belonging to Rome; Roman, 1.33; subst., Rōmānus, ī, m., a Roman, 1.234.
stirps, stirpis, f.: the lower part of the trunk together with the roots of plants and trees; the extremity, end; root; trunk, tree, 12.770; (fig.), origin, descent, lineage, stock, race, 1.626, et al.
orīgō, inis, f.: a source, origin, beginning, 1.372; descent, lineage, birth, 1.286; source, root, founder, 12.166. (orior)
sīdereus, a, um: adj. (sīdus), abounding in stars, starry, 10.3; star-lighted, 3.586; glittering, flashing, 12.167.
flāgrō, āvī, ātus, 1, n.: to be on fire or in flames; burn, blaze, 2.685; glow, 1.710; flash, 12.167; blush, 12.65; rage, 11.225.
clipeus, ī, m., and clipeum, ī, n.: a round shield; a shield, 2.227, et al.
iūxtā: (adv. and prep. w. acc.), near, close, near by, 2.513; at the same time, 2.666; near to, 3.506.
Ascanius, iī, m.: Ascanius, son of Aeneas, and traditional founder of Alba Longa, 1.267.
Rōma, ae, f.: Rome, 1.7, et al.
prōcēdō, cessī, cessus, 3, n.: to go or come forth or forward; advance, proceed, go on, 2.760; move, 4.587; elapse, pass by, 3.356; continue, 5.461.
pūrus, a, um: (adj.), free from stain, pure, 7.489; clear, serene, 2.590; open, unobstructed, 12.771; unmixed, 6.746; pointless, 6.760; unmarked, without symbol, or device, 11.711.
saetiger, era, erum: adj. (saeta and gerō), bristle-bearing, bristly, 7.17.
fētus, ūs, m.: a bearing or breeding; the young; the new swarm, 1.432; litter, 3.391; of vegetable products, growth, sprig, shoot, 6.207; fruit; product.
sūs, suis, c.: a hog, swine, 1.635; sow, 3.390.
intōnsus, a, um: (adj.), unshaven, unshorn, 9.181; leafy, 9.681.
bidēns, entis: adj. (bis and dēns), having two teeth or two complete rows of teeth; subst., f. (sc. victima), an animal suitable for the altar; a sheep with two conspicuous teeth supplanting two of the milk-teeth; a sheep, 4.57.
admoveō, mōvī, mōtus, 2, a.: to move, bring near to; to carry, convey to, 3.410; apply to, touch; admovēre ūbera, give suck, 4.367.
frūx, frūgis, f.: (found usually in the pl., frūgēs, um) fruit, of the ground and of trees; fruit of the ground; corn, 1.178; wheaten meal, sacrificial grits, cake, 2.133; herbs, 6.420. (fruor)
salsus, a, um: adj. (cf. sal), made salty; salted, 2.133; salt-, briny, 2.173.
notō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to mark; to observe, note, mark, 3.515. (nota)
pecus, udis, f.: one animal of a flock or herd; an animal, 1.743; a sheep, 3.120; victim for sacrifices, 4.63.
patera, ae, f.: a broad, saucer-shaped dish, used in making libations; a libation cup, patera, 1.729. (pateō)
altāria, ium, n.: the upper part of an altar; a high altar, 7.211; an altar, 2.515. (altus)
lībō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to taste, sip; to touch lightly; kiss, 1.256; pour out as a drink offering, 1.736; make a libation, 3.354; (w. acc. of the object on which the libation is poured), to pour libations on, 12.174.