Sīc fātus vēlat māternā tempora myrtō.
Hoc Helymus facit, hoc aevī mātūrus Acestēs,
hoc puer Ascanius, sequitur quōs cētera pūbēs.
Ille ē conciliō multīs cum mīlibus ībat75
ad tumulum magnā medius comitante catervā.
Hīc duo rīte merō lībāns carchēsia Bacchō
fundit humī, duo lacte novō, duo sanguine sacrō,
purpureōsque iacit flōrēs ac tālia fātur:
'Salvē, sāncte parēns, iterum; salvēte, receptī80
nēquīquam cinerēs animaeque umbraeque paternae.
Nōn licuit fīnīs Italōs fātāliaque arva
nec tēcum Ausonium, quīcumque est, quaerere Thybrim.'
Dīxerat haec, adytīs cum lūbricus anguis ab īmīs
septem ingēns gӯrōs, septēna volūmina trāxit85
amplexus placidē tumulum lāpsusque per ārās,
caeruleae cui terga notae maculōsus et aurō
squāmam incendēbat fulgor, ceu nūbibus arcus
mīlle iacit variōs adversō sōle colōrēs.
Obstipuit vīsū Aenēās. Ille agmine longō90
tandem inter paterās et lēvia pōcula serpēns
lībāvitque dapēs rūrsusque innoxius īmō
successit tumulō et dēpāsta altāria līquit.
Hōc magis inceptōs genitōrī īnstaurat honōrēs,
incertus geniumne locī famulumne parentis95
esse putet; caedit bīnās dē mōre bidentīs
totque suēs, totidem nigrantīs terga iuvencōs,
vīnaque fundēbat paterīs animamque vocābat
Anchīsae magnī Mānīsque Acheronte remissōs.
Nec nōn et sociī, quae cuique est cōpia, laetī100
dōna ferunt, onerant ārās mactantque iuvencōs;
ōrdine aēna locant aliī fūsīque per herbam
subiciunt veribus prūnās et vīscera torrent.
vēlō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to veil, 3.405; cover, clothe; bind around, wreathe, crown, 5.72; festoon, adorn, 2.249; to shade by bearing in the hand, 7.154; 11.101. (vēlum)
māternus, a, um: adj. (māter), pertaining to a mother; mother's, maternal, 4.144; maternal, on the mother's side, 4.258; of a mother’s gift, 12.107.
tempus, oris, n.: 1. Time in general, a period, time, 1.278; interval or space of time, 4.433; crisis, circumstance, juncture, 7.37; season, fitting time, opportunity, proper moment, 4.294; ex longō (tempore), in or for a long time, 9.64. 2. The temple of the forehead, 9.418; commonly pl., 2.684; of animals, 12.173.
myrtus, ī and ūs, f.: a myrtle; sacred to Venus, a myrtle shaft or spear, 7.817; a myrtle grove, 3.23; myrtle wreath, 5.72.
Helymus, ī, m.: a Sicilian Trojan, and friend of King Acestes, 5.73, et al.
mātūrus, a, um: (adj.), ripe, mature; advanced, 5.73.
Acestēs, ae, m.: Acestes or Segestus, the son of Crimisus, a Sicilian river god, and Egesta or Segesta, a Trojan woman, 1.195.
Ascanius, iī, m.: Ascanius, son of Aeneas, and traditional founder of Alba Longa, 1.267.
pūbēs, is, f.: the groin, middle, 3.427; the youthful population; youth, young men; youthful band, 1.399; brood, offspring, 6.580.
concilium, iī, n.: a body called together; assembly, council, 2.89; throng, company, 3.679. (com- and root cal-, call)
tumulus, ī, m.: a rising ground; a low hill, 9.195; a mound, 2.713; sepulchral mound, sepulcher, tomb, 3.304; 11.103. (tumeō)
comitor, ātus sum, 1. dep. a.: to accompany, attend, follow, 3.660; p., comitātus, a, um, attended, accompanied, 1.312, et al. (comes)
caterva, ae, f.: a troop, squadron, band, 2.370; crowd, throng, multitude, 2.40; flock, 11.456.
rīte: (adv.), properly, fitly, rightly, 6.145; justly, meetly, 3.36; well, 3.107. (rītus)
merus, a, um: (adj.), pure, unmixed, 5.77; subst. n., merum (sc. vīnum), unmixed wine; wine, 1.729.
lībō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to taste, sip; to touch lightly; kiss, 1.256; pour out as a drink offering, 1.736; make a libation, 3.354; (w. acc. of the object on which the libation is poured), to pour libations on, 12.174.
carchēsium, iī, n.: a large drinking vessel with two handles; bowl, beaker, 5.77.
Bacchus, ī, m.: Bacchus, the son of Jupiter and Semele, and god of wine, 1.734; wine, 1.215.
lac, lactis, n.: milk, 3.66, et al.; juice, 4.514.
purpureus, a, um: adj. (purpura), of purple; purple-colored, scarlet, red, purple, 1.337; of blood, 9.349; ruddy, glowing, brilliant, 1.591.
atque, or ac: (conj.), and in addition, or and besides; and, as well, and indeed, and, 1.575; freq.; even, 2.626; in comparisons, as, 4.90; than, 3.561.
salveō, 2, n.: to be well; imperative, all hail! hail! 5.80. (salvus, safe)
nēquīquam: (adv.), in vain, to no purpose, 2.515.
paternus, a, um: adj. (pater), pertaining to a father; a father's, of a father, 5.81; derived from a father; paternal, ancestral, 3.121.
Italus, a, um: Italian, 3.440, et al.; subst., Italī, ōrum, m., the Italians, 1.109. (Ītalia)
fātālis, e: adj. (fātum), fated, 4.355; of fate or destiny, 2.165; sent by fate, 12.232; fraught with fate, destructive, calamitous, deadly, fatal, 12.919.
nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.
Ausonius, a, um: adj. (Auson), Ausonian; Italian, 4.349; subst., Ausoniī, ōrum, m., the Ausonians; Italians, 11.253.
Thӯbris, idis, m.: an ancient king of Latium, 8.330.
adytum, ī, n.: the inaccessible; the innermost part of a temple, accessible only to the priest; a shrine, sanctuary, oracle, 2.115; the interior of a tomb, or shrine of the dead, 5.84.
lūbricus, a, um: (adj.), smooth, slippery, 2.474; (fig.), subtle, cunning, slippery, 11.716; subst., lūbrica, ōrum, n., a slippery place, 5.335.
anguis, is, m. and f.: a snake of any kind, serpent, 2.379; hydra, 8.300.
septem: (num. adj.), seven, freq.
gȳrus, ī, m.: a circle, circular track, ring; circuit, 10.884; coil, 5.85.
septēnī, ae, a: distrib. num. adj. (septem), seven by seven, seven each; as a cardinal, seven, 5.85.
volūmen, inis, n.: a roll; fold, coil, 2.208. (volvō)
amplector, amplexus sum, 3, dep. a.: to embrace, clasp, 3.607; wind, pass around, 5.86; encircle, coil around, 2.214; (fig.), comprehend, embrace, in description.
placidē: (adv.), gently, softly, quietly, calmly, 5.86.
lābor, lapsus sum, 3, dep. n.: to slide, glide down, or slip, freq.; fall down, 2.465; ebb, 11.628; pass away, 2.14; descend, 2.262; glide, sail, skim along, 8.91; flow, 3.281; fall, perish, 2.430; decline, 4.318; faint, 3.309.
caerulus, a, um: (adj.), dark blue, 2.381; sea-colored, azure, 5.819; dark; black, 3.64; subst., caerula, ōrum, n., the dark blue waters; the sea, 3.208.
nota, ae, f.: a distinguishing mark; mark, spot, 5.87; letter, character, 3.444. (nōscō)
maculōsus, a, um: adj. (macula), covered with spots; speckled, spotted, 1.323.
squāma, ae, f.: a scale of fishes, serpents, etc.; of the small plates or scales of armor, 11.488; singular as a collective, scales, 5.88, et al.
incendō, cendī, cēnsus, 3, a.: to set fire to, burn, 2.353; kindle, 3.279; illuminate, 5.88; (fig.), of the mind, fire, inflame, 1.660; arouse, rouse to action, 5.719; excite, irritate, enrage, madden, provoke, 4.360; disturb, rend, fill, 10.895.
fulgor, ōris, m.: lightning, flash of lightning, 8.431; brilliancy, brightness, splendor, 5.88. (fulgeō)
ceu: (adv. and conj.), as, just as, 5.88; as if, 2.438, et al. (ce-ve)
nūbēs, is, f.: a cloud, 1.516, et al.; storm, 10.809; the air, 12.856; (fig.), flock, multitude, 7.705.
arcus, ūs, m.: a bow, 5.500, et al.; the rainbow, 5.88.
obstipēscō, stipuī (stupuī), 3, inc. n.: to become stupefied; to be astonished, amazed, 1.613.
vīsus, ūs, m.: a seeing; vision, sight, 4.277; a phenomenon, spectacle, appearance, sight, 2.212; aspect, 11.271; prodigy, 3.36. (videō)
Aenēās, ae, m.: 1. A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid, 1.92. 2. Aenēās Silvius, one of the Alban kings, 6.769.
patera, ae, f.: a broad, saucer-shaped dish, used in making libations; a libation cup, patera, 1.729. (pateō)
lēvis, e: (adj.), smooth; slippery, 5.328; polished, 5.91.
pōculum, ī, n.: a drinking-cup; goblet, 1.706; draught, drink. (cf. pōtō, drink)
serpēns, entis (gen. pl. serpentum, 8.436), m. and f.: a creeping thing; snake, serpent, 2.214, et al. (serpō)
daps, dapis, f.: a feast, banquet, 1.210; food, viands, 1.706; flesh of sacrificial victims, 6.225; usually found in the pl., but the gen. pl. is not used.
innoxius, a, um: (adj.), harmless, 2.683.
succēdō, cessī, cessus, 3, n. and a.: to go, come up to or under, with dat., or acc. and prep., or without a case, to go up to, visit, 8.507; ascend, 12.235; come up to, advance to, 2.478; approach, 7.214; encounter, 10.847; enter, 1.627; creep under, disappear beneath, 5.93; to descend into the earth, to be buried, 11.103; take up, take upon one's self, 2.723; go under, be yoked to, 3.541; to follow, 11.481; to turn out well; succeed, come to pass, 11.794. (sub and cēdō)
dēpāscō, pāvī, pāstus, 3, a., and dēpāscor, pāstus sum, 3, dep. a.: to devour, consume, 2.215; taste, 5.93; feed upon, graze.
altāria, ium, n.: the upper part of an altar; a high altar, 7.211; an altar, 2.515. (altus)
linquō, līquī, 3, a.: to leave, 1.517, and freq.; desert, abandon, flee from, 3.213; pass by, 3.705; depart from, leave, 3.124; of death, yield up, 3.140; give up or over, desist from, 3.160.
magis, and short form, mage: (adv.), in a greater measure; more, 5.94; 10.481; the more, 7.787; for potius, by preference, rather, 5.29; better, 4.452. (rel. to māgnus)
genitor, ōris, m.: he who begets; father, sire, 1.155, et al. (gignō)
īnstaurō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to build; perform, celebrate, 3.62; revive, resolve anew, 2.451; celebrate anew, 4.63; renew, 2.669; repay, requite, 6.530.
incertus, a, um: (adj.), uncertain, 2.740; wavering; fickle, 2.39; doubtful, 3.7; undistinguished, base, 11.341.
genius, iī, m.: the birth-spirit; a tutelar deity, or guardian genius, 5.95. (genō, gignō)
famulus, ī, m.: pertaining to the house; a house servant or slave; manservant, 1.701; attendant, 5.95.
bīnī, ae, a: (adj. num. distrib.), two by two; two to each, 5.61; (poet. as cardinal), two, 1.313, et al. (bis)
bidēns, entis: adj. (bis and dēns), having two teeth or two complete rows of teeth; subst., f. (sc. victima), an animal suitable for the altar; a sheep with two conspicuous teeth supplanting two of the milk-teeth; a sheep, 4.57.
sūs, suis, c.: a hog, swine, 1.635; sow, 3.390.
totidem: (num. adj. pron., indecl.), just, even so many; as many, 4.183, et al.
nigrō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a.: to be or make black; p., nigrāns, antis, black, dusky, dark, 5.97; cloud-covered, 8.353; gloomy, 9.87. (niger)
iuvencus, a, um: adj. (iuvenis), young; subst., iuvencus, ī, m., a young bullock, 3.247, et al.; iuvenca, ae, f., a heifer, 8.208, et al.
Anchīsēs, ae, m.: son of Capys and Themis, and father of Aeneas by Venus, 2.687, et al.
Mānēs, ium, m.: the deities of the lower world, 6.896; gods or powers below, 12.646; the spirits or souls of the dead in Hades; ghosts, shades, Manes, 3.63; penalties of the lower world, punishments, expiations, purgatory, 6.743; abode of the dead, 4.387; infernal regions, the world below, 10.820.
Acherōn, ontis, m.: the Acheron, a river of Hades, 6.295; (met.), the lower world, 5.99.
remittō, mīsī, missus, 3, a.: to let go back; send back, 2.543, et al.; send up, 5.99; repay, 4.436; yield up, resign, 10.828; give up, 11.346; forego, lay aside, 5.419; give back, reëcho, 12.929; sē remittere, to submit, yield, 12.833.
onerō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to load; the thing or material with which, usually in abl. and rarely in acc., 1.706; stow, lade, store away, w. dat. of the thing receiving, 1.195; (fig.), burden, overwhelm, 4.549. (onus)
māctō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to magnify by worship; to sacrifice, immolate, 2.202; slay, slaughter, 8.294, et al.
aēnus, a, um: adj. (aes), of bronze; brazen, 2.470; subst., aēnum, ī, n., a bronze or brazen vessel; caldron, 1.213, et al.
locō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to place, put, 1.213, et al.; lay, 1.428; found, 1.247. (locus)
herba, ae, f.: any grassy or herbaceous growth; grass, turf, 1.214, et al; fodder; herb, plant, 3.650; grassy land, pasture, meadow, 3.221; a plant.
subiciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to cast, throw, place or put under, 2.236; (fig.), to excite, kindle, 12.66; to subjoin, utter in reply, answer, 3.314; p., subiectus, a, um, cast under, put under, 6.223; situated under, bowed, bending, 2.721; put down, subdued, conquered, 6.853. (sub and iaciō)
verū, ūs, n.: a spit, 1.212; a slender, tapering lance; spit-dart, 7.665.
prūna, ae, f.: a live coal, 5.103.
vīscus, eris, n.: an inner part of the body; pl., vīscera, um, the entrails, vitals, 6.599; the flesh, 1.211; heart, bosom, 6.833.
torreō, uī, tostus, 2, a. and n.: to burn, scorch, roast, parch, 1.179; rush, roll, 6.550; of a river bank, 9.105; p., torrēns, entis, subst., a torrent, 7.567.