Fr. 113
]..[ ]
]ρπον δαυ[
]ο̣ἰωνὸς ἀν' ἐ[
Κ]εῖριν φῆ π̣ρ̣[
5 ]ν ῥ̣έξειν α.[
].τ̣τω δ' ἦλθ[
Κ]εῖριν ἰδε.[
10 ]..ι̣.[
Fragment 113 Harder (=113 Pf.) P.Oxy. 2208 fr. 2 [image],
Trismegistos 59406
This may be part of an aition on Scylla and Minos, if ]ειριν in lines 4 and 9 are correctly restored as Κ]εῖριν. The same story was told in the Latin poem Ciris, preserved in the Appendix Vergiliana. Another Minos story would be an attractive addition, and particularly this one, which is about pathetic love. When Minos was besieging Megara, Scylla fell in love with him, and then betrayed her city to him by cutting off a lock of her father’s hair. If located in book 3, it would be a contrast to the positive love stories of Acontius and Cydippe and Phrygius and Pieria, and has many potential parallels with the final aition of book 4.