Iamque oratores aderant ex urbe Latina100

uelati ramis oleae ueniamque rogantes:

corpora, per campos ferro quae fusa iacebant,

redderet ac tumulo sineret succedere terrae;

nullum cum uictis certamen et aethere cassis;

parceret hospitibus quondam socerisque uocatis.105

quos bonus Aeneas haud aspernanda precantis

prosequitur uenia et uerbis haec insuper addit:

'quaenam uos tanto fortuna indigna, Latini,

implicuit bello, qui nos fugiatis amicos?

pacem me exanimis et Martis sorte peremptis110

oratis? equidem et uiuis concedere uellem.

nec ueni, nisi fata locum sedemque dedissent,

nec bellum cum gente gero; rex nostra reliquit

hospitia et Turni potius se credidit armis.

aequius huic Turnum fuerat se opponere morti.115

si bellum finire manu, si pellere Teucros

apparat, his mecum decuit concurrere telis:

uixet cui uitam deus aut sua dextra dedisset.

nunc ite et miseris supponite ciuibus ignem.'

dixerat Aeneas. illi obstipuere silentes120

conuersique oculos inter se atque ora tenebant.


    ōrātor, ōris, m.: a speaker; envoy, ambassador, 7.153. (ōrō)

    adsum, adfuī, esse, irreg. n.: to be near or by; to be present, at hand, or here, 1.595; to have arrived, 2.132; to be with, attend, 2.701; aid, accompany, 10.547; be propitious, 3.116; to beset, 2.330; inf., adfore, to be about to come, destined to come, 7.270. (imp. subj., adforem, -ēs, -et, -ent)

    Latīnus, a, um: adj. (Latium), of Latium; Latin, 1.6, et al.; Latīna, ae, f., a Latin woman, 12.604.

    vēlō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to veil, 3.405; cover, clothe; bind around, wreathe, crown, 5.72; festoon, adorn, 2.249; to shade by bearing in the hand, 7.154; 11.101. (vēlum)

    rāmus, ī, m.: a branch, bough, 4.485, et al.; limb, 8.318; wreath, 5.71.

    olea, ae, f.: an olive, olive berry, olive tree.

    venia, ae, f.: favor, 4.50; mercy, kindness, 4.435; forbearance, indulgence, concession, 10.626; grace, favor, 11.101; relief, help, 1.519.

    atque, or ac: (conj.), and in addition, or and besides; and, as well, and indeed, and, 1.575; freq.; even, 2.626; in comparisons, as, 4.90; than, 3.561.

    tumulus, ī, m.: a rising ground; a low hill, 9.195; a mound, 2.713; sepulchral mound, sepulcher, tomb, 3.304; 11.103. (tumeō)

    succēdō, cessī, cessus, 3, n. and a.: to go, come up to or under, with dat., or acc. and prep., or without a case, to go up to, visit, 8.507; ascend, 12.235; come up to, advance to, 2.478; approach, 7.214; encounter, 10.847; enter, 1.627; creep under, disappear beneath, 5.93; to descend into the earth, to be buried, 11.103; take up, take upon one's self, 2.723; go under, be yoked to, 3.541; to follow, 11.481; to turn out well; succeed, come to pass, 11.794. (sub and cēdō)

    certāmen, inis, n.: a striving, a struggle; effort, 5.197; combat, emulation, strife, 3.128; battle, war, 8.639; contest, game, 5.286. (certō)

    cassus, a, um: (adj.), void; deprived of, 2.85; fruitless, vain, 12.780.

    socer, erī, m.: a father-in-law, 6.830, et al.; pl., socerī, ōrum, parents-in-law, parents, 2.457.

    Aenēās, ae, m.: 1. A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid, 1.92. 2. Aenēās Silvius, one of the Alban kings, 6.769.

    aspernor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to slight, despise, 11.106. (ab and spernor)

    prōsequor, secūtus sum, 3, dep. a.: to follow on after; follow, pursue, 6.476; attend, 3.130; greet, 11.107; without an object, go on, 2.107.

    īnsuper: (adv.), above, over, upon, 1.61; moreover, 2.593; (prep. w. abl.), besides, 9.274.

    quisnam (quīnam), quaenam, quidnam: (emphatic interrog. pron.), who, pray? what, pray? who? what? 3.338.

    indīgnus, a, um: (adj.), unworthy; unmeet, unjust, 10.74; disgraceful, shameful, revolting, cruel, 2.285; once with gen., 12.649; n. pl. subst., indīgna, ōrum, indignities, 12.811.

    Latīnī, ōrum, m.: the people of Latium; the Latins, 12.823, et al.

    implicō, āvī or uī, ātus or itus, 1, a.,: to fold in; involve, entangle, entwine, 2.215; to wheel, 12.743; (w. dat.), bind to, 11.555; infuse, 1.660; insinuate, mingle, 7.355; sē implicāre, cling to, 2.724.

    exanimis, e, and exanimus, a, um: adj. (ex and anima), breathless; lifeless, dead, 1.484; slain, 11.110; breathless with fear, terrified, 4.672.

    Mārs (archaic form, Māvors), Mārtis: Mars, son of Jupiter and Juno; the patron of war and tutelar god of the Romans, 1.274, et al.; (meton.), martial spirit, courage, warlike fury, 6.165; battle, conflict, 2.335, et al.

    perimō, ēmī, ēmptus, 3, a.: to take away completely; annihilate, destroy, 5.787; slay, kill, 6.163. (per and emō)

    equidem: (adv.), indeed, at least, certainly, surely; w. first person, for my part, 1.238. (demonstr. e or ec and quidem)

    vīvus, a, um: adj. (vīvō), alive, living, 6.531; lifelike, 6.848; immortal, 12.235; of water, living, running, pure, 2.719; of rock, natural, unquarried, living, 1.167.

    concēdō, essī, essus, 3, a. and n.: to retire; come away, come, 2.523; go away, depart, 2.91; subside, come to an end, terminate, 8.41; allow, yield, grant, concede, 5.798; give up to, abandon, 7.305.

    nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

    veniō, vēnī, ventus: to come, freq.; come forth; approach, 6.755; rise, appear, 1.353; dawn, 10.241; to present one's self or itself, 5.344; descend, spring from, 5.373; impers., ventum est, we, they came or have come, 4.151.

    hospitium, iī, n.: the relation of host and guest; hospitality, 10.460; friendly reception, entertainment; protection, hospitality, welcome, 1.299; guest-land, ally, 3.15; refuge, 1.540; alliance, 11.114. (hospes)

    Turnus, ī, m.: the chief of the Rutulians, 7.56, et al.

    potius: (adv.), preferably; rather, 3.654. (potis)

    oppōnō, posuī, positus, 3, a.: to place or put before or against, 5.335; oppose, 7.300; present, expose, 2.127; p., oppositus, a, um, placed in the way, opposed, 12.292; opposing, 2.333. (ob and pōnō)

    fīniō, īvī or iī, ītus, 4, a.: to end, put an end to, 11.116. (fīnis)

    manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

    Teucrī, ōrum, m.: the Trojans, descendants of Teucer, 1.38, et al.; adj., Teucrian, Trojan, 9.779, et al. (Teucer)

    apparō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to get ready, prepare; resolve, be ready; with infin., 11.117. (ad and parō)

    concurrō, currī (rarely cucurrī), cursus, 3, n.: to run together or at once; crowd around, 12.297; rush, 2.315; rush to conflict, 7.224; rush against a foe; (with dat.), engage, encounter, 1.493.

    suppōnō, posuī, positus, 3, a.: to put, place under, 6.24; put to the throat, thrust under, 6.248. (sub and pōnō)

    obstipēscō, stipuī (stupuī), 3, inc. n.: to become stupefied; to be astonished, amazed, 1.613.

    sileō, uī, 2, n. and a.: to be, keep, remain silent, 2.126; be hushed, calm, still, 1.164; w. acc., to pass over in silence; leave unmentioned, unsung, 10.793.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/ja/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-xi-100-121