NOTE: Lemmatization of Anglo–Saxon Names
—: declined forms unattested
[ ]: nominative forms unattested (back–formed for purposes of lemmatization)
*: form unattested but hypothesized based on existing patterns
Aeduini –ī m.: Edwin, King of the Northumbrians, 616-633
Deirī –ōrum: the Deiri
prōsāpia –ae f.: a stock, race, family
prīmōrdium -ī n.: beginning, origin, source
patruus patruī m.: uncle
[Aelfric] –ī m.: Ælfric, Father of King Osric 1 of Deira, paternal uncle of Edwin 2
vocābulum –ī n.: a designation, name
Osric –ī m.: Osric, King of Deira, 633-634
praedicātiō –ōnis f.: teaching; sermon
Paulīnus –ī m.: Paulinus, Bishop of York, 625-633; bishop of Rochester, 633-644
sacrāmentum –ī n.: sacrament
imbuō or inbuō –ere –uī –ūtus: to wet, moisten
porrō: forward, of space, time, or of mental operations, far off
Bernicī –ōrum: the Bernici
Nordanhymbri –ōrum m.: the Northumbrians, people living north of the Humber estuary
antīquitus: in former times
Aedilfrid –ī m.: Æthelfrith, King of the Northumbrians, 592-616
orīgō –inis f.: origin
Eanfridus -i m.: Eanfrith, King of the Bernicians, 633/34-634; son of Æthelfrith 2
siquidem: if only, if indeed
rēgnō rēgnāre rēgnāvī rēgnātus: to rule
Aeduini –ī m.: Edwin, King of the Northumbrians, 616-633
praefatus, -a, -um: previously mentioned
Aedilfrid –ī m.: Æthelfrith, King of the Northumbrians, 592-616
rēgnō rēgnāre rēgnāvī rēgnātus: to rule
iuventūs iuventūtis f.: youth, young man
Scōtī –ōrum m.: Gaelic-speaking peoples of Ireland and later Scotland
Pictī –ōrum m.: the Picts, a Celtic people of northern Britain
exsulō exsulāre exsulāvī exsulātus: to be in exile
doctrīna –ae f.: teaching, doctrine
Scōtī –ōrum m.: Gaelic-speaking peoples of Ireland and later Scotland
catēchizō –āre –āvī –ātum: to catechize
baptisma –atis n.: baptism
recreō recreāre recreāvī recreātum: to restore, revive, refresh, cheer
mortuus –a –um: dead
Eanfridus -i m.: Eanfrith, King of the Bernicians, 633/34-634; son of Æthelfrith 2
Bernicī –ōrum: the Bernici
uter utra utrum: either which (of two)
terrēnus –a –um: earthen
īnfula –ae f.: bandage
sortior –ītus sum: to cast lots; obtain
sacrāmentum –ī n.: sacrament
initiō initiāre initiāvī initiātus: to initiate
anathematizō –āre –āvī –ātus: to anathemize
prīscus –a –um: ancient
īdō(lo)latria –ae f.: idolatry, idol-worship, paganism
sordēs –is f.: filth; greed
polluō –ere –uī –ūtus: to soil
restituō restituere restituī restitūtus: to restore
uter utra utrum: either which (of two)
Britannī –ōrum m.: Britons
Ceadvalla: Cadwallon, King of Gwynedd, d.634
impius –a –um: disloyal
ultiō –ōnis f.: act of vengeance
perimō –ere –ēmī –ēmptus: to take away completely; annihilate
prīmō: at first
proximus proximī m.: neighbor
aestās aestātis f.: summer
Osric –ī m.: Osric, King of Deira, 633-634
mūnicipium mūnicipi(ī) n.: township
temerārius –a –um: accidental; thoughtless, impetuous
obsideō obsidēre obsēdī obsessus: to blockade
ērumpō ērumpere ērūpī ēruptus: to break out, burst out
imparātus –a –um: unprepared, unfurnished
dēleō dēlēre dēlēvī dēlētus: to destroy
Nordanhymbri –ōrum m.: the Northumbrians, people living north of the Humber estuary
possideō –ēre –sēdī –sessus: to hold, possess
tyrannus tyrannī m.: tyrant
saeviō saevīre saeviī saevitum: to rage
disperdō -perdere -perdidī -perditum: to waste, ruin, destroy
tragicus –a –um: of tragedy, tragic
dīlacerō –āre –āvī –ātum: to tear to pieces
Eanfridus -i m.: Eanfrith, King of the Bernicians, 633/34-634; son of Æthelfrith 2
incōnsultus –a –um: without advice
legō legāre legāvī legātus: to bequeath; choose as a deputy
postulō postulāre postulāvī postulātus: to demand
īnfaustus –a –um: unfortunate
exōsus –a –um: hating much; usually w. an obj. acc.; hostile
permaneō permanēre permānsī permānsum: to remain
apostasia –ae f.: a departure from one's religion
Anglī –ōrum m.: the Angles, a Germanic tribe; the English
sacrāmentum –ī n.: sacrament
exuō exuere exuī exūtus: to take off
vēsānus –a –um: insane
Britannicus –a –um: British
tyrannis –idis f. : tyranny
computō –putāre: to count, compute, reckon
medium medi(ī) n.: middle
perfidus –a –um: faithless, treacherous, false
Osuald –ī m.: Oswald, King of the Northumbrians, 634-642
as–signō –signāre: to mark out, assign
occīsiō –ōnis f. : killing, slaying, murder, slaughter
Eanfridus –i m.: Eanfrith, King of the Bernicians, 633/34-634; son of Æthelfrith 2
superveniō –īre –vēnī –ventu: to come over or upon; come unexpectedly; fall upon
Christus –ī m.: Christ
mūniō mūnīre mūnīvī mūnītus: to build, fortify
īnfandus –a –um: not to be uttered
Britannī –ōrum m.: Britons
immēnsus –a –um: immense
resistō resistere restitī: to pause
iactō iactāre iactāvī iactātus: to throw
interimō interimere interēmī interēmptus: to destroy
Anglī –ōrum m.: the Angles, a Germanic tribe; the English
Denisesburna: the Devil's Water or Rowley Burn
rīvus –ī m.: brook, stream
[Denisus] –ī m.: Denis/Denise?