Exspectāta diēs aderat nōnamque serēnā

Aurōram Phaëthontis equī iam lūce vehēbant,105

fāmaque fīnitimōs et clārī nōmen Acestae

excierat; laetō complērant lītora coetū

vīsūrī Aeneadās, pars et certāre parātī.

Mūnera prīncipiō ante oculōs circōque locantur

in mediō, sacrī tripodes viridēsque corōnae110

et palmae pretium victōribus, armaque et ostrō

perfūsae vestēs, argentī aurīque talenta;

et tuba commissōs mediō canit aggere lūdōs.


    exspectō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n.: to look out for; to expect, wait for, 4.134; await, 6.614; tarry, linger, delay, 4.225; p., exspectātus, a, um, much looked for; much desired, 2.283; expected, trusted.

    adsum, adfuī, esse, irreg. n.: to be near or by; to be present, at hand, or here, 1.595; to have arrived, 2.132; to be with, attend, 2.701; aid, accompany, 10.547; be propitious, 3.116; to beset, 2.330; inf., adfore, to be about to come, destined to come, 7.270. (imp. subj., adforem, -ēs, -et, -ent)

    nōnus, a, um: adj. (novem), the ninth, 5.64.

    serēnus, a, um: (adj.), clear, calm, tranquil, serene, 3.518, et al.; fair, 2.285; subst., serēnum, ī, n. (sc. caelum), a clear sky.

    aurōra, ae, f.: the dawn, morning, 3.521; personified, Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, who precedes the horses of the sun-god, 4.585; the east, 8.686; the sun, 6.535.

    Phaëthōn, ontis, m.: Phaëthon, the son of Helios and Clymene; for the sun-god, the sun, 5.105.

    fīnitimus, a, um: adj. (fīnis), pertaining to boundaries; bordering upon, neighboring, 7.549; subst., fīnitimus, ī, m., a borderer; pl., fīnitimī, ōrum, neighboring tribes, people, 5.106.

    Acestēs, ae, m.: Acestes or Segestus, the son of Crimisus, a Sicilian river god, and Egesta or Segesta, a Trojan woman, 1.195.

    exciō, cīvī or ciī, ītus, 4, a., and excieō, itus, 2, a.: to rouse up or forth; call forth, assemble, 5.107; arouse, excite, agitate, 4.301; stir, shake, 12.445.

    compleō, ēvī, ētus, 2, a.: to fill up; fill, 2.20; complete, 5.46; fulfill, 9.108.

    coetus, ūs, m.: a coming together, an assembly, 5.43; a flock, 1.398; banquet, feast, 1.735. (coeō)

    Aeneadēs, ae, m.: a son of Aeneas; pl., Aeneadae, ārum, followers of Aeneas, the Trojans, 1.565; Aeneadae, 3.18.

    circus, ī, m.: a circle, circuit, circular area, 5.289; surrounding multitude or throng of spectators, 5.109.

    locō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to place, put, 1.213, et al.; lay, 1.428; found, 1.247. (locus)

    tripus, odis, m.: a three-footed vessel or seat; a tripod, 5.110; the seat of the priestess of Apollo; an oracle, 3.360.

    viridis, e: adj. (vireō), verdant, green, 3.24; green wood-, 7.677; fresh, blooming, 5.295; vigorous, 6.304.

    corōna, ae, f.: a crown, 1.655; wreath, garland, 3.525; a crowd or throng; a circle of defenders on a rampart; a garrison, 9.508; a circle or crowd of assailants, 9.551.

    palma, ae, f.: the palm of the hand, 8.69; the hand, 1.93; palm branch, 5.111; a palm branch or wreath as the symbol of victory; reward, prize, 5.349; victory; a victor, 5.339.

    ostrum, ī, n.: the purple fluid of the murex; purple dye, purple, 5.111; purple cloth, covering or drapery, 1.700; purple decoration, 10.722; purple trappings, housings, 7.277.

    perfundō, fūdī, fūsus, 3, a.: to pour over or along; wash, 3.397; overspread, overflow, 11.626; spot, stain, 2.221; anoint, 5.135; besprinkle, 12.611.

    talentum, ī, n.: a monetary weight or sum, varying in different periods and countries, but around 60-70 lb., usually gold or silver; a large sum, weight, or amount, 5.112, et al.

    tuba, ae, f.: a trumpet, 2.313, et al.; trumpet-signal, 11.424.

    agger, eris, m.: materials gathered to form an elevation; a heap of earth or stones, dike, embankment, bank, 1.112; 2.496; heap of earth, 9.567; top, summit, ridge, raised surface, 5.44, 273; a rampart, 9.769, et al.; a height or rising ground, 12.446; aggerēs, mountains, mountain ramparts, 6.830. (aggerō)

    lūdus, ī, m.: play, sport, pastime, 9.606; mirth; pl., lūdī, ōrum, games, public or national, 3.280. (lūdō)

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/ja/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-v-104-113