Quinquāgintā ātrīs immānis hiātibus hydra

saevior intus habet sēdem. Tum Tartarus ipse

bis patet in praeceps tantum tenditque sub umbrās

quantus ad aetherium caelī suspectus Olympum.

Hīc genus antīquum Terrae, Tītānia pūbēs,580

fulmine dēiectī fundō volvuntur in īmō.

Hīc et Alōīdās geminōs immānia vīdī

corpora, quī manibus magnum rescindere caelum

adgressī superīsque Iovem dētrūdere rēgnīs.

Vīdī et crūdēlīs dantem Salmōnea poenās,585

dum flammās Iovis et sonitūs imitātur Olympī.

Quattuor hic invectus equīs et lampada quassāns

per Grāium populōs mediaeque per Ēlidis urbem

ībat ovāns, dīvumque sibī poscēbat honōrem,

dēmēns, quī nimbōs et nōn imitābile fulmen590

aere et cornipedum pulsū simulāret equōrum.

at pater omnipotēns dēnsa inter nūbila tēlum

contorsit, nōn ille facēs nec fūmea taedīs

lūmina, praecipitemque immānī turbine adēgit.

Nec nōn et Tityon, Terrae omniparentis alumnum,595

cernere erat, per tōta novem cui iūgera corpus

porrigitur, rōstrōque immānis vultur obuncō

immortāle iecur tondēns fēcundaque poenīs

vīscera rīmāturque epulīs habitatque sub altō

pectore, nec fibrīs requiēs datur ūlla renātīs.600

Quid memorem Lapithās, Ixīona Pīrithoümque?

quōs super ātra silex iam iam lāpsūra cadentīque

imminet adsimilis; Lūcent geniālibus altīs

aurea fulcra torīs, epulaeque ante ōra parātae

rēgificō lūxū; Furiārum maxima iūxtā605

accubat et manibus prohibet contingere mēnsās,

exsurgitque facem attollēns atque intonat ōre.

Hīc, quibus invīsī frātrēs, dum vīta manēbat,

pulsātusve parēns et fraus innexa clientī,

aut quī dīvitiīs sōlī incubuēre repertīs610

nec partem posuēre suīs (quae maxima turba est),

quīque ob adulterium caesī, quīque arma secūtī

impia nec veritī dominōrum fallere dextrās,

inclūsī poenam exspectant. Nē quaere docērī

quam poenam, aut quae fōrma virōs fortūnave mersit.615

Saxum ingēns volvunt aliī, radiīsque rotārum

districtī pendent; sedet aeternumque sedēbit

īnfēlīx Thēseus, Phlegyāsque miserrimus omnīs

admonet et magnā testātur vōce per umbrās:

"Discite iūstitiam monitī et nōn temnere dīvōs."620

Vēndidit hic aurō patriam dominumque potentem

imposuit; fīxit lēgēs pretiō atque refīxit;

hic thalamum invāsit nātae vetitōsque hymenaeōs:

ausī omnēs immāne nefās ausōque potītī.

Nōn, mihi sī linguae centum sint ōraque centum,625

ferrea vōx, omnīs scelerum comprēndere fōrmās,

omnia poenārum percurrere nōmina possim.'


quīnquāgintā: num. adj. indecl. (quīnque), fifty, 1.703.

āter, tra, trum: (adj.), black; dark, gloomy, 1.60, et al.; smoky, lurid, 7.456; 4.384; clotted, dark, 3.622; soiled, blackened, 2.272; (fig.), sad, fatal, 6.429; venomous, deadly; of the odor of smoke, 12.591.

immānis, e: (adj.), vast, huge, immense, 1.110; wild, savage, barbarous, 1.616; cruel, ruthless, 1.347; unnatural, monstrous, hideous, 6.624; (adv.), immāne, wildly, fiercely, 12.535.

hiātus, ūs, m.: a gaping; throat, 6.576; opening, 11.680; cleft, chasm, vortex, abyss, 6.237. (hiō)

hydra, ae, f.: a water-serpent; any serpent like the Lernaean Hydra, a monster with many heads, slain by Hercules, 6.576.

intus: (adv.), within, 1.294, et al. (in)

Tartarus, ī, m., pl., Tartara, ōrum, n.: the lower world, Hades; especially that portion which was set apart for the wicked; Tartarus, 5.734, et al.

bis: (adv.), twice, 1.381. (in composition bi-)

praeceps, cipitis: adj. (prae and caput), head foremost; headlong, 2.307; deep, 11.888; hurried, hasty, quick, speedy, 4.573; flying, running swiftly, 2.516; 3.598; rash, impetuous, fiery, 9.685; prolept., ready to sink, 10.232; subst., praeceps, n., a steep, precipice, verge, 2.460; in praeceps, headlong; downwards, 6.578.

aetherius, a, um: adj. (aethēr), pertaining to the upper air; ethereal, heavenly, 1.394, et al.; airy, 8.608.

suspectus, ūs, m.: a looking up; upward views; distance upward, height, 6.579; elevation, 9.530. (suspiciō)

Olympus, ī, m.: Olympus, the name of several mountains in Greece and Asia Minor, the most famous of which was Mount Olympus in the northeastern part of Thessaly; the home of the superior gods; heaven, Olympus, 1.374; referring to the gods, 8.533.

terra, ae, f.: the earth; a land, country, 3.13; land as opposed to sea or water, 1.598, et al.; to air, sky, 4.184, et al.; ground, 1.395; an estate, a farm, 6.811; pl., terrae, ārum, lands, for the sing., 6.18; the world, all lands, 4.607; orbis terrārum, the world, the whole earth, 1.233; sub terrās, to the lower world, 4.654; terram petere, to fall upon the ground prostrate in awe and fear, 3.93; in death, 10.489.

Tītānius, a, um: adj. (Tītān), Titanian, consisting of Titans, 6.580; of Titanian origin, 6.725.

pūbēs, is, f.: the groin, middle, 3.427; the youthful population; youth, young men; youthful band, 1.399; brood, offspring, 6.580.

fulmen, inis, n.: lightning, 10.177; thunderbolt, 2.649, et al.; thunder, 1.230. (fulgeō)

dēiciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to cast down, 6.581; strike down, slay, 11.642; drive down, 4.152; shoot or bring down, 5.542; deprive of, 3.317; dēicere vultum, to cast down the eyes, 3.320; (pass.), dēicī, to be disheartened, dismayed, 10.858. (dē and iaciō)

fundus, ī, m.: the bottom, 2.419; depth, abyss, 6.581; the ground; a farm; fundō, from the foundation, 10.88.

volvō, volvī, volūtus, 3, a.: to roll, 1.86; roll along or down, 1.101; roll or cast up, 3.206; toss, hurl, 12.906; roll over, roll in the dust, 12.329; cast, hurl down, 1.116; 9.512; roll, wheel, 1.163; of books, open, unroll, 1.262; of the Fates, fix the circle of events, decree, ordain, dispose, 1.22; 3.376; of the mind, revolve, meditate, reflect upon, 1.305; pass, continue, live through, experience, endure, suffer, 1.9; rotam volvere, to complete a cycle, period; (pass.), volvī, roll over, roll, 10.590; turn or wind about, 7.350; to be shed, to flow, 4.449; roll on, revolve, 1.269.

Alōīdae, ārum, m.: the stepsons of Aloeus, sons of Neptune and Iphemedia, named Otus and Ephialtes; giants who stormed Olympus and were slain by Apollo, 6.582.

geminus, a, um: (adj.), twin, 1.274, et al.; twofold, 6.203; double, two, 4.470; pl., geminī, ae, a, twin, 2.500; two, 1.162.

manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

rescindō, scidī, scissus, 3, a.: to tear off or away, rase, tear down, 6.583; lay open, 12.390.

aggredior, gressus sum, 3, dep. n. and a.: attempt, dare, with inf., 2.165; to advance toward; attempt, 3.38; attack, 9.325; assail, hew, 2.463; accost, address, 3.358. (ad and gradior)

Iuppiter, Iovis, m.: Jupiter, son of Saturn and Rhea, and king of the gods, 1.223; Iuppiter Stygius, Pluto, 4.638.

dētrūdō, trūsī, trūsus, 3, a.: to thrust down or away; push off from, 1.145; drive from, thrust out, 6.584; thrust down, 7.772.

crūdēlis, e: adj. (crūdus), unfeeling, ruthless, cruel, inhuman, 2.124; relentless, 1.547; unnatural, 6.24; mortal, deadly, 2.561; bloody, 1.355; bitter, 1.361.

Salmōneus (trisyll.), eī, m.: Salmoneus, king, of Elis, son of Aeolus and brother of Sisyphus; for attempting to imitate the thunder of Jupiter, cast into Tartarus by a thunderbolt, 6.585.

sonitus, ūs, m.: a sounding; noise, 2.732, et al.; roaring, 2.209; thunder, 6.586. (sonō)

imitor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to imitate, 6.586; substitute for, use for, literally, imitate with, 11.894.

invehō, vexī, vectus, 3, a.: to carry into or forward; (pass.), invehī, to ride or drive, 1.155; sail, 5.122; w. acc. of place, sail to, arrive at, or in, 7.436; enter, 8.714.

lampas, adis, f.: a light, torch, 6.587; firebrand, 9.535.

quassō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. and n.: to shake violently; shatter, 1.551; 4.53; shake, 5.855; brandish, 9.521. (quatiō)

Grāī (Grāiī) (dissyll.), ōrum, m.: the Greeks, 1.467, et al.

Ēlis, idis, f.: Elis, one of the countries of the Peloponnesus, west of Arcadia, 3.694.

ovō, ātus, 1, n.: to shout, rejoice, 3.544; triumph, 6.589; p., ovāns, antis, exulting, joyous, shouting, triumphant, 4.543; of things, 10.409.

dēmēns, entis: (adj.), out of one’s mind, insane, foolish, mad, blind, 4.107; subst., fool, 11.399.

nimbus, ī, m.: a violent rain; storm, tempest, 1.51; a black cloud, thunder-cloud, cloud, 3.587; a bright cloud; the nimbus surrounding a god, 2.616; cloud of smoke, 5.666; a multitude, 7.793.

imitābilis, e: adj. (imitor), that can be imitated; imitable, 6.590.

cornipēs, edis: adj. (cornū and pēs), horn-hoofed, 6.591.

pulsus, ūs, m.: a striking or beating; tramp, reverberation, 6.591. (pellō)

simulō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to make similar; imitate, 6.591; pretend, 2.17; to make a false show of, feign, 1.209; p., simulātus, a, um, made to imitate, counterfeiting, 4.512; dissembling, 4.105; imitating, resembling, 3.349. (similis)

omnipotēns, entis: adj. (omnis and potēns), all-powerful, almighty, 1.60; supreme, sovereign, 10.1; subst., The Almighty, 4.220.

dēnsus, a, um: (adj.), thick, dense, crowded, compact, in close array, serried, 2.383; frequent, 5.459.

nūbilus, a, um: adj. (nūbēs), cloudy; subst., nūbilum, ī, cloudy weather; pl., nūbila, ōrum, clouds, 3.586.

contorqueō, torsī, tortus, 2, a.: to turn round entirely, twist; turn, 3.562; hurl, cast, lance, 2.52; 9.705.

nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

fūmeus, a, um: adj. (fūmus), smoky; smoking, 6.593.

taeda, ae, f.: pitch-pine, 4.505; a brand, 7.71; torch, nuptial torch, 4.18; marriage, 4.339.

turbō, inis, m.: a tornado, whirlwind; storm, tempest, 1.442; whirling cloud, 3.573; wind accompanying the lightning; lightning-blast, 1.45; 6.594; whirling or stormy force, 11.284, et al.; a whirling top, a child's top, 7.378. (cf. turba)

adigō, ēgī, āctus, 3, a.: to drive, take, bring to, 9, 601; thrust, 9, 431; to strike down, hurl, 4, 25; force, urge, impel, with inf., 6, 696; drive, 10, 850. (ad and agō)

Tityos, ī, m.: a giant, son of Jupiter and Elara, who was slain by Apollo for offering violence to Latona, 6.595.

omniparēns, entis: adj. (omnis and pariō), all-producing, parent, mother of all, 6.595.

alumnus, ī, m.: a foster-son, 11.33, et al. (alō)

novem: (num. adj., indecl.), nine, 1.245.

iūgerum, ī, n.: a Roman acre, about five eighths of the English acre; a iuger, an acre, 6.596; pl., iūgera, um, acres, 6.596; fields, lands, ground. (rel. to iungō and iugum)

porrigō (contract, form pōrgō, 8.274), rēxī, rēctus, 3, a.: to stretch forth, hold forth, lift, 8.274; (pass.), to be stretched out, extend, 6.597. (prō and regō)

rōstrum, ī: a bill, beak, 6.597; the beak of a ship, 5.143; pl., Rōstra, ōrum, n., the platform or tribunal for magistrates and orators in the Roman forum, so called because adorned with the beaks of the captured ships of Antium; the Rostra. (rōdō, gnaw)

vultur, uris, m.: a vulture, 6.597.

obuncus, a, um: (adj.), bent in, hooked, 6.597.

immortālis, e: (adj.), undying, immortal, unperishable, 6.598.

iecur, oris or iecinoris, n.: the liver, 6.598.

tondeō, totondī, tōnsus, 2, a.: to shear; finish, 1.702; clip, trim, 5.556; browse, feed upon, graze upon.

fēcundus, a, um: (adj.), bringing forth; fruitful, productive, 6.598; teeming, 7.338.

vīscus, eris, n.: an inner part of the body; pl., vīscera, um, the entrails, vitals, 6.599; the flesh, 1.211; heart, bosom, 6.833.

rīmor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to force open in cracks or chinks; (fig.), to ransack, explore, search, 6.599. (rīma)

epulae, ārum, f.: a banquet, feast, 1.79; food, 1.216. (sing. epulum)

habitō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. and n.: to have continually, have in possession; occupy, inhabit, 3.106; dwell, 3.110. (habeō)

fibra, ae, f.: a fiber, 6.600; root; entrail.

requiēs, ētis or ēī, f.: repose, rest, 3.393; respite, 4.433; support, comfort, 9.482; cessation, 12.241.

renāscor, nātus sum, 3, dep. n.: to be born again; to be reproduced; grow again, 6.600.

memorō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to call to memory; mention, rehearse, relate, 1.8; say, speak, 3.182; name, 1.327; mention proudly, boast of, 5.392. (memor)

Lapitha, ae, c.: one of the Lapithae; pl., Lapithae, ārum (um, 7.305); the Lapithae, a race of Thessalians, who fought with the Centaurs at the marriage of Pirithous, king of the Lapithae, 6.601, et al.

Ixīōn, onis, m.: the father of Pirithous, and king of the Lapithae, who was bound to an ever revolving wheel in Hades for offering violence to Juno, 6.601.

Pīrithous, ī, m.: son of Ixion and king of the Lapithae; chained in Hades for attempting, with the aid of Theseus, to carry away Proserpina from the abode of Pluto, 6.393, et al.

silex, icis, m. and f.: a hard stone, flint, 1.174; rock, 6.602; crag, 6.471.

iam: (adv.), at that time, at this time; even then, even now; already, 1.437, et al.; with tum, even, 1.18; w. imperat., at length, at once, 3.41, et al.; soon, presently, immediately, 4.566; then, at length, 1.272; marking a transition, now, 2.567, et al.; iam iam, emphatic, now indeed, 4.371; now, now, 2.530; iam dūdum, iam prīdem, already for some time, long, 1.580, et al.; iam inde, iam ab illō tempore, even from then or that time, 1.623; iam tum, even then; iam — iam, at one time, at another time, now — now; nōn iam, no longer, 4.431; iamdūdum, at once.

lābor, lapsus sum, 3, dep. n.: to slide, glide down, or slip, freq.; fall down, 2.465; ebb, 11.628; pass away, 2.14; descend, 2.262; glide, sail, skim along, 8.91; flow, 3.281; fall, perish, 2.430; decline, 4.318; faint, 3.309.

immineō, 2, n.: to rest over; overhang, 1.165; to be at hand; approach, 9.515.

adsimilis, e: (adj.), like, similar to, 6.603.

lūceō, lūxī, 2, n.: to shine, beam, gleam, glisten, 10.137, et al.; to be exposed to view, show, 11.693.

geniālis, e: adj. (genius), pertaining to, or sacred to the birth-spirit, or guardian genius; genial, joyous, happy, festive, 6.603.

fulcrum, ī, n.: a support, prop, post, foot, 6.604. (fulciō)

torus, ī, m.: a bed, couch, 1.708; seat, 5.388; royal seat, throne, 8.177; bank, 6.674; the swelling part of flesh; a brawny muscle.

rēgificus, a, um: adj. (rēx and faciō), made meet for a king; magnificent, royal, 6.605.

lūxus, ūs, m.: excess, extravagance; luxury, sumptuousness, magnificence, 1.637; wanton pleasure, sensuality, 4.193.

furiae, ārum, f.: rage, fury, madness, frenzy, 1.41, et al.; vengeance, 8.494; personif., Furiae, ārum, the goddesses of vengeance, the Furies, Allecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone; the Avengers, 3.331; for the Harpies, 3.252. (furō)

iūxtā: (adv. and prep. w. acc.), near, close, near by, 2.513; at the same time, 2.666; near to, 3.506.

accubō, uī, itus, 1, n.: to lie near or by, to recline, 6.606; bend over, project. (ad and cumbō)

exsurgō, surrēxī, 3, n.: to rise up; rise, 11.697; stand, 6.607.

attollō, 3, a.: to lift or raise up, throw, cast up, 3.574; rear, build, 2.185; (fig.), to rouse, excite, 2.381; with se, lift one’s self or itself, 4.690; come into view, appear, 3.205; (fig.), arise, be exalted, 4.49; (pass.), attollī, to rise, 5.127. (ad and tollō)

intonō, uī, ātus 1, n. and a.: to thunder, 1.90; (impers.), intonat, it thunders, 2.693.

invīsus, a, um: hated, hateful, odious, 1.387; (act.), inimical, an enemy, hostile, 11.364.

pulsō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. and n.: to beat much; batter, buffet, 5.460; strike, 6.647; lash, 3.555; beat with the hoofs, dash along, 11.660; violate, insult, 12.286; pulsate, throb, 5.138; rebound, 4.313. (pellō)

fraus, fraudis, f.: fraud, deception, treachery, deceit, guile, 4.675; stratagem, ambuscade, 11.522; wickedness; fault, offense, 9.428; mischance, harm, 10.72; hurt, harm, 11.708; treacherous nature, uncertainty, 9.397.

innectō, nexuī, nexus, 3, a.: to bind, tie, 5.511; entwine, 7.353; link together; (fig.), devise, 4.51.

cliēns, entis, m.: a client, dependent, 6.609.(cluō, to hear)

incumbō, cubuī, cubitus, 3, n.: to lay one's self upon; lean or recline upon; (w. dat.), lie on or stretch over, 2.205; fall upon, 1.84; bend to, ply, 5.15; hasten, urge, press on, 2.653; overhang, 2.514; press or bend toward, 5.325; (w. ad and acc.), lean, hang, incline, 8.236; absolute, bend to, urge on the work, 4.397.

adulterium, iī, n.: adultery, 6.612. (adulter)

impius, a, um: undutiful in sacred relations; iniquitous, impious, 2.163; nefarious, detestable, perfidious, 4.496; with reference to civil war, 6.612; of actions, 4.596.

inclūdō, clūsī, clūsus, 3, a.: to shut in, inclose, 6.680; secrete, 2.19; for interclūdō, stop, choke, 7.534; to mount, set, inlay, adorn, 12.211. (1. in and claudō)

mergō, mersī, mersus, 3, a.: to dip, immerse, plunge, w. abl. alone, or w. prep., 6.342; cover, 6.267; (fig.), involve, overwhelm, 6.615.

radius, iī, m.: a staff, rod; spoke of a wheel, 6.616; beam, ray, 5.65; a shuttle, 9.476; the representation of rays on a crown, 12.163.

rota, ae, f.: a wheel, 1.147; (fig.), circle or orbit of time, 6.748.

distringō, strīnxī, strīctus, 3, a.: to draw apart; draw, blind, stretch, 6.617.

pendeō, pependī, 2, n.: to hang, foll. by abl. alone or w. prep., 2.546, et al.; 5.511; be suspended, 1.106; cling, 9.562; bend, stoop forward, 5.147; (meton.), linger, delay, 6.151; listen, hang upon, 4.79.

aeternus, a, um: adj. (for aeviternus), lasting, through ages; eternal; immortal, 1.36; perpetual, 4.99; (adv.), aeternum, for in aeternum, continually, eternally, 6.401; for ever, 11.98.

īnfēlīx, īcis: (adj.), unlucky; unfortunate, luckless, unhappy, 1.475, et al.; sad, miserable, 2.772; of ill omen, ill-starred, ill-boding, fatal, 2.245; unfruitful.

Thēseus (dissyll.), eī or eos, m.: Theseus, son of Aegeus, and king of Athens, who descended with Peirithous into Hades to aid him in his attempt to carry away Proserpina, 6.121, et al.

Phlegyās, ae, m.: a son of Mars and king of the Lapithae, 6.618.

admoneō, uī, itus, 2, a.: to put in mind; remind; admonish, warn, with acc., 4.353; incite, urge on, 10.587; with interrogative clause, 10.153; remind, remonstrate, caution.

testor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to testify, bear witness to, with acc. of object witnessed, 3.487; to call to witness, appeal to, with acc. of witness called upon, 2.155; invoke, 12.496; w. object omitted, adjure, implore, 3.599; declare, proclaim, 6.619; beseech (call to witness the offering), 11.559. (testis)

iūstitia, ae, f.: righteousness, justice, equity, 1.523, et al. (iūstus)

temnō, 3, a.: to despise, disdain, scorn, defy, 1.665; p., temnendus, a, um, to be despised; insignificant, small, 10.737.

vēndō, didī, ditus, 3, a.: to offer for sale; to sell, 1.484; betray, 6.621.(vēnum, sale, and dō)

fīgō, fīxī, fīxus, 3, a.: to fix or fasten; freq., the object in or on which, in the abl., 1.212; abl. w. prep., 6.636; acc. w. prep., 9.408; fasten up, suspend from, 3.287; hang up, 1.248; set up, establish, make, 6.622; transfix, pierce, 5.516; hurl (fix by hurling), 10.883; wound, 10.343; inscribe, 11.84.

refīgō, fīxī, fīxus, 3, a.: to unfasten, loosen, 5.527; take down, 5.360; unfasten or take down the tablets of the laws, render null, annul, abolish, 6.622; refīxus, a, um, loosened, falling, 5.527.

thalamus, ī, m.: a bedchamber; chamber, 2.503; couch, 6.280; marriage, 4.18; bridals, the bride, 7.388; pl., thalamī, ōrum, nuptials, wedlock, marriage, 6.94.

invādō, vāsī, vāsus, 3, a. and n.: to go into; enter, 3.382; enter upon, 6.260; invade, violate, 6.623; rush into, 12.712; attack, assail, 2.414; address, accost, 4.265; undertake, adventure, 9.186.

nāta, ae: a daughter, 1.256. (nascor)

Hymenaeus, ī, m.: Hymen, the god of marriage, 4.127; pl., Hymenaeī, ōrum, (meton.), marriage, 1.651.

potior, ītus sum, 4, dep. n.: to become master or possessor of; get, take possession, w. abl., 3.56; enjoy, 4.217; seize, 12.642; win, 9.363; achieve, execute, 6.624; gain, reach, 1.172. (potitur, 3.56; 4.217) (potis)

ferreus, a, um: adj. (ferrum), of iron, iron-, 3.45; (fig.), inflexible, stern, iron; of death, 10.745.

comprēndō, prēndī, prēnsus, 3, a.: to take hold of completely, seize, grasp, 2.793; inclose, include; catch, 7.73; to include in description, enumerate, describe, 6.626.

percurrō, cucurrī or currī, cursus, 3, n. and a.: to run through or over, 8.392; (fig.), run over in narration, relate briefly, 6.627.

possum, potuī, posse, irreg. n.: to be able; can, 1.242, et al.; to avail, have influence, power, 4.382. (potis and sum)

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Suggested Citation

Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/es/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-vi-576-627