"alma, tibi hanc, nemorum cultrix, Latonia uirgo,

ipse pater famulam uoueo; tua prima per auras

tela tenens supplex hostem fugit. accipe, testor,

diua tuam, quae nunc dubiis committitur auris."560

dixit, et adducto contortum hastile lacerto

immittit: sonuere undae, rapidum super amnem

infelix fugit in iaculo stridente Camilla.

at Metabus magna propius iam urgente caterua

dat sese fluuio, atque hastam cum uirgine uictor565

gramineo, donum Triuiae, de caespite uellit.

non illum tectis ullae, non moenibus urbes

accepere (neque ipse manus feritate dedisset),

pastorum et solis exegit montibus aeuum.

hic natam in dumis interque horrentia lustra570

armentalis equae mammis et lacte ferino

nutribat teneris immulgens ubera labris.

utque pedum primis infans uestigia plantis

institerat, iaculo palmas armauit acuto

spiculaque ex umero paruae suspendit et arcum.575

pro crinali auro, pro longae tegmine pallae

tigridis exuuiae per dorsum a uertice pendent.

tela manu iam tum tenera puerilia torsit

et fundam tereti circum caput egit habena

Strymoniamque gruem aut album deiecit olorem.580

multae illam frustra Tyrrhena per oppida matres

optauere nurum; sola contenta Diana

aeternum telorum et uirginitatis amorem

intemerata colit. uellem haud correpta fuisset

militia tali conata lacessere Teucros:585

cara mihi comitumque foret nunc una mearum.

uerum age, quandoquidem fatis urgetur acerbis,

labere, nympha, polo finisque inuise Latinos,

tristis ubi infausto committitur omine pugna.

haec cape et ultricem pharetra deprome sagittam:590

hac, quicumque sacrum uiolarit uulnere corpus,

Tros Italusque, mihi pariter det sanguine poenas.

post ego nube caua miserandae corpus et arma

inspoliata feram tumulo patriaeque reponam.'

dixit, at illa leuis caeli delapsa per auras595

insonuit nigro circumdata turbine corpus.


almus, a, um: adj. (alō), giving nourishment; fostering, genial, blessing, blessed, benign, 1.306; fruitful; gracious, kind, kindly, propitious, 7.774.

cultrīx, īcis, f.: an inhabitant; protectress, 3.111. (colō)

Lātōnius, a, um: adj. (Lātōna), of Latona, Latonian, 9.405, et al.; subst., Lātōnia, ae, f., Diana, 11.534.

famula, ae, f.: a female house slave; maidservant, 1.703. (famulus)

voveō, vōvī, vōtus, 2, a.: to make a pledge or vow to a deity; vow, 10.774; consecrate, devote, 11.558.

supplex, icis: adj. (supplicō, beseech), kneeling, entreating, suppliant, 3.439; subst., supplex, icis, c., a suppliant, 2.542.

testor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to testify, bear witness to, with acc. of object witnessed, 3.487; to call to witness, appeal to, with acc. of witness called upon, 2.155; invoke, 12.496; w. object omitted, adjure, implore, 3.599; declare, proclaim, 6.619; beseech (call to witness the offering), 11.559. (testis)

dīva, ae, f.: a goddess, 1.632, et al.

contorqueō, torsī, tortus, 2, a.: to turn round entirely, twist; turn, 3.562; hurl, cast, lance, 2.52; 9.705.

hastīle, is, n.: the shaft of a spear; a spear, lance, javelin, 1.313, et al.; a spear-like sapling or branch; a shoot, 3.23. (hasta)

lacertus, ī, m.: the upper arm, from the shoulder to the elbow; the arm, 5.141, et al.

immittō, mīsī, missus, 3, a.: to send upon or to; drive to, 6.312; bring upon, 4.488; let in, 2.495; let fly, go, loosen, 6.1; hurl, fling, cast, 11.562; (with sē), rush into, 6.262; p., immissus, a, um, of the reins of horses, let loose; hence, (fig.), swiftly running, 5.146; unchecked, unbridled, 5.662; of the hair or beard, descending, left growing, neglected, long, 3.593.

rapidus, a, um: adj. (rapiō), that tears away; violent, fierce; swiftly moving, rapid, 1.42; speedy, quick, prompt, 5.513.

īnfēlīx, īcis: (adj.), unlucky; unfortunate, luckless, unhappy, 1.475, et al.; sad, miserable, 2.772; of ill omen, ill-starred, ill-boding, fatal, 2.245; unfruitful.

iaculum, ī, n.: a thing hurled; a spear, dart, or javelin, 3.46, et al. (iaciō)

strīdeō, 2, n., and strīdō, strīdī, 3: to produce a grating or shrill sound; to creak, 1.449; gurgle, 4.689; rustle, 1.397; whiz, roar, 1.102; hiss, 8.420; twang, 5.502.

Camilla, ae, f.: a Volscian heroine, ally of Turnus, 7.803, et al.

Metabus, ī, m.: the father of Camilla, 11.540.

urgeō, ursī, 2, a. and n.: to drive, impel, press forward, 1.111; ply, hasten, 9.489; press, oppress, crush, bear down, 3.579; press around, inclose, surround, hem in, 11.524; weigh upon, oppress, close, 10.745; overpower, 2.653; attack, 10.375; punish, torture, 6.561.

caterva, ae, f.: a troop, squadron, band, 2.370; crowd, throng, multitude, 2.40; flock, 11.456.

fluvius, iī, m.: a stream; river, 1.607; water, fountains, abundant water; secundō fluviō, by the favoring stream, with or down the stream, 7.494. (fluō)

hasta, ae, f.: a spear, 2.50, and freq.; hasta pūra, a headless spear, 6.760; pampinea hasta, a thyrsus, 7.396.

grāmineus, a, um: adj. (grāmen), of turf, grassy, 5.287, et al.

Trivia, ae, f.: an epithet of Hecate or Diana, whose images were placed at the forks of roads, 6.13, et al. (trivium)

caespes, itis, f.: turf, sod, 3.304. (caedō)

vellō, vellī or vulsī, vulsus, 3, a.: to pluck; pull up, 3.28; wrench, tear away, 2.480; tear down, 9.506; move, 11.19; seize, lift, 10.381; vellere sīgna, pluck up the standards from the ground; move the camp, depart.

manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

feritās, ātis, f.: fierceness, 11.568. (ferus)

pāstor, ōris, m.: one who feeds; herdsman, shepherd, 2.58. (pāscō)

nāta, ae: a daughter, 1.256. (nascor)

dūmus, ī, m.: a bramble, 4.526; brake, thicket.

horrēns, entis: bristling, bristly, 1.634; rough, roughening, 1.165; fierce, 10.237. (horreō)

lustrum, ī, n.: bog, morass; den or haunt of wild beasts; a wood, forest.

armentālis, e: adj. (armentum), of a drove; of the herd; unbroke, 11.571.

equa, ae, f.: a mare. (equus)

mamma, ae, f.: the breast, 1.492.

lac, lactis, n.: milk, 3.66, et al.; juice, 4.514.

ferīnus, a, um: adj. (ferus), of wild beasts; of game; of animals, 11.571; subst., ferīna (sc. carō, flesh), ae, f., flesh, game, venison, 1.215.

nūtriō, īvī or iī, ītus, 4, a.: to nourish, suckle, 11.572; breed, rear, train, 7.485.

immulgeō, 2, a.: to milk into, 11.572.

ūber, eris, n.: a teat, an udder, 3.392; the breast, 5.285; breast, bosom, 3.95; (meton.), richness, fertility, fruitfulness, productiveness, 1.531.

labrum, ī, n.: a lip, 11.572.

īnfāns, antis: (adj.), not capable of speech; subst., īnfāns, c., an infant, 6.427.

planta, ae, f.: the sole of the foot, 4.259. (cf. plānus, flat)

īnsistō, stitī, 3, a. and n.: to place one’s self in or upon a thing; (w. dat.), to tread or stand upon, (w. acc.), to tread, 6.563; impress, 11.574; (fig.), of the will, continue, persist, 4.533.

palma, ae, f.: the palm of the hand, 8.69; the hand, 1.93; palm branch, 5.111; a palm branch or wreath as the symbol of victory; reward, prize, 5.349; victory; a victor, 5.339.

armō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to equip with arms; arm, equip, 2.395, et al.; fit out, make ready, prepare, 4.299; (fig.), imbue, charge, 9.773; p., armātus, a, um, armed, charged, 12.857; subst., armātī, ōrum, m., armed men, warriors, 2.485. (arma)

acūtus, a, um: sharpened, pointed, sharp, 1.45. (acuō)

spīculum, ī, n.: a sharp point; (meton.), an arrow, a dart, javelin, spear, 5.307.

umerus, ī, m.: the upper bone of the arm; the shoulder, 1.501, and freq.

suspendō, pendī, pēnsus, 3, a.: to hang up, 6.859; hang, 1.318; p., suspēnsus, a, um, suspended, scarcely touching the ground or water, 7.810; hanging, 8.190; as adj., in suspense, uncertain, doubtful, in doubt, 6.722; anxious, 2.729; filled with awe, 3.372.

arcus, ūs, m.: a bow, 5.500, et al.; the rainbow, 5.88.

crīnālis, e: adj. (crīnis), of the hair, belonging to the hair, 11.576.

tegmen (tegumen), inis, n.: a means of covering; skin, hide, 1.275; clothing, 3.594; shield, 9.577; tegmen crūrum, close-fitting trousers worn by Phrygians, 11.777. (tegō)

palla, ae, f.: a long and ample robe; mantle, 1.648.

tigris, is or idis, c.: a tiger or tigress, 4.367, et al.

exuviae, ārum, f.: that which has been taken off; a garment, vestment, 4.496; armor, arms; spoils, 2.275; memorials, relics, 4.651; skin, 2.473; hide, 11.577. (exuō)

dorsum, ī, n.: the back, 11.577; a ridge, reef of rocks, 1.110; a bank, 10.303.

vertex, icis, m.: a whirl; whirlpool, 7.567; vortex, 1.117; whirling column of flame, 12.673; the top, crown of the head, the head, 1.403; summit, top, 1.163; mountain summit, height, 3.679; ā vertice, from on high, from above, 1.114. (vertō)

pendeō, pependī, 2, n.: to hang, foll. by abl. alone or w. prep., 2.546, et al.; 5.511; be suspended, 1.106; cling, 9.562; bend, stoop forward, 5.147; (meton.), linger, delay, 6.151; listen, hang upon, 4.79.

puerīlis, e: adj. (puer), pertaining to a boy; a boy's, 11.578; boyish, 5.548.

torqueō, torsī, tortus, 2, a.: to wind, turn, twist, 4.575; roll along, 6.551; whirl, hurl, 3.208; shoot, 5.497; cast, dash, 1.108; direct, 4.220; turn away, 6.547; turn, cause to revolve, 4.269; control, 12.180; p., tortus, a, um, whirled, whirling, impetuous, 7.567.

funda, ae, f.: a sling, 9.586.

teres, etis: adj. (terō), rubbed or rounded off smooth; tapering, 7.665; polished, 5.313; well twisted, strong, 11.579.

circum: (adv.), about, around; (prep. with acc.), around, about.

habēna, ae, f.: a rein, 1.63, et al.; strap, thong, 9.587; whip, 7.380; immissīs or laxīs habēnīs, with all the reins let out, without restraint, unchecked, 5.662; pressīs or adductīs habēnīs, with tightened reins, 12.622. (habeō)

Strӯmonius, a, um: adj. (Strӯmon, a river of Thrace), Strymonian, Thracian, 10.265.

grus, gruis, f.: a crane.

dēiciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to cast down, 6.581; strike down, slay, 11.642; drive down, 4.152; shoot or bring down, 5.542; deprive of, 3.317; dēicere vultum, to cast down the eyes, 3.320; (pass.), dēicī, to be disheartened, dismayed, 10.858. (dē and iaciō)

olor, ōris, m.: a swan, 11.580.

Tyrrhēnus, a, um: adj. (Tyrrhēnī), Tyrrhenian; Etruscan, Tuscan, 1.67; subst., Tyrrhēnus, ī, m., a Tuscan, 10.787.

nurus, ūs, f.: a daughter-in-law, 2.501.

contentus, a, um: content, satisfied, 5.314. (contneō)

Diāna, ae, f.: a goddess of the Italians, and regarded by them as one with the Greek Artemis, daughter of Latona, and sister of Apollo; called Luna, as goddess of the moon; Hecate, as an infernal deity, invoked in magic rites, 4.511; and Diana, as goddess of the chase, 1.499. (rel. to Iānus = Diānus)

virginitās, ātis, f.: virginity, 12.141. (virgo)

intemerātus, a, um: (adj.), not violated, inviolate, 2.143; pure, holy, 3.178; a virgin, 11.584.

corripiō, ripuī, reptus, 3, a.: to take completely or eagerly; to grasp, snatch, seize, catch, 1.45; hurry away, 1.100; tear away; hasten on, take, 1.418; raise quickly, rouse, 4.572; sē corripere, to hasten away, 6.472. (com- and rapiō)

mīlitia, ae, f.: warfare, war, 11.261; discipline, 8.516. (mīles)

lacessō, cessīvī, cessītus, 3, intens. a.: to provoke, rouse, irritate, incite, 5.429; call forth, summon, rouse, 10.10; challenge, attack, assail, 11.585; strike, smite, 7.527; slap with the hand, caress, cheer, 12.85.

Teucrī, ōrum, m.: the Trojans, descendants of Teucer, 1.38, et al.; adj., Teucrian, Trojan, 9.779, et al. (Teucer)

vērum: but indeed, but yet, yet, but, 3.670, et al.

age, agite: (imperat. of ago), onward! away! come on!

quandōquidem: (conj.), since indeed; inasmuch as, because.

acerbus, a, um: harsh, bitter, in taste; (fig.), cruel, fierce, 5.462; fatal, direful, sorrowful, sad, mournful, 5.49; 6.429; pl., acerba, ōrum, n., vengeful deeds, 12.500; (adv.), acerba, harshly, savagely, fiercely, 9.794.

lābor, lapsus sum, 3, dep. n.: to slide, glide down, or slip, freq.; fall down, 2.465; ebb, 11.628; pass away, 2.14; descend, 2.262; glide, sail, skim along, 8.91; flow, 3.281; fall, perish, 2.430; decline, 4.318; faint, 3.309.

nympha, ae, f.: a bride, a maiden; a nymph, one of the inferior deities, presiding over fountains, woods, etc., 1.71, et al.

polus, ī, m.: the terminating point of an axis; the celestial pole; (meton.), the heavens, sky, 1.90; air, 1.398.

invīsō, vīsī, vīsus, 3, a.: to come, or go to see; visit, 4.144, et al.

Latīnus, a, um: adj. (Latium), of Latium; Latin, 1.6, et al.; Latīna, ae, f., a Latin woman, 12.604.

īnfaustus, a, um: (adj.), unfortunate, of ill omen, ill-starred, 5.635.

ōmen, inis, n.: a prognostic, token, sign, omen, 2.182; (meton.), evil, 2.190; auspicious beginning, 7.174; pl., auspices; rites, 1.346; in ōmen, as or for a warning, 12.854.

ultrīx, īcis: adj. (ulcīscor), avenging, 2.587.

pharetra, ae, f.: a quiver, 1.323, et al.

dēprōmō, prōmpsī, prōmptus, 3, a.: to draw forth, 5.501.

sagitta, ae, f.: an arrow, 1.187, et al.

violō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to exercise force upon; hurt, wound, 11.277; break, 7.114; devastate, 11.255; desecrate, profane, 2.189; stain, 12.67. (vīs)

Trōs, ōis, m.: Trojan, 6.52, et al. (Tros, one of the kings of Troy)

Italus, a, um: Italian, 3.440, et al.; subst., Italī, ōrum, m., the Italians, 1.109. (Ītalia)

pariter: (adv.), equally, 2.729; also, in like manner, in the same manner, on equal terms, 1.572; side by side, 2.205; at the same time, 10.865; pariter — pariter, 8.545. (pār)

nūbēs, is, f.: a cloud, 1.516, et al.; storm, 10.809; the air, 12.856; (fig.), flock, multitude, 7.705.

cavus, a, um: (adj.), hollow, 1.81; concave, 8.599; arching, vaulted, 2.487; cavae manūs, the palms of the hands, 12.86.

miserandus, a, um: to be pitied, 11.259; p., unhappy, 6.882; wretched, 3.591; deplorable, direful, 3.138. (miseror)

īnspoliātus, a, um: (adj.), not despoiled, upon; unstripped, 11.594.

tumulus, ī, m.: a rising ground; a low hill, 9.195; a mound, 2.713; sepulchral mound, sepulcher, tomb, 3.304; 11.103. (tumeō)

repōnō, posuī, positus (postus), 3, a.: to lay, place, put back, replace, 3.231; lay aside or down, 5.484; put, lay up, store away, w. abl., 4.403; lay, deposit, place, 6.220; w. dat., 11.594; restore, w. in and acc., 1.253; return, repay, 12.878.

dēlābor, lāpsus sum, 3, dep. n.: to glide, slip, or fall down; descend, 3.238; fall in with or upon, 2.377.

īnsonō, uī, 1, n.: to sound within; resound, snap, 5.579; (w. acc.), sound, crack (as to, or with) the lash, 7.451.

circumdō, dedī, datus, dare, 1, a.: to put or throw around; (with abl.), to encircle, surround, encompass, inclose with, 1.368; of dress, gird, 9.462; adorn, 6.207; set, 1.593; border, 4.137; (with dat.), throw around, 2.792; twine or coil around, 2.219; put round, 2.510.

turbō, inis, m.: a tornado, whirlwind; storm, tempest, 1.442; whirling cloud, 3.573; wind accompanying the lightning; lightning-blast, 1.45; 6.594; whirling or stormy force, 11.284, et al.; a whirling top, a child's top, 7.378. (cf. turba)

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Suggested Citation

Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/it/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-xi-557-596