hic annis grauis atque animi maturus Aletes:

'di patrii, quorum semper sub numine Troia est,

non tamen omnino Teucros delere paratis,

cum talis animos iuuenum et tam certa tulistis

pectora.' sic memorans umeros dextrasque tenebat250

amborum et uultum lacrimis atque ora rigabat.

'quae uobis, quae digna, uiri, pro laudibus istis

praemia posse rear solui? pulcherrima primum

di moresque dabunt uestri: tum cetera reddet

actutum pius Aeneas atque integer aeui255

Ascanius meriti tanti non immemor umquam.'

'immo ego uos, cui sola salus genitore reducto,'

excipit Ascanius 'per magnos, Nise, penatis

Assaracique larem et canae penetralia Vestae

obtestor, quaecumque mihi fortuna fidesque est,260

in uestris pono gremiis. reuocate parentem,

reddite conspectum; nihil illo triste recepto.

bina dabo argento perfecta atque aspera signis

pocula, deuicta genitor quae cepit Arisba,

et tripodas geminos, auri duo magna talenta,265

cratera antiquum quem dat Sidonia Dido.

si uero capere Italiam sceptrisque potiri

contigerit uictori et praedae dicere sortem,

uidisti, quo Turnus equo, quibus ibat in armis

aureus; ipsum illum, clipeum cristasque rubentis270

excipiam sorti, iam nunc tua praemia, Nise.

praeterea bis sex genitor lectissima matrum

corpora captiuosque dabit suaque omnibus arma,

insuper his campi quod rex habet ipse Latinus.

te uero, mea quem spatiis propioribus aetas275

insequitur, uenerande puer, iam pectore toto

accipio et comitem casus complector in omnis.

nulla meis sine te quaeretur gloria rebus:

seu pacem seu bella geram, tibi maxima rerum

uerborumque fides.' contra quem talia fatur280

Euryalus: 'me nulla dies tam fortibus ausis

dissimilem arguerit; tantum fortuna secunda

haud aduersa cadat. sed te super omnia dona

unum oro: genetrix Priami de gente uetusta

est mihi, quam miseram tenuit non Ilia tellus285

mecum excedentem, non moenia regis Acestae.

hanc ego nunc ignaram huius quodcumque pericli

inque salutatam linquo (nox et tua testis

dextera), quod nequeam lacrimas perferre parentis.

at tu, oro, solare inopem et succurre relictae.290

hanc sine me spem ferre tui, audentior ibo

in casus omnis.' percussa mente dedere

Dardanidae lacrimas, ante omnis pulcher Iulus,

atque animum patriae strinxit pietatis imago.

tum sic effatur:295

'sponde digna tuis ingentibus omnia coeptis.

namque erit ista mihi genetrix nomenque Creusae

solum defuerit, nec partum gratia talem

parua manet. casus factum quicumque sequentur,

per caput hoc iuro, per quod pater ante solebat:300

quae tibi polliceor reduci rebusque secundis,

haec eadem matrique tuae generique manebunt.'

sic ait inlacrimans; umero simul exuit ensem

auratum, mira quem fecerat arte Lycaon

Cnosius atque habilem uagina aptarat eburna.305

dat Niso Mnestheus pellem horrentisque leonis

exuuias, galeam fidus permutat Aletes.

protinus armati incedunt; quos omnis euntis

primorum manus ad portas, iuuenumque senumque,

prosequitur uotis. nec non et pulcher Iulus,310

ante annos animumque gerens curamque uirilem,

multa patri mandata dabat portanda; sed aurae

omnia discerpunt et nubibus inrita donant.


    mātūrus, a, um: (adj.), ripe, mature; advanced, 5.73.

    Alētēs, is, m.: a companion of Aeneas, 1.121.

    patrius, a, um: adj. (pater), pertaining to one's father or ancestors; a father's, 2.658; paternal, natural to a father, 1.643; exacted by a father, 7.766; due to, felt for a father or parent, 9.294; ancestral, hereditary, 3.249; of one's country, native, 3.281; belonging to the nation, of the country, 11.374.

    Trōia, ae, f.: 1. Troy, the capital of the Troad, 2.625, et al. 2. A city built by Helenus in Epirus, 3.349. 3. A part of the city of Acesta in Sicily, 5.756. 4. The name of an equestrian game of Roman boys, 5.602.

    omnīno: (adv.), wholly, entirely, altogether, 4.330. (omnis)

    Teucrī, ōrum, m.: the Trojans, descendants of Teucer, 1.38, et al.; adj., Teucrian, Trojan, 9.779, et al. (Teucer)

    dēleō, ēvī, ētus, 2, a.: to destroy, 9.248; slaughter, 11.898.

    memorō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to call to memory; mention, rehearse, relate, 1.8; say, speak, 3.182; name, 1.327; mention proudly, boast of, 5.392. (memor)

    umerus, ī, m.: the upper bone of the arm; the shoulder, 1.501, and freq.

    ambō, ae, ō: (adj.), both, 1.458.

    rigō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to moisten, wet, bedew, 6.699; bespatter, stain, 12.308.

    possum, potuī, posse, irreg. n.: to be able; can, 1.242, et al.; to avail, have influence, power, 4.382. (potis and sum)

    āctūtum: (adv.), promptly, immediately, 9.255. (āctus)

    Aenēās, ae, m.: 1. A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid, 1.92. 2. Aenēās Silvius, one of the Alban kings, 6.769.

    Ascanius, iī, m.: Ascanius, son of Aeneas, and traditional founder of Alba Longa, 1.267.

    meritum, ī, n.: a thing deserved; desert; service, favor, merit, 1.74. (mereō)

    immemor, oris: (adj.), not remembering, without memory, oblivious, 6.750; unconscious, 9.374; reckless, heedless, 2.244; often w. gen., unmindful, forgetful of, 5.39.

    immō: yes indeed; nay rather, 1.753; but, 9.98.

    genitor, ōris, m.: he who begets; father, sire, 1.155, et al. (gignō)

    redūcō, dūxī, ductus, 3, a.: to lead, bring back; restore, 1.143; return, 9.257; draw back, 5.478; rescue, 4.375.

    Nīsus, ī, m.: a follower of Aeneas, 5.294.

    Penātēs, ium, m.: gods of the household; hearth-, fireside gods, 2.514, et al.; tutelary gods of the state as a national family, 1.68; (fig.), fireside, hearth, dwelling-house, abode, 1.527. (penus)

    Assaracus, ī, m.: Assaracus, a king of Phrygia, son of Tros, brother of Ganymede and Ilus, and grandfather of Anchises, 1.284; Assaracī, ōrum, m. the Assaraci, two Trojan heroes, 10.124.

    Lār, Laris, m.: a fireside, hearth, or household god, 5.744; hesternum Larem, the household god of yesterday, 8.543; (meton.), household, property, home, dwelling.

    cānus, a, um: (adj.), white, of the hair and beard; whitened, hoary, of frost and cold; of the sea, foaming, hoary, 8.672; gray-haired, venerable; hoary, 1.292.

    penetrālis, e: adj. (penetrō), innermost, inner, 2.297; subst., penetrālia, ium, n., the interior of a house; sanctuary, shrine, chapel (of a dwelling or temple), 2.484, et al.

    Vesta, ae, f.: Vesta, daughter of Saturn, and granddaughter of Vesta, wife of Coelus; goddess of the hearth and household, 2.296, et al.; (meton.), the hearth, the fire.

    obtestor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to call to witness; conjure, implore, 7.576; beseech, 10.46; swear, 9.260.

    gremium, iī, n.: the lap, the bosom, 1.685, et al.; ante gremium suum, in front of or before one's self, 11.744.

    cōnspectus, ūs, m.: a seeing or viewing; view, sight, 1.34; presence, 6.108; mediō in cōnspectū, in the midst of the gazing assembly. (cōnspiciō)

    bīnī, ae, a: (adj. num. distrib.), two by two; two to each, 5.61; (poet. as cardinal), two, 1.313, et al. (bis)

    perficiō, fēcī, fectus, 3, a.: to make completely; finish, complete, 6.745; perform, 3.178; p., perfectus, a, um, worked, wrought, executed, 5.267; fulfilled, 3.548. (per and faciō)

    asper, era, erum: (adj.), rough, 2.379; rugged, craggy, jagged, 6.360; chased, embossed, 5.267; (fig.), of the weather, stormy, 2.110; of temperament, spirit, or nature, barbarous, 5.730; formidable, fierce, 1.14; full of strife, warlike, 1.291; cruel, stern, 6.882; angry, 1.279; bitter, 2.96; displeased, 8.365.

    pōculum, ī, n.: a drinking-cup; goblet, 1.706; draught, drink. (cf. pōtō, drink)

    dēvincō, vīcī, victus, 3, a.: to conquer completely, to vanquish, 9.264; wage successfully, 10.370.

    Arisba, ae, f.: a town in the Troad, 9.264.

    tripus, odis, m.: a three-footed vessel or seat; a tripod, 5.110; the seat of the priestess of Apollo; an oracle, 3.360.

    geminus, a, um: (adj.), twin, 1.274, et al.; twofold, 6.203; double, two, 4.470; pl., geminī, ae, a, twin, 2.500; two, 1.162.

    talentum, ī, n.: a monetary weight or sum, varying in different periods and countries, but around 60-70 lb., usually gold or silver; a large sum, weight, or amount, 5.112, et al.

    crātēr, ēris, m., acc. sing. ēra, pl. ēras: a large mixing bowl or urn; mixer; bowl, 1.724; jar, 6.225.

    Sīdōnius, a, um: (adj.), of Sidon; Sidonian; Phoenician, Tyrian, 1.678, et al.

    Dīdō, ūs or ōnis, f.: Dido, daughter of Belus, king of Phoenicia, who fled from her brother Pygmalion to Africa, where she founded the city of Carthage, 1.299.

    Ītalia, ae (Ī by poetic (epic) license), f.: Italy, 1.2, et al.

    scēptrum, ī, n.: a royal staff; scepter, 1.653; freq.; (meton.), rule, sway, power, royal court, realm, 9.9; 1.253; authority, 11.238.

    potior, ītus sum, 4, dep. n.: to become master or possessor of; get, take possession, w. abl., 3.56; enjoy, 4.217; seize, 12.642; win, 9.363; achieve, execute, 6.624; gain, reach, 1.172. (potitur, 3.56; 4.217) (potis)

    Turnus, ī, m.: the chief of the Rutulians, 7.56, et al.

    clipeus, ī, m., and clipeum, ī, n.: a round shield; a shield, 2.227, et al.

    crista, ae, f.: a crest, plume, 3.468; helmet, 7.185.

    rubeō, rubuī, 2, n.: to be red, blush; glow, redden, 12.77.

    bis: (adv.), twice, 1.381. (in composition bi-)

    sex: six, 9.272, et al. (num. indecl. adj.)

    lēctus, a, um: gathered, collected, 6.228; picked, culled; chosen, choice, 9.272, et al. (legō)

    captīvus, a, um: adj. (capiō), taken in war; captured, captive, 2.765; of a captive or of captives, 10.520; subst., captīvus, ī, m., a captive, 9.273.

    īnsuper: (adv.), above, over, upon, 1.61; moreover, 2.593; (prep. w. abl.), besides, 9.274.

    Latīnus, ī, m.: Latinus, a king of Latium, whose capital was Laurentum, and whose daughter, Lavinia, became the wife of Aeneas, 6.891, et al. (Latium)

    īnsequor, secūtus sum, 3, dep. a.: to follow up, pursue, follow, 5.321; press on, follow up; succeed, 1.87; persecute, pursue, 1.241; w. inf., proceed, 3.32.

    veneror, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to venerate, reverence, revere, 3.79; adore, worship, 5.745; bow before, kneel at, 12.220; p., venerātus, a, um, (pass.), supplicated, entreated, 3.460.

    complector, plexus sum, 3, dep. a.: to embrace; cover, 2.514; hold, 5.31; seize, grasp, 11.743.

    Euryalus, ī, m.: a Trojan youth among the followers of Aeneas, 5.294.

    ausum, ī, n.: a daring deed; outrage, 2.535.

    dissimilis, e: (adj.), unlike; inadequate, unfit, unequal, 9.282.

    arguō, uī, ūtus, 3, a.: to make clear; to manifest, show, betray, 4.13; prove, 9.282; accuse, 11.384.

    ūnus, a, um (gen. ūnīus, dat. ūnī): (num. adj.), one, 2.527, et al.; one alone, a single one (emphatically), 1.47; only, alone, 9.544; one in particular, 5.704; with a comparative, 1.15; with a superl., 2.426; with ante aliōs, 3.321; common, 5.308; one and the same, at once, 10.871; pl., one, 2.642; ad ūnum, to a man, without exception, utterly, 5.687; in ūnum, in one, together, 12.714; (adv.), ūnā, in one place or at one time, together with, at once, at the same time, 3.634, et al.; with -que following, 11.864.

    genetrīx, īcis, f.: she who brings forth; mother, 1.590, et al. (gignō)

    Priamus, ī, m.: 1. Priam, son of Laomedon, king of Troy, 1.458, et al. 2. A Trojan youth, son of Polites and grandson of King Priam, 5.564.

    vetustus, a, um: old, ancient, 2.713. (vetus)

    Īlius, a, um: adj. (Īlium), of Ilium; Ilian, Trojan, 1.268.

    excēdō, cessī, cessus, 3, n.: to go out or away; depart, 6.737; flee from, 1.357; withdraw from, 5.380; retire, 9.789.

    Acestēs, ae, m.: Acestes or Segestus, the son of Crimisus, a Sicilian river god, and Egesta or Segesta, a Trojan woman, 1.195.

    ignārus, a, um: (adj.), not knowing; freq.; unaware, ignorant, 11.154; often w. genit., ignorant of, 1.630; unsuspicious of, 2.106; unconscious, 9.345; not knowing the land; (pass.), unknown, a stranger, 10.706.

    īnsalūtātus, a, um: (adj.), not saluted; without farewell greeting (separated by tmesis), 9.288.

    linquō, līquī, 3, a.: to leave, 1.517, and freq.; desert, abandon, flee from, 3.213; pass by, 3.705; depart from, leave, 3.124; of death, yield up, 3.140; give up or over, desist from, 3.160.

    quod: (conj.), as to which thing; in that, that, indeed that, because; but, moreover, however, freq.; quod sī, but if, indeed if, if however, 6.133.

    nequeō, īvī or iī, itus, īre, irreg. n.: to be unable; can not, 1.713.

    perferō, tulī, lātus, ferre, irreg. a.: to carry or bear through; carry, restore, return, 11.717; report, 5.665; convey completely, carry home, 10.786; reach the mark, 12.907; undergo, endure, suffer, 3.323; (w. reflex. pron.), betake one's self, go, 1.389; p., perlātus, a, um, carried to the mark; striking, 11.803.

    sōlor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to solace, console, 5.770; assuage, comfort, aid, relieve, 5.41; console one's self for, 1.239.

    inops, inopis: (adj.), without means; poor, needy; wretched (destitute of means to pay Charon), 6.325; of things, meager, mean, humble, 8.100; of the mind, w. gen., bereft of, 4.300.

    succurrō, currī, cursus, 3, n.: to run up; run to assist; with dat., to aid, succor, relieve, help, 1.630; impers., succurrit, it comes into the mind, occurs, seems, 2.317. (sub and currō)

    audēns, entis: venturing, daring, 2.347; bold, brave, 10.284; (compar.), audentior, bolder, more boldly, 6.95.

    percutiō, cussī, cussus, 3, a.: to smite through; strike, smite, 4.589; p., percussus, a, um, struck, smitten, 7.503; of the effect of sound, reverberating, echoing, penetrated, filled, 1.513; 8.121. (per and quatiō)

    Dardanidēs, ae, m.: a son or descendant of Dardanus; Aeneas, 10.545; pl., Dardanidae, ārum (um), the Trojans, 1.560, et al.; adj., Dardanian, Trojan, 2.59.

    Iūlus, ī, m.: Iulus or Ascanius, son of Aeneas, 1.267, et freq.

    stringō, strīnxī, strīctus, 3, a.: to draw tight, bind; of a sword, draw out, draw, 2.334; graze, touch lightly, go near, 5.163; trim up, cut, 1.552; (fig.), touch the mind, 9.294.

    effor, fātus sum, 1, dep. a. and n.: to speak forth; speak, say, 6.560. (ex and for)

    spondeō, spopondī, spōnsus, 2, a.: to promise, pledge, give assurance, 5.18, et al.

    coeptum, ī, n.: a thing begun; an undertaking, enterprise, design, 4.642, et al. (coepiō)

    Creūsa, ae, f.: the wife of Aeneas, and daughter of Priam, 2.562.

    dēsum, fuī, esse, irreg. n.: to be absent, 7.678; to be wanting or missing, 2.744; fail, be wanting, lacking, 10.378. (deest, deeram, deero, etc., often pronounced and sometimes spelled dest, etc.)

    nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

    partus, ūs, m.: a bringing forth; birth, 1.274; offspring; son, 7.321. (pariō)

    polliceor, licitus sum, 2, dep. a.: to promise, 1.237.

    redux, ucis: adj. (redūcō), led back, brought back, returning, 1.390.

    inlacrimō, āvī, ātus, 1, n., and inlacrimor, ātus sum, 1, dep. n.: to weep.

    exuō, uī, ūtus, 3, a.: to put off; take off, lay aside, 1.690; unclasp, unbuckle, 9.303; put away, change, 4.319; divest; lay bare, strip, bare, 5.423; w. abl. of the thing from which, free from, 2.153, et al. (cf. induō)

    ēnsis, is, m.: a sword, 2.393, et al.; knife, 2.155.

    aurātus, a, um: adj. (aurum), gilded, golden, of gold, 12.163; embroidered with gold, 5.250.

    mīrus, a, um: adj. (mīror), wonderful, wondrous, marvelous, 9.304; strange, 1.354; extraordinary, great, 7.57.

    Lycāōn, ōnis, m.: a Gnossian or Cretan maker of arms, 9.304.

    Cnōsius, a, um: adj. (Cnōsus or Gnōsus), of Knossos, a city in Crete; Knossian, Cretan, 3.115.

    habilis, e: adj. (habeō), handy, wieldy, convenient, easily handled, light, 11.555; well formed, 1.318; well fitted for, adapted to, fit for; well fitted, 9.365

    vāgīna, ae, f.: a scabbard, sheath, 4.579.

    aptō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to fit, join, or fasten to; with acc. and dat., 8.721; put on, 2.390; get ready, prepare, 10.259; fit out, prepare, 1.552; with abl. of manner, 8.80. (aptus)

    eburnus, a, um: adj. (ebur), of ivory; ivory, 6.647; ivory-hilted, 11.11.

    Mnestheus, and Menestheus, eī and eos, m.: Mnestheus, one of the Trojan chiefs under Aeneas, 5.117; 10.129, et al.

    pellis, is, f.: a skin, hide, 2.722, et al.

    horrēns, entis: bristling, bristly, 1.634; rough, roughening, 1.165; fierce, 10.237. (horreō)

    leō, leōnis, m.: a lion, 2.722, et al.

    exuviae, ārum, f.: that which has been taken off; a garment, vestment, 4.496; armor, arms; spoils, 2.275; memorials, relics, 4.651; skin, 2.473; hide, 11.577. (exuō)

    galea, ae, f.: a helmet, either of leather or of metal, 3.468, et al.

    fīdus, a, um: adj. (fīdō), trustworthy, faithful, trusty, 1.188; safe, secure, hospitable, 5.24; w. gen., tuī fīdissima, most faithful to thee, 12.659.

    permūtō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to exchange, 9.307.

    armātus, a, um: armed, charged, 12.857. (armō)

    incēdō, cessī, cessus, 3, a. and n.: to step onward; walk, especially with pomp or dignity; advance, 1.497; move (for am), 1.46, et al.; march, proceed, 9.308.

    prīmōris, e: adj. (primus), first; subst., prīmōrēs, um, the chiefs, princes, nobles, 9.309.

    manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

    prōsequor, secūtus sum, 3, dep. a.: to follow on after; follow, pursue, 6.476; attend, 3.130; greet, 11.107; without an object, go on, 2.107.

    virīlis, e: adj. (vir), pertaining to a man; male, 7.50; manly, 3.342; of manhood, 9.311.

    mandātum, ī, n.: a charge, order, command, 4.270, et al.

    discerpō, cerpsī, cerptus, 3, a.: to pluck asunder, to tear in pieces; disperse, 9.313. (dis- and carpō)

    nūbēs, is, f.: a cloud, 1.516, et al.; storm, 10.809; the air, 12.856; (fig.), flock, multitude, 7.705.

    inritus, a, um: baffled in calculation or purpose; ineffectual, unavailing; useless, vain, 2.459. (2. in- and ratus)

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/ja/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-ix-246-313