Intereā classem vēlīs aptāre iubēbat

Anchīsēs, fieret ventō mora nē qua ferentī.

Quem Phoebī interpres multō compellat honōre:

'Coniugiō, Anchīsā, Veneris dignāte superbō,475

cūra deum, bis Pergameīs ērepte ruīnīs,

ecce tibi Ausoniae tellūs: hanc arripe vēlīs.

Et tamen hanc pelagō praeterlābāre necesse est:

Ausoniae pars illa procul quam pandit Apollō.

Vāde,' ait 'ō fēlīx nātī pietāte. Quid ultrā480

prōvehor et fandō surgentīs dēmoror Austrōs?'

Nec minus Andromachē dīgressū maesta suprēmō

fert pictūrātās aurī subtēmine vestīs

et Phrygiam Ascaniō chlamydem (nec cēdit honōre)

textilibusque onerat dōnīs, ac tālia fātur:485

'Accipe et haec, manuum tibi quae monimenta meārum

sint, puer, et longum Andromachae testentur amōrem,

coniugis Hectoreae. Cape dōna extrēma tuōrum,

ō mihi sōla meī super Astyanactis imāgō.

Sīc oculōs, sīc ille manūs, sīc ōra ferēbat;490

et nunc aequālī tēcum pūbēsceret aevō.'

Hōs ego dīgrediēns lacrimīs adfābar obortīs:

'Vīvite fēlīcēs, quibus est fortūna perācta

iam sua: nōs alia ex aliīs in fāta vocāmur.

Vōbīs parta quiēs: nūllum maris aequor arandum,495

arva neque Ausoniae semper cēdentia retrō

quaerenda. Effigiem Xanthī Trōiamque vidētis

quam vestrae fēcēre manūs, meliōribus, optō,

auspiciīs, et quae fuerit minus obvia Grāīs.

Sī quandō Thybrim vīcīnaque Thybridis arva500

intrārō gentīque meae data moenia cernam,

cognātās urbēs ōlim populōsque propinquōs,

Ēpīrō Hesperiam (quibus īdem Dardanus auctor

atque īdem cāsūs), ūnam faciēmus utramque

Trōiam animīs: maneat nostrōs ea cūra nepōtēs.'505


    intereā: (adv.), amid these things; meanwhile, in the meantime, 1.418, et al.

    vēlum, ī, n.: a cloth; sail, 1.103, et al.; a curtain, canvas, covering, 1.469.

    aptō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to fit, join, or fasten to; with acc. and dat., 8.721; put on, 2.390; get ready, prepare, 10.259; fit out, prepare, 1.552; with abl. of manner, 8.80. (aptus)

    iubeō, iussī (fut. perf. iussō for iusserō, 11.467), iussus, 2, a.: to order, request, usually w. inf., freq.; bid, 2.3; ask, invite, 1.708; will, wish, desire, 3.261; direct, enjoin, admonish, 3.697; persuade, advise, 2.37; to clear by command, 10.444; w. subj., 10.53.

    Anchīsēs, ae, m.: son of Capys and Themis, and father of Aeneas by Venus, 2.687, et al.

    quis, qua or quae, quid or quod: (indef. pron., adj., and subst.), any, some, 2.94, et al.; some one, any one, any body, anything, something, 1.413, et al.; sī quis, nē quis, etc., if any, lest any, etc., freq.; (adv.), quid, as to anything, in anything, at all, freq.; sī quid, if at all, freq.

    Phoebus, ī, m.: Phoebus or Apollo, 1.329, et al.

    interpres, etis, c.: an agent between parties; a mediator, messenger, 4.355; author, 4.608; prophet, 3.359.

    compellō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to address, accost, speak to, 1.581; greet, salute, 3.299; chide, upbraid, 5.161.

    coniugium, iī, n.: a joining together; marriage, wedlock, 4.172; (meton.), husband, wife, consort, 2.579; 3.296. (coniungō)

    Venus, eris, f.: Venus, goddess of love and beauty, identified by the Romans with Aphrodite, daughter of Jupiter and Dione, 1.411, et al.; (meton.), love, lust, 6.26.

    dīgnor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: (w. acc. and abl.), to deem worthy of, 1.335; (w. inf.), think, fit, deign, 4.192; p., dīgnātus, a, um, with pass. meaning, deemed worthy of, honored by, 3.475. (dīgnus)

    bis: (adv.), twice, 1.381. (in composition bi-)

    Pergameus, a, um: adj. (Pergamus), of Pergamus, Pergamean; Trojan, 3.110. Pergamea (sc. urbs), the city built by Aeneas in Crete, 3.133.

    ruīna, ae, f.: a falling down; fall, overthrow; convulsion, commotion, destructive force, 1.129; onset, shock, 11.613; pl., ruin, overthrow, destruction, 1.238; dare, trahere ruīnam, to fall in ruins, 2.310; bring destruction, 12.454. (ruō)

    Ausonia, ae, f.: an ancient name of middle and lower Italy; Italy, in general, 3.496.

    arripiō, uī, reptus, 3, a.: to seize for one’s self; seize, 9.561; lay hold upon; surprise, 9.13; (fig.), hasten to, gain, 3.477. (ad and rapiō)

    pelagus, ī, n.: the sea; open sea, main, 1.138; flood, 1.246.

    praeterlābor, lāpsus sum, 3, dep. n. and a.: to glide, flow along by, 6.874; sail past or by, 3.478.

    pandō, pandī, passus or pānsus, 3, a.: to spread out or open, 7.641; unfurl, 3.520; extend, expose, 6.740; break through, open, 2.234; unbind, dishevel, 1.480; (fig.), disclose, declare, explain, reveal, 3.179.

    Apollō, inis, m.: Apollo, son of Jupiter and Latona; the god of prophecy, medicine, music, poetry, and archery, 2.430; met., a temple of Apollo, 3.275.

    vādō, 3, n.: to go, walk, advance, go on, 2.396, et al.; rush, 2.359; move, speed on, 8.702; imperat., vāde, away, go on! 3.462.

    ō: (interj. expressing joy, grief, astonishment, desire, or indignation), O! oh! ah! w. voc., 2.281, et al.; w. sī and the subj., oh that, 11.415; sometimes placed after the word to which it relates, 2.281.

    prōvehō, vexī, vectus, 3, a.: to carry forward or forth; (pass.), provehor, vectus sum, to be borne, ride, sail forth or away, 3.72; proceed, continue, 3.481.

    dēmoror, ātus sum, 1, dep. a. and n.: to linger, protract, 2.648; detain, 3.481; wait for, await, 10.30.

    Auster, trī, m.: the southerly or south wind, opposite to Aquilo; wind in general, 3.70; (meton.), the south.

    nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

    Andromachē, ae, f.: wife of Hector, 2.456.

    dīgressus, ūs, m.: a going away; a departure, parting, 3.482.

    pīctūrātus, a, um: adorned with painting; embroidered, 3.483. (pīctūra)

    subtēmen, inis, n.: that which is woven under or passed under or across the warp in weaving; the cross thread, weft, woof or filling; thread; 3.483. (subtexō)

    Phrygius, a, um: Phrygian, Trojan, 1.381; subst., Phrygiae, ārum, f., Phrygian or Trojan women, 518. (Phryx)

    Ascanius, iī, m.: Ascanius, son of Aeneas, and traditional founder of Alba Longa, 1.267.

    chlamys, ydis, f.: a mantle or cloak of woolen cloth, worn by the Greeks; a mantle, 3.484.

    textilis, e: adj. (texō), woven, embroidered, 3.485.

    onerō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to load; the thing or material with which, usually in abl. and rarely in acc., 1.706; stow, lade, store away, w. dat. of the thing receiving, 1.195; (fig.), burden, overwhelm, 4.549. (onus)

    atque, or ac: (conj.), and in addition, or and besides; and, as well, and indeed, and, 1.575; freq.; even, 2.626; in comparisons, as, 4.90; than, 3.561.

    manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

    monumentum, ī, n.: a means of admonishing, reminding, or instructing; a memorial, 3.486; record, tradition, 3.102; memento, 12.945; token, 6.512. (cf. moneō)

    testor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to testify, bear witness to, with acc. of object witnessed, 3.487; to call to witness, appeal to, with acc. of witness called upon, 2.155; invoke, 12.496; w. object omitted, adjure, implore, 3.599; declare, proclaim, 6.619; beseech (call to witness the offering), 11.559. (testis)

    Hectoreus, a, um: adj. (Hector), of Hector, 2.543; Hectorean, Trojan, 1.273.

    tuī, ōrum, m.: your friends, kinsmen, countrymen, descendants, etc., 3.488; freq. (tuus)

    super: (adv.), above, 4.684, et al.; above, from above, 10.384; moreover, 4.606; besides, 1.29; more than enough, 2.642; remaining, surviving, left (with ellipsis of esse), 3.489, et al.; still (or above), 4.684; of time, in, during, 9.61.

    Astyanax, actis, m.: Astyanax, the son of Hector and Andromache, put to death by Ulysses after the capture of Troy, to prevent the fulfillment of the prophecy which said that Troy should be restored by him, 2.457.

    aequālis, e: adj. (aequō), equal; of the same age, 10.194; fellow, companion; subst., c., companion, 5.468.

    pūbēscō, pūbuī, 3, inc. n.: to be growing up, 3.491. (pūbēs)

    dīgredior, gressus sum, 3, dep. n.: to walk or go apart, aside, or away; depart, 3.410; separate, 4.80; come from, 2.718. (di- and gradior)

    adfor, fātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to speak to; address, 1.663; beseech, supplicate, 2.700; bid adieu, farewell to, 2.644.

    oborior, ortus sum, 4, dep. n.: to arise, spring up; gush, burst forth, 3.492.

    peragō, ēgī, āctus, 3, a.: to drive through; carry through; execute, achieve, accomplish, finish, perform, 4.653; pursue, 6.384; fulfill, achieve, 3.493; go through with, distribute, 5.362; go through mentally, 6.105.

    quiēs, ētis, f.: rest, repose, 3.495; sleep, 2.268; respite, intermission, 1.723.

    arō, āvi, ātus, 1, a. and n.: to plow; till, cultivate, 4.212; of navigation, to plow, 2.780; of age, to furrow, 7.417.

    retrō: (adv.), back, backwards, 2.753. (re-)

    effigiēs, ēī, f.: something molded or fashioned; a figure, likeness, or image, 3.148. (effingō)

    Xanthus, ī, m.: 1. The Xanthus or Scamander, a river near Troy, 5.808, et al. 2. A small river in Epirus named by Helenus after the Trojan Xanthus, 3.350. 3. A river in Lycia, 4.143.

    Trōia, ae, f.: 1. Troy, the capital of the Troad, 2.625, et al. 2. A city built by Helenus in Epirus, 3.349. 3. A part of the city of Acesta in Sicily, 5.756. 4. The name of an equestrian game of Roman boys, 5.602.

    auspicium, iī, n.: an auspice; omen, token, sign, 3.499; power, authority, 4.103; will, 4.341; conduct, leadership, 11.347. (auspex)

    obvius, a, um: adj. (ob and via), in the way; presenting one's self or itself; meeting, 1.314; against, 6.880; opposing, 9.56; in the way of; exposed to, 3.499; obvius fierī, to encounter, meet, 10.380.

    Grāī (Grāiī) (dissyll.), ōrum, m.: the Greeks, 1.467, et al.

    Thӯbris, idis, m.: an ancient king of Latium, 8.330.

    cognātus, a, um: (adj.), near by birth; kindred, 3.502.

    propinquus, a, um: adj. (prope), near, neighboring, near at hand, 3.381; not remote, 11.156; near of kin, related, 2.86.

    Ēpīros (Ēpīrus), ī, f.: Epirus, the country on the Adriatic coast, west of Thessaly and Macedon, now Albania, 3.292.

    Hesperia, ae, f.: the western land; Italy, 1.569, et al.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.