At parte ex aliā, quā saxa rotantia lātē

intulerat torrēns arbustaque dīruta rīpīs,

Arcadas īnsuetōs aciēs īnferre pedestrīs

ut vīdit Pallās Latiō dare terga sequācī,365

aspera aquīs nātūra locī dīmittere quandō

suāsit equōs, ūnum quod rēbus restat egēnīs,

nunc prece, nunc dictīs virtūtem accendit amārīs;

'Quō fugitis, sociī? per vōs et fortia facta,

per ducis Euandrī nōmen dēvictaque bella370

spemque meam, patriae quae nunc subit aemula laudī,

fīdite nē pedibus. ferrō rumpenda per hostīs

est via. Quā globus ille virum dēnsissimus urget,

hāc vōs et Pallanta ducem patria alta reposcit.

Nūmina nūlla premunt, mortālī urgēmur ab hoste375

mortālēs; totidem nōbīs animaeque manūsque.

Ecce maris māgnā claudit nōs ōbice pontus,

dēest iam terra fugae: pelagus Trōiamne petāmus?'

Haec ait, et medius dēnsōs prōrumpit in hostīs.


    rotō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a.: to move like a wheel; whirl about, 10.362; to brandish, 10.577. (rota)

    lātē: (adv.), widely; far and wide, 1.21; on all sides, far around, 1.163; all over, 12.308. (lātus)

    torreō, uī, tostus, 2, a. and n.: to burn, scorch, roast, parch, 1.179; rush, roll, 6.550; of a river bank, 9.105; p., torrēns, entis, subst., a torrent, 7.567.

    arbustum, ī, n.: a growth of trees; a grove; thicket, 10.363. (arbor)

    dīruō, uī, utus, 3, a.: to overthrow, tear apart or away from, 10.363.

    Arcas, adis, m.: an Arcadian, 10.452;(adj.), 11.835.

    īnsuētus, a, um (trisyll.): (adj.), unaccustomed; unused, unwonted, 6.16; (pl. n. as adv.), īnsuēta, strangely; hideously, 8.248.

    pedestris, e: adj. (pedes), pedestrian; unmounted; on foot, 10.364.

    Pallās, antis, m.: 1. A king of Arcadia, great-grandfather of Evander, 8.51. 2. Pallas, son of Evander, 8.104, et al.

    Latium, iī, n.: a country of ancient Italy, extending from the left bank of the lower Tiber to Campania, 1.6; (meton.), for Latīnī, the Latins, people of Latium, 10.365, et al. (2. latus; Virgil, 8.323, derives it from lateō)

    sequāx, ācis: adj. (sequor), prone to follow; following, pursuing, swiftly pursuing; darting, lambent, 8.432; rapid, 5.193.

    asper, era, erum: (adj.), rough, 2.379; rugged, craggy, jagged, 6.360; chased, embossed, 5.267; (fig.), of the weather, stormy, 2.110; of temperament, spirit, or nature, barbarous, 5.730; formidable, fierce, 1.14; full of strife, warlike, 1.291; cruel, stern, 6.882; angry, 1.279; bitter, 2.96; displeased, 8.365.

    suādeō, suāsī, suāsus, 2, n. and a.: to advise, warn, urge, exhort, 1.357, et al.; invite, 2.9; impel, prompt, 11.254; compel, force, 10.367.

    restō, restitī, 1, n.: to remain in place; to stand, stop; to be left, 2.142; remain, 1.556; remain for infliction, wait to be repeated, be in reserve, 10.29; w. abl., 1.679.

    egēnus, a, um: adj. (egeō), needy; in want, destitute, 1.599; distressed, straitened, imperiled, desperate, 10.367.

    dictum, ī, n.: a thing said; word, 1.197; command, precept, injunction, 1.695; promise, 8.643. (dīcō)

    accendō, ī, cēnsus, 3, a.: to set fire to, light up, enkindle, 5.4; enrage, exasperate, incense, 1.29; incite, rouse, 4.232. (ad and candō, rel. to candeō)

    amārus, a, um: (adj.), bitter, brackish, salt, briny; (fig.), bitter, 4.203; biting, 11.337; cruel, 10.900.

    Euander (-drus, 8.100; Ēvander, -drus), drī, m.: Evander, an Arcadian prince, son of Carmentis, and king of Pallanteum on the Tiber, 8.52.

    dēvincō, vīcī, victus, 3, a.: to conquer completely, to vanquish, 9.264; wage successfully, 10.370.

    patrius, a, um: adj. (pater), pertaining to one's father or ancestors; a father's, 2.658; paternal, natural to a father, 1.643; exacted by a father, 7.766; due to, felt for a father or parent, 9.294; ancestral, hereditary, 3.249; of one's country, native, 3.281; belonging to the nation, of the country, 11.374.

    subeō, iī, itus (p. subiēns, euntis), 4, n. and a.: to go or come under, into, or up to; alone, or with acc. and prep., or with dat.; without a case, come up, 2.216; go under, bend, stoop down under, 10.522; come after; follow, 2.725; take one's place, 12.471; enter, 1.171; come into or upon the mind, suggest itself, occur, 2.560; with acc. and prep., go, advance towards, 8.359; with dat., come or go up to, down to, into, 5.203; succeed to, 5.176; come after, follow, 10.371; with acc., approach, enter, 1.400; go under a burden, bear, with abl. of instrument, 2.708; go under the yoke, draw, 3.113; enter the mind of, strike, occur to, 9.757; approach, reach, 3.512; approach, 7.22; meet, encounter, 10.798; attack, 9.344.

    aemulus, a, um: (adj.), striving to equal; competing, rivaling, 5.187; envious, 5.415; a rival for, aspiring, 10.371.

    fīdō, fīsus sum, 3, n.: to confide, trust, rely; freq., w. dat., 7.290; w. abl., 5.398; w. inf., dare, 5.69; p., fīdēns, entis, trusting, bold, confident, w. abl., dat., or gen., freq. (rel. to πείθω, persuade)

    globus, ī, m.: any body of a spherical form; a globe, ball, 3.574; sphere, 6.725; phalanx, battalion, mass of assailants, 9.515; a mass of smoke or dust; a cloud, 9.36.

    dēnsus, a, um: (adj.), thick, dense, crowded, compact, in close array, serried, 2.383; frequent, 5.459.

    urgeō, ursī, 2, a. and n.: to drive, impel, press forward, 1.111; ply, hasten, 9.489; press, oppress, crush, bear down, 3.579; press around, inclose, surround, hem in, 11.524; weigh upon, oppress, close, 10.745; overpower, 2.653; attack, 10.375; punish, torture, 6.561.

    hāc: (adv.), by this way or route, 8.203; this way, here, 1.467; on one side, 12.565.

    reposcō, 3, a.: to demand back, demand again; require, 11.240; demand in return, 2.139; ask, 6.530; summon, 10.374; reassert, 12.573; w. two accusatives, demand back from, 7.606.

    totidem: (num. adj. pron., indecl.), just, even so many; as many, 4.183, et al.

    manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

    ōbex, icis, m. and f.: an obstacle; a barrier, 10.377; a bolt, bar, 8.227. (ob and iaciō)

    dēsum, fuī, esse, irreg. n.: to be absent, 7.678; to be wanting or missing, 2.744; fail, be wanting, lacking, 10.378. (deest, deeram, deero, etc., often pronounced and sometimes spelled dest, etc.)

    pelagus, ī, n.: the sea; open sea, main, 1.138; flood, 1.246.

    Trōia, ae, f.: 1. Troy, the capital of the Troad, 2.625, et al. 2. A city built by Helenus in Epirus, 3.349. 3. A part of the city of Acesta in Sicily, 5.756. 4. The name of an equestrian game of Roman boys, 5.602.

    prōrumpō, rūpī, ruptus, 3, a. and n.: to cause to burst forth; cast forth, 3.572; spring forth, 10.796; rush, run, burst into, 7.32; p., prōruptus, a, um, breaking, starting out, 7.459; dashing, rushing, broken, 1.246.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.