Hīc incrēdibilis rērum fāma occupat aurīs,
Prīamidēn Helenum Grāiās rēgnāre per urbīs295
coniugiō Aeacidae Pyrrhī scēptrīsque potītum,
et patriō Andromachēn iterum cessisse marītō.
Obstipuī, mīrōque incēnsum pectus amōre
compellāre virum et cāsūs cognōscere tantōs.
Prōgredior portū classīs et lītora linquēns,300
sollemnīs cum forte dapēs et trīstia dōna
ante urbem in lūcō falsī Simoëntis ad undam
lībābat cinerī Andromachē Mānīsque vocābat
Hectoreum ad tumulum, viridī quem caespite inānem
et geminās, causam lacrimīs, sacrāverat ārās.305
Ut mē cōnspexit venientem et Trōïa circum
arma āmēns vīdit, magnīs exterrita mōnstrīs
dēriguit vīsū in mediō, calor ossa relīquit,
lābitur, et longō vix tandem tempore fātur:
'Vērane tē faciēs, vērus mihi nūntius adfers,310
nāte deā? Vīvisne? aut, sī lūx alma recessit,
Hector ubi est?' Dīxit, lacrimāsque effūdit et omnem
implēvit clāmōre locum. Vix pauca furentī
subiciō et rārīs turbātus vōcibus hīscō:
'Vīvō equidem vītamque extrēma per omnia dūcō;315
nē dubitā, nam vēra vidēs.
Heu! Quis tē cāsus dēiectam coniuge tantō
excipit, aut quae digna satis fortūna revīsit,
Hectoris Andromachē? Pyrrhīn cōnūbia servās?'
incrēdibilis, e: (adj.), not to be believed; incredible, strange, 3.294.
Prīamidēs, ae, m.: son of Priam, 3.295.
Helenus, ī, m.: a prophet, son of Priam; carried away captive by Pyrrhus to Epirus, where he became the husband of Andromache and ruler of a small kingdom, 3.329, et al.
Grāius, a, um (dissyl.): (adj.), Greek, Greek, 2.598; subs., Grāius, iī, m., a Greek, 3.594.
rēgnō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a.: to exercise sovereignty; to be king, to reign, 1.141; rule, govern, 3.14; impers., rēgnātur, etc., there is kingly rule, 1.272. (rēgnum)
coniugium, iī, n.: a joining together; marriage, wedlock, 4.172; (meton.), husband, wife, consort, 2.579; 3.296. (coniungō)
Aeacidēs, ae, m.: a son or descendant of Aeacus. 1. Achilles, as the grandson of Aeacus, 1.99. 2. Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles, 3.296. 3. Perseus, their descendant, king of Macedon, 6.839.
Pyrrhus, ī, m.: Pyrrhus Neoptolemus, son of Achilles, killed by Orestes, 3.296, et al.
scēptrum, ī, n.: a royal staff; scepter, 1.653; freq.; (meton.), rule, sway, power, royal court, realm, 9.9; 1.253; authority, 11.238.
potior, ītus sum, 4, dep. n.: to become master or possessor of; get, take possession, w. abl., 3.56; enjoy, 4.217; seize, 12.642; win, 9.363; achieve, execute, 6.624; gain, reach, 1.172. (potitur, 3.56; 4.217) (potis)
patrius, a, um: adj. (pater), pertaining to one's father or ancestors; a father's, 2.658; paternal, natural to a father, 1.643; exacted by a father, 7.766; due to, felt for a father or parent, 9.294; ancestral, hereditary, 3.249; of one's country, native, 3.281; belonging to the nation, of the country, 11.374.
Andromachē, ae, f.: wife of Hector, 2.456.
marītus, i, m.: a husband, 3.297; suitor, 4.35. (mās)
obstipēscō, stipuī (stupuī), 3, inc. n.: to become stupefied; to be astonished, amazed, 1.613.
mīrus, a, um: adj. (mīror), wonderful, wondrous, marvelous, 9.304; strange, 1.354; extraordinary, great, 7.57.
incendō, cendī, cēnsus, 3, a.: to set fire to, burn, 2.353; kindle, 3.279; illuminate, 5.88; (fig.), of the mind, fire, inflame, 1.660; arouse, rouse to action, 5.719; excite, irritate, enrage, madden, provoke, 4.360; disturb, rend, fill, 10.895.
compellō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to address, accost, speak to, 1.581; greet, salute, 3.299; chide, upbraid, 5.161.
prōgredior, gressus sum, 3 dep. n.: to go, come forward or forth, 4.136; advance, 3.300; move on, 12.219. (prō and gradior)
portus, ūs, m.: a port, harbor, haven, 1.159, et al; (fig.), 7.598.
linquō, līquī, 3, a.: to leave, 1.517, and freq.; desert, abandon, flee from, 3.213; pass by, 3.705; depart from, leave, 3.124; of death, yield up, 3.140; give up or over, desist from, 3.160.
sollemnis, e: adj. (sollus, whole, and annus), coming at the completion of a year; annual; stated; ceremonial; religious, solemn, 5.53; festive, 2.202; customary, 12.193; subst., sollemne, is, n., pl., sollemnia, ium, solemnities, sacrificial rites, offerings, 5.605.
daps, dapis, f.: a feast, banquet, 1.210; food, viands, 1.706; flesh of sacrificial victims, 6.225; usually found in the pl., but the gen. pl. is not used.
lūcus, ī, m.: a consecrated wood; sacred grove, 6.259, et al.; in general, a grove, wood, forest.
Simoīs, Simoentis, m.: a river which falls into the Scamander near Troy, 1.100, et al.
lībō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to taste, sip; to touch lightly; kiss, 1.256; pour out as a drink offering, 1.736; make a libation, 3.354; (w. acc. of the object on which the libation is poured), to pour libations on, 12.174.
Mānēs, ium, m.: the deities of the lower world, 6.896; gods or powers below, 12.646; the spirits or souls of the dead in Hades; ghosts, shades, Manes, 3.63; penalties of the lower world, punishments, expiations, purgatory, 6.743; abode of the dead, 4.387; infernal regions, the world below, 10.820.
Hectoreus, a, um: adj. (Hector), of Hector, 2.543; Hectorean, Trojan, 1.273.
tumulus, ī, m.: a rising ground; a low hill, 9.195; a mound, 2.713; sepulchral mound, sepulcher, tomb, 3.304; 11.103. (tumeō)
viridis, e: adj. (vireō), verdant, green, 3.24; green wood-, 7.677; fresh, blooming, 5.295; vigorous, 6.304.
caespes, itis, f.: turf, sod, 3.304. (caedō)
inānis, e: (adj.), empty, void, 3.304; light; vain, idle, fruitless, 4.210; valueless, trivial; little, brief, 4.433; lifeless, unreal, 1.464; shadowy, 6.269; unsubstantial, shadowy, airy, phantom, 6.651; subst., ināne, is, n., void space, a void, 12.354.
geminus, a, um: (adj.), twin, 1.274, et al.; twofold, 6.203; double, two, 4.470; pl., geminī, ae, a, twin, 2.500; two, 1.162.
sacrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to set apart to the gods; devote, consecrate, 2.502; w. acc. and dat., devote, 10.419. (sacer)
cōnspiciō, spexī, spectus, 3, a.: to have a complete view of; to look at, see, behold, 1.152; descry, discover, find, 6.508; p., cōnspectus, a, um, conspicuous. (com- and speciō, look)
veniō, vēnī, ventus: to come, freq.; come forth; approach, 6.755; rise, appear, 1.353; dawn, 10.241; to present one's self or itself, 5.344; descend, spring from, 5.373; impers., ventum est, we, they came or have come, 4.151.
Trōius, a, um: (adj.), of Troy, Trojan, 1.119.
circum: (adv.), about, around; (prep. with acc.), around, about.
āmēns, entis: out of one’s mind or senses; amazed, beside one’s self, frantic, mad, furious, 2.314; 4.203; distracted, 3.307.
exterreō, uī, itus, 2, a.: to frighten; alarm, startle, terrify, 3.307; flutter in terror, 5.505; p., exterritus, a, um, startled; roused, 4.571.
mōnstrum, ī, n.: the thing which warns; an omen, a portent, 3.26; supernatural token, sign, 12.246; a prodigy, marvel, wonder, terror, 3.583; monster, 2.245. (moneō)
dērigēscō, riguī, 3, inc. n.: to grow completely stiff; to be cold, stiff; to be cold, stiff, paralyzed with fear, 3.260; stand staring, 7.447.
vīsus, ūs, m.: a seeing; vision, sight, 4.277; a phenomenon, spectacle, appearance, sight, 2.212; aspect, 11.271; prodigy, 3.36. (videō)
calor, ōris, m.: warmth, heat, vital heat, 4.705. (caleō)
lābor, lapsus sum, 3, dep. n.: to slide, glide down, or slip, freq.; fall down, 2.465; ebb, 11.628; pass away, 2.14; descend, 2.262; glide, sail, skim along, 8.91; flow, 3.281; fall, perish, 2.430; decline, 4.318; faint, 3.309.
tempus, oris, n.: 1. Time in general, a period, time, 1.278; interval or space of time, 4.433; crisis, circumstance, juncture, 7.37; season, fitting time, opportunity, proper moment, 4.294; ex longō (tempore), in or for a long time, 9.64. 2. The temple of the forehead, 9.418; commonly pl., 2.684; of animals, 12.173.
almus, a, um: adj. (alō), giving nourishment; fostering, genial, blessing, blessed, benign, 1.306; fruitful; gracious, kind, kindly, propitious, 7.774.
recēdō, cessī, cessus, 3, n.: to go back, retire, withdraw, 12.129; recede, retreat, 2.633; stand apart, retire, 2.300; depart, 2.595; disappear, 3.72; vanish, 5.526.
Hector, oris, m.: son of Priam, and chief defender of Troy, 1.99, et al.
effundō, fūdī, fūsus, 3, a.: to pour out or forth; shed, 2.271; throw, cast out, 7.780; cast, 6.339; overthrow, 11.485; bring out, 9.68; unbind, dishevel, 4.509; dissolve, 2.651; let loose, throw out, 5.818; spend, lose, waste, 5.446; of words, utter, 5.780; (pass.), effundī, dart, 5.145; flow, 6.686. (ex and fundō)
pauca, ōrum, n.: a few things; few words, 3.313, et al.
furō, uī, 3, n.: to be mad; freq., to rave, be frantic, rage, 1.491; to be furious, burn, storm (for war), 7.625; to be burning or mad with love, 1.659; to be frenzied, in a frenzy, 6.100; inspired, 2.345; distracted with grief, 3.313; plunge madly, 9.552; boil, 7.464; with cognate acc., give vent to one's fury, 12.680.
subiciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to cast, throw, place or put under, 2.236; (fig.), to excite, kindle, 12.66; to subjoin, utter in reply, answer, 3.314; p., subiectus, a, um, cast under, put under, 6.223; situated under, bowed, bending, 2.721; put down, subdued, conquered, 6.853. (sub and iaciō)
hīscō, 3, inc. n. and a.: to gape, open the mouth; speak in broken utterances, falter, 3.314. (hiō)
equidem: (adv.), indeed, at least, certainly, surely; w. first person, for my part, 1.238. (demonstr. e or ec and quidem)
vērum, ī, n.: that which is true; truth, justice, right, 2.141.
heu: (interj.), alas! ah! oh! 2.289, et al.
dēiciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to cast down, 6.581; strike down, slay, 11.642; drive down, 4.152; shoot or bring down, 5.542; deprive of, 3.317; dēicere vultum, to cast down the eyes, 3.320; (pass.), dēicī, to be disheartened, dismayed, 10.858. (dē and iaciō)
revīsō, 3, a. and n.: to look at again; visit again, return to see; return to, 2.760; revisit, 3.318.
cōnūbium (sometimes trisyll.), iī, n.: nuptials, marriage, 1.73; wedlock, nuptial rite, 3.136; marriage tie, nuptial bond, 3.319. (con- and nūbō, wed)