Fr. 43b

      Ὥ]ς ἡ μὲν λίπε μῦθον, ἐγὼ δ᾽ἐπὶ καὶ τ[ὸ πυ]θέσθαι

         ]θελον - ἦ γάρ μοι θάμβος ὑπετρέφ[ε]το -,

     Κ]ισσούσης παρ᾽ ὕδωρ Θεοδαίσια Κρῆ[σσαν ἑ]ορτήν

         ] πόλις ἡ Κάδμου κῶς Ἁλίαρτος ἄγ[ει

5   κ]αὶ στυρὸν ἐν μούνοισι πολίσμασι[. . . .]. ι. .τω.

         κ]αὶ Μίνω μεγάλοις ἄστεσι γαῖα φ[έρει, 

      . .]ωθεδετι κρήνη ῾Ραδαμάνθυο[ς. . . . .].[. . .]ν

         ]χνια τῆς κείνου λοιπὰ νομογραφ[ίης

        . .].[.]αμον ἐν δὲ νυ τοῖσι σοφὸν τόδε τηι[


    Fr. 43b (= 43.84-92 Pf., = 50.84-92 Mass.)
      1-9 P.Oxy. 2080 col. II 86-94 [image], Trismegistos 59388
      19-50 P.Oxy. 2080 col. III [image], Trismegistos 59388
      34 EtGen. AB s.v. Ζαγρεύς 

    This episode is part of the dialogue in the previous episode but the attention of the speakers moves to Haliartus in Boeotia. This very broken section also mentions Cnossos and Dionysus Zagreus. The Theodaesia was a well known Cretan festival; it is a type of theoxenia, in which gods are feted at a ritual meal, celebrated in many locations in the Greek world.

    7. Rhadamanthys was Minos' brother. According to ps.-Apollodorus 2.4.11 and 3.1.2 Rhadamanthys married Alcmene after the death of Amphitryon and relocated in Boeotia.

    Fr. 43b

    θάμβος -εος, τό: astonishment, amazement

    ὑποτρέφω: rear, nourish, foster, encourage

    Κισσοῦσα -ας, ἡ: Cissusa, a spring at Haliartus, a town on the southern banks of Lake Copaïs in Boeotia

    Θεοδαίσια -ων, τά: Theodaesia, Cretan name for the Dionysia festival

    Κρῆσσα -ης: (fem. adj.) Cretan, of or from Crete

    ἑορτή -ῆς, ἡ: festival

    κῶς: how, why (Ionic for πῶς)

    Κάδμος -ου, ὁ: Cadmus, founder and first king of Thebes

    Ἁλίαρτος, -ου, ὁ: Haliartus, a town on the southern banks of Lake Copaïs in Boeotia

    στυρόν: styrax, a plant whose resin was used in perfumes, incense, and medicines 5

    μοῦνος: Ep. and Ion. for μόνος

    πόλισμα -ατος, τό: a city, town

    κρήνη -ης, ἡ: well, spring, fountain

    ἴχνιον -ου, τό: a track, trace, footstep

    λοιπός -ή -όν: left over, remaining

    νομογραφία -ας, ἡ: written legislation


    Thus she finished her story, but I wanted to know this

    also—for truly my amazement was encouraged— 

    Why does Haliartus, the city of Cadmus near the water 

    of Cissusa, celebrate the Theodaesia, a Cretan festival,

    and the earth produces styrax in only the towns ...5

    and in the great cities of Minos...

    ... the fountain of Rhadamanthys ...

    ... the remaining traces of his legislation ...

    ...and among them...this wise [law?]

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    Suggested Citation

    Susan Stephens, Callimachus: Aetia. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-947822-07-8.