The attached spreadsheet contains six sets of data relevant to the vocabulary of Vergil's Aeneid and Caesar's Gallic War. The data derives from human inspection and parsing of the Aeneid and Gallic War carried out by LASLA. The data were analyzed and collated with the DCC Core Latin Vocabulary by Lara Frymark, Seth Levin, and Connor Ford. Definitions were added by Lara Frymark and Seth Levin. The assocatied visualizations were produced by Seth Levin and Connor Ford using Tableau and Excel. 

I. All lemmata (dictionary headwords) in the Aeneid ranked in order of frequency, excluding proper names.

Column A: Rank (1-4,652) based on number of ocurrences.

Column B-D: Lemmata as spelled by LASLA

Column E: Number of occurences in the Aeneid

Column F: Percentage of all words in the epic accounted for by that lemma and all higher ranking lemmata.

Column G: TRUE=in DCC Core Latin Vocabulary; FALSE=not in DCC Core Latin Vocabulary

Column H: Lemma as spelled by Henry Frieze's Vergilian Dictionary

Column I: Definition from Frieze's Vergilian Dictionary

II. As above, but including proper names.

III. All lemmata in Caesar, Gallic War, Books 1-7, excluding proper names, ranked in order of frequency

Column A: Rank (1-2,900) based on number of occurences

Column B: Lemma as spelled by LASLA

Column C: Number of occurences in the Gallic War

Column D: Percentage of all words in the work accounted for by that lemma and all higher ranking lemmata

Column E: TRUE=in DCC Core; FALSE=not in DCC Core

IV. As above, but including proper names

V. The 100 most common non-core lemmata in the Aeneid and the 100 most common non-core lemmata in the Gallic War, excluding proper names, ranked by frequency.

Columns A/H: Rank based on number of occurences

Columns B/I: Lemma as spelled by LASLA

Columns C/J: Number of occurences in the two works

Columns D/K: Definitions from Frieze's Vergilian Dictioanary and Hodges' Caesar Dictionary

VI. Core lemmata not found in the Aeneid and core lemmata not found in the Gallic War, listed alphabetically.

Columns A/D: Lemmata

Columns B/E: Definitions given in the DCC Core