Nox erat et placidum carpēbant fessa sopōrem

corpora per terrās, silvaeque et saeva quiērant

aequora, cum mediō volvuntur sīdera lāpsū,

cum tacet omnis ager, pecudēs pictaeque volucrēs,525

quaeque lacūs lātē liquidōs quaeque aspera dūmīs

rūra tenent, somnō positae sub nocte silentī.

{Lēnībant cūrās et corda oblīta labōrum}

At nōn īnfēlīx animī Phoenissa, neque umquam529

solvitur in somnōs oculīsve aut pectore noctem530

accipit: ingeminant cūrae rūrsusque resurgēns

saevit amor magnōque īrārum flūctuat aestū.

Sīc adeō īnsistit sēcumque ita corde volūtat:

'Ēn, quid agō? Rūrsusne procōs inrīsa priōrēs

experiar, Nomadumque petam cōnūbia supplex,535

quōs ego sim totiēns iam dēdignāta marītōs?

Īliacās igitur classīs atque ultima Teucrum

iussa sequar? Quiane auxiliō iuvat ante levātōs

et bene apud memorēs veteris stat grātia factī?

Quis mē autem, fac velle, sinet ratibusve superbīs540

invīsam accipiet? Nescīs heu, perdita, necdum

Lāomedontēae sentīs periūria gentis?

Quid tum? Sōla fugā nautās comitābor ovantīs?

an Tyriīs omnīque manū stīpāta meōrum

īnferar et, quōs Sīdoniā vix urbe revellī,545

rūrsus agam pelagō et ventīs dare vēla iubēbō?

Quīn morere ut merita es, ferrōque āverte dolōrem.

Tū lacrimīs ēvicta meīs, tū prīma furentem

hīs, germāna, malīs onerās atque obicis hostī.

Nōn licuit thalamī expertem sine crīmine vītam550

dēgere mōre ferae, tālīs nec tangere cūrās;

Nōn servāta fidēs cinerī prōmissa Sychaeō.'


    placidus, a, um: adj. (placeō), gentle, calm, tranquil, peaceful, serene, 5.848; inactive, idle, 9.187; friendly, propitious, 3.266; (adv.), placidē, gently, softly, quietly, calmly, 5.86.

    carpo, carpsī, carptus, 3, a.: to pluck or pull, crop, browse upon, eat, graze; cause to graze, pasture; gather, 6.146; (fig.), catch, breathe, enjoy, 1.388; consume, 4.2; devour, waste, 4.32; carpere prāta, etc., to course over.

    sopor, ōris, m.: sleep; sound, deep slumber, 2.253; personified, 6.278.

    volvō, volvī, volūtus, 3, a.: to roll, 1.86; roll along or down, 1.101; roll or cast up, 3.206; toss, hurl, 12.906; roll over, roll in the dust, 12.329; cast, hurl down, 1.116; 9.512; roll, wheel, 1.163; of books, open, unroll, 1.262; of the Fates, fix the circle of events, decree, ordain, dispose, 1.22; 3.376; of the mind, revolve, meditate, reflect upon, 1.305; pass, continue, live through, experience, endure, suffer, 1.9; rotam volvere, to complete a cycle, period; (pass.), volvī, roll over, roll, 10.590; turn or wind about, 7.350; to be shed, to flow, 4.449; roll on, revolve, 1.269.

    lāpsus, ūs, m.: a slipping; gliding, 2.225; gliding movement, 2.225; turning, movement, 2.236; descent, flight, 3.225; course, 4.524. (1. lābor)

    pecus, udis, f.: one animal of a flock or herd; an animal, 1.743; a sheep, 3.120; victim for sacrifices, 4.63.

    pīctus, a, um: embroidered, 1.708; many-colored, speckled, spotted, variegated, 4.525.

    lacus, ūs, m.: a lake, pool, source, 8.74; fen, 2.135.

    lātē: (adv.), widely; far and wide, 1.21; on all sides, far around, 1.163; all over, 12.308. (lātus)

    liquidus, a, um: adj. (liqueō), flowing, liquid, fluid, 5.217, et al.; clear, serene, 6.202.

    asper, era, erum: (adj.), rough, 2.379; rugged, craggy, jagged, 6.360; chased, embossed, 5.267; (fig.), of the weather, stormy, 2.110; of temperament, spirit, or nature, barbarous, 5.730; formidable, fierce, 1.14; full of strife, warlike, 1.291; cruel, stern, 6.882; angry, 1.279; bitter, 2.96; displeased, 8.365.

    dūmus, ī, m.: a bramble, 4.526; brake, thicket.

    silēns, entis (gen. pl. -tum, 6.432): still, silent, noiseless, voiceless, 6.264.

    īnfēlīx, īcis: (adj.), unlucky; unfortunate, luckless, unhappy, 1.475, et al.; sad, miserable, 2.772; of ill omen, ill-starred, ill-boding, fatal, 2.245; unfruitful.

    Phoenissus, a, um: (adj.), Phoenician, 1.670; subst., Phoenissa, ae, f., a Phoenician woman; Dido, 1.714, et al.

    ingeminō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n.: a., repeat; redouble, multiply, increase, 7.578; name often, 2.770; n., shout again and again, 1.747; reëcho, 5.227; flash often or continuously, 3.199; be redoubled, return, 4.531.

    resurgō, surrēxī, surrēctus, 3, n.: to rise again, 1.206; revive, return, 4.531.

    saeviō, iī, ītus, 4, n.: to be fierce; to be furious, rage; be angry, 6.544. (saevus)

    fluctuō, āvī, ātus, 1, n.: to wave, fluctuate; (fig.), toss, 4.532; rage, boil, 12.527. (fluctus)

    aestus, ūs, m.: glowing heat; summer; a boiling; a billowy motion; waves of flame, flames, 2.706; wave, surge, 1.107; tide, sea, flood, 3.419; tide (of feeling), agitation, 4.532.

    īnsistō, stitī, 3, a. and n.: to place one’s self in or upon a thing; (w. dat.), to tread or stand upon, (w. acc.), to tread, 6.563; impress, 11.574; (fig.), of the will, continue, persist, 4.533.

    volūtō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. and n.: to roll about; to roll back, reëcho, 5.149; roll or send through, make resound, 1.725; of thought, turn over, ponder, think over; meditate, 1.50; with ellipsis of the acc., 4.533; n., fall prostrate, 3.607. (volvō)

    ēn: (interj.), lo! behold! with nom., 1.461; in indignation, 4.597.

    procus, ī, m.: one who asks, a wooer, suitor, 4.534. (procor, ask)

    inrīdeō, rīsī, rīsus, 2, n. and a.: to laugh at; deride, 5.272; set at naught, insult, 4.534.

    nomas, adis, c.: a nomad; pl., Nomades, um, m., the Numidians, 4.320.

    cōnūbium (sometimes trisyll.), iī, n.: nuptials, marriage, 1.73; wedlock, nuptial rite, 3.136; marriage tie, nuptial bond, 3.319. (con- and nūbō, wed)

    supplex, icis: adj. (supplicō, beseech), kneeling, entreating, suppliant, 3.439; subst., supplex, icis, c., a suppliant, 2.542.

    totiēns (totiēs): num. adj. (tot), so many times, so often, 1.407, et al.

    dēdīgnor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to deem unworthy, disdain, scorn, refuse, 4.536.

    marītus, i, m.: a husband, 3.297; suitor, 4.35. (mās)

    Īliacus, a, um: (adj.), belonging to Ilium; Ilian, Trojan, 1.97, et al.

    Teucrī, ōrum, m.: the Trojans, descendants of Teucer, 1.38, et al.; adj., Teucrian, Trojan, 9.779, et al. (Teucer)

    iussum, ī, n.: a thing ordered; command, injunction, order, 1.77, et al. (iubeō)

    levō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to render light; lighten; lift, aid, 1.145; raise, 4.690; (fig.), ease, relieve of (w. abl.); support, rest, 10.834; reënforce, help, 2.452; mitigate, 3.36; allay, 7.495; cure, 7.755; relieve, 7.571. (2. levis)

    memor, oris: adj. (rel. to mēns and meminī), mindful, remembering, 1.23; heedful, 480; thankful, grateful, 4.539; not forgetting; relentless, 1.4; with nōn or nec, unmindful, regardless, 12.534.

    ratis, is, f.: a raft, float; bark, boat, ship, 1.43, et al.

    invīsus, a, um: unseen, 2.574.

    heu: (interj.), alas! ah! oh! 2.289, et al.

    perdō, didī, ditus, 3, a.: to put through completely; ruin, undo, kill, destroy, 7.304; to abandon; lose, 11.58.

    necdum: (adv.), nor yet; and not yet, 1.25.

    Lāomedontēus, a, um: adj. (Lāomedon), pertaining to Laomedon, father of Priam; Laomedontean, Trojan, 4.542.

    periūrium, iī, n.: a false oath; perjury, perfidy, treachery, 4.542. (periūrus)

    nauta, ae, m.: a boatman, ferryman, 6.315; sailor, mariner, 3.207. (nāvis)

    comitor, ātus sum, 1. dep. a.: to accompany, attend, follow, 3.660; p., comitātus, a, um, attended, accompanied, 1.312, et al. (comes)

    ovō, ātus, 1, n.: to shout, rejoice, 3.544; triumph, 6.589; p., ovāns, antis, exulting, joyous, shouting, triumphant, 4.543; of things, 10.409.

    Tyrius, a, um: adj. (Tyrus), of Tyre; Tyrian or Phoenician, 1.12; subst., Tyrius, iī, m., a Tyrian, 1.574; pl., 1.747.

    manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

    stīpō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to tread down, compress; pack together, store up, 1.433; load, w. acc. and dat., 3.465; throng around, attend, 4.136.

    meī, m. pl.: my kindred, friends, countrymen, descendants, etc., 2.587, et al.; mea, ōrum, n., my possessions, enjoyments, 12.882. (mē)

    Sīdōnius, a, um: (adj.), of Sidon; Sidonian; Phoenician, Tyrian, 1.678, et al.

    revellō, vellī, vulsus, 3, a.: to pull back; pluck out, tear out or off, 4.515; rend, rip, tear open, 12.98; snatch, bring away, rescue, 4.545; disturb, violate, 4.427.

    pelagus, ī, n.: the sea; open sea, main, 1.138; flood, 1.246.

    vēlum, ī, n.: a cloth; sail, 1.103, et al.; a curtain, canvas, covering, 1.469.

    iubeō, iussī (fut. perf. iussō for iusserō, 11.467), iussus, 2, a.: to order, request, usually w. inf., freq.; bid, 2.3; ask, invite, 1.708; will, wish, desire, 3.261; direct, enjoin, admonish, 3.697; persuade, advise, 2.37; to clear by command, 10.444; w. subj., 10.53.

    mereō, uī, itus, 2, a. and n., and mereor, itus sum, 2, dep. a. and n.: to deserve, merit, 2.585; earn, gain, win, 11.224; deserve well, 6.664; w. ut, 2.434; bene merēre, to deserve well, 4.317.

    āvertō, vertī, versus, 3, a.: to turn (anything) away from, followed by an abl. with or without a prep., 1.38, et al.; turn or drive away, 1.472, et al.; transfer, with acc. of place, 4.106; drive away, end, 4.547; neut. by omission of se, to turn away, 1.402; (pass.), avertī, as middle or dep., with acc., to be averse to; to shun, loathe.

    ēvincō, vīcī, victus, 3, a.: to conquer completely; overcome, 2.630; move, 4.548, et al.; bear down, sweep away, 2.497.

    furō, uī, 3, n.: to be mad; freq., to rave, be frantic, rage, 1.491; to be furious, burn, storm (for war), 7.625; to be burning or mad with love, 1.659; to be frenzied, in a frenzy, 6.100; inspired, 2.345; distracted with grief, 3.313; plunge madly, 9.552; boil, 7.464; with cognate acc., give vent to one's fury, 12.680.

    germānus, a, um: (adj.), of the same parentage; particularly, of the same father; own; subst., germānus, ī, m., own brother; brother, 1.341, et al.; germāna, ae, f., own sister; sister, 4.478.

    malum, ī, n.: an evil, a misfortune, calamity, adversity; suffering, woe, misery, 1.198; misdeed, crime, sin, wickedness, 6.739; pest, curse, scourge, 4.174; mischief, poison, 7.375.

    onerō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to load; the thing or material with which, usually in abl. and rarely in acc., 1.706; stow, lade, store away, w. dat. of the thing receiving, 1.195; (fig.), burden, overwhelm, 4.549. (onus)

    obiciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to throw against or towards; throw to, 6.421; present, oppose, 2.444; bar against, shut, 9.45; cast upon, 7.480; subject, expose, 4.549; (pass.), to be presented, appear, 5.522; p., obiectus, a, um, thrown towards or against; opposite, projecting, 3.534. (ob and iaciō)

    thalamus, ī, m.: a bedchamber; chamber, 2.503; couch, 6.280; marriage, 4.18; bridals, the bride, 7.388; pl., thalamī, ōrum, nuptials, wedlock, marriage, 6.94.

    expers, pertis: adj. (ex and pars), having no part in; w. gen., free from, without, apart from, 4.550; destitute of, 10.752.

    dēgō, dēgī, 3, a.: to pass, spend, 4.551. (dē and agō)

    nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

    Sӯchaeus, a, um: adj. (Sӯchaeus), pertaining to Sӯchaeus, of Sychaeus, 4.552.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.