This site contains the Life of St. Martin, Bishop of Tours (AD 316 or 317–397), written by Sulpicius Severus (ca. AD 363 – ca. 425), with notes, vocabulary, audio recordings, and other digital enhancements. It is intended for students of Latin, who are assumed to be learning to translate themselves, so no translation is given. The Latin text is based on the editions of Halm and Fontaine. The introduction and notes were written by Christopher Francese, Professor of Classical Studies at Dickinson College.

St. Martin of Tours and the Beggar, painted about 1320 by Simone Martini for the chapel of St Martin in Assisi. Photo: Jim Forest

St. Martin of Tours and the Beggar, painted about 1320 by Simone Martini for the chapel of St. Martin in Assisi. Photo: Jim Forest