Delille, Vol. 2 Aen. 4-6
Weidner, A. Aen. 1 and 2, (K) Leipzig, 1859.
Storr, F. Books I and II of the Aeneid of Vergil. Oxford: Rivington’s, 1878) Storr is listed as “Chief master of moderns subjects in Merchant Taylor’s School, and late assistant master in Marlborough College.” Google Books.
Gossrau, God. Guil. Publii Vergilii Maronis Aeneis. 2nd ed. Quedlinburgi: Godfredus Bassus, 1876. Complete Aeneid with notes in Latin!!!
Frieze, Henry S. The Twelve Books of the Aeneid of Vergil with notes and a Vergilian Dictionary, 2nd ed. (New York: American Book Co., 1883). Google Books Internet Archive
Wetherell, J.E. Vergil’s Aeneid: Book I. Toronto: Gage, 1884.
Stephenson, H.M. P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Lib. IV. Edited for Schools. London: MacMillan & Co., 1888.
Papillon, T.L., and A.E. Haigh, Virgil, with an Introduction and Notes, vol. 2, notes (Oxford: Clarendon, 1892). Google Books.
Harper, William R. and Frank J. Miller, Six Books of the Aeneid of Vergil. New York: American Book Co., 1892. (not a terribly good scan). Google Books with Eclogues
Walpole, Arthur S. P. rev. H.C. Watson, Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber 1.New York: Macmillan, 1893. Google Books.
Henderson, John, and E.E. Hagarty. Vergil’s Aeneid Book II. Toronto: The Copp, Clark Company, 1898.
Warman, A.S. P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber Quartus. London: George Bell & Sons, 1899. Assistant Master at the Manchester Grammar School. He quotes frequently from Sidgwick, whose “notes have a clearness of power and stimulating interest,” but is pitched to “older boys.”
Page, T.E. The Aeneid of Vergil. Books I-VI. London: MacMillan & Co. 1902. 1967 reprint much better quality.
Henry S. Frieze, Vergil’s Aeneid Books I-VI, revised by Walter Dennison (New York: American Book Co. 1902) Google Books
Sidgwick, A. P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1904.
Ladewig, Th., Karl Julius Heinrich Schaper, P. Deuticke, and Paul Jahn, Vergils Gedichte, Bd. 2, Buch I-VI der Äneis. 13th ed. (Berlin : Weidmann, 1912).
Jerram, C.S. Virgil: Aeneid 1. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1916. Good for breaking up text into chunks.
Carruthers, Adam, and J.C Robertson, Virgil, Aeneid: Book 1.1-510. Toronto: Gage & Co., 1917.
Carruthers, Adam, and J.C. Robertson, Virgil: Aeneid: Book 2.1-505. Toronto: Gage & Co., 1918.
Fairclough, H.R. and Seldon L. Brown, Virgil’s Aeneid Books I-VI with introduction, notes and vocabulary. Chicago: Benj. H. Sanborn, 1919 (orig. 1908, reprinted with corrections 1912, 1919, 1920). Google Books
Norden, E. Aen. 6. Leipzig 31926. 1903 edition at
Conway, R.S. Aen. 1, (TK), Cambridge, 1935.
Pease, A.S. Aen. 4 (TK) Cambridge, Mass. 1935, 1967.
Austin, R.G. Aen. 4. Oxford 1955.
Austin, R.G. Aen. 2. Oxford 1964.
Austin, R.G. Aen. 1 (TK) Oxford 1971.
Austin, R.G. Aen. 6. Oxford 1977.
Stégen, G. (TK), Namur 1975.