Massicus aerata princeps secat aequora Tigri,

sub quo mille manus iuuenum, qui moenia Clusi

quique urbem liquere Cosas, quis tela sagittae

gorytique leues umeris et letifer arcus.

una toruus Abas: huic totum insignibus armis170

agmen et aurato fulgebat Apolline puppis.

sescentos illi dederat Populonia mater

expertos belli iuuenes, ast Ilua trecentos

insula inexhaustis Chalybum generosa metallis.

tertius ille hominum diuumque interpres Asilas,175

cui pecudum fibrae, caeli cui sidera parent

et linguae uolucrum et praesagi fulminis ignes,

mille rapit densos acie atque horrentibus hastis.

hos parere iubent Alpheae ab origine Pisae,

urbs Etrusca solo. sequitur pulcherrimus Astyr,180

Astyr equo fidens et uersicoloribus armis.

ter centum adiciunt (mens omnibus una sequendi)

qui Caerete domo, qui sunt Minionis in aruis,

et Pyrgi ueteres intempestaeque Grauiscae.


    Massicus, ī, m.: an Etruscan warrior, 10.166.

    aerātus, a, um: adj. (aes), furnished with copper, bronze; made of bronze, 2.481; bronze-covered; with brazen prow, 8.675; armed with bronze; armed, 7.703.

    prīnceps, ipis: adj. (primus and capiō), first; chief; foremost, 5.160; subst., m., a chief, leader, commander, prince, 1.488; progenitor, founder, ancestor, 3.168.

    secō, secuī, sectus, 1, a.: to cut, freq.; cut off, 4.704; engrave, carve, 3.464; cut through, cleave, 5.218, et al.; of the channel of a river, 8.63; sail through, pass, 8.96; speed, 6.899; shape out mentally, form, 10.107.

    Tigris, is or idis, f.: the name of a ship, 10.166.

    manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

    Clūsium, iī, n.: one of the chief cities of Etruria, now Chiusi, 10.167.

    linquō, līquī, 3, a.: to leave, 1.517, and freq.; desert, abandon, flee from, 3.213; pass by, 3.705; depart from, leave, 3.124; of death, yield up, 3.140; give up or over, desist from, 3.160.

    Cosa, ae, and Cosae, ārum, f.: Cosa, a town in Etruria, 10.168.

    sagitta, ae, f.: an arrow, 1.187, et al.

    gōrȳtus, ī, m.: a quiver, 10.169.

    umerus, ī, m.: the upper bone of the arm; the shoulder, 1.501, and freq.

    lētifer, era, erum: adj. (lētum and ferō), death-bringing; deadly, 3.139.

    arcus, ūs, m.: a bow, 5.500, et al.; the rainbow, 5.88.

    ūnā: (adv.), in one place or at one time, together with, at once, at the same time, 3.634, et al.; with -que following, 11.864.

    torvus, a, um: stern, grim, wild; savage, lowering, 3.677; fierce, 6.571; shaggy, 3.636; adv., torvum and torva, sternly, wildly, 7.399; 6.467.

    Abās, antis, m.: 1. The twelfth king of Argos, grandson of Danaus, 3.286. 2. A Trojan, follower of Aeneas, 1.121. 3. An Etruscan, 10.427.

    īnsīgnis, e: beautiful, 3.468; splendid, adorned, 4.134; conspicuous, 6.808; marked, renowned, distinguished, 1.10; illustrious, glorious, 10.450. (in and sīgnum)

    aurātus, a, um: adj. (aurum), gilded, golden, of gold, 12.163; embroidered with gold, 5.250.

    fulgeō, fulsī, 2, and fulgō, 3, n.: to shine brightly; flash, gleam, glance, 5.562.

    Apollō, inis, m.: Apollo, son of Jupiter and Latona; the god of prophecy, medicine, music, poetry, and archery, 2.430; met., a temple of Apollo, 3.275.

    puppis, is, f.: the hinder part of a ship; the stern, 5.12; (by synecdoche), a vessel, boat, ship, 1.69; (meton.), crew, 8.497.

    sēscentī, ae, a: num. adj. (sex and centum), six hundred, 10.172.

    Populōnia, ae, f.: a town on the coast of Etruria near the modern Piombino, 10.172.

    Ilva, ae, f.: an island near the coast of Etruria, now Elba, 10.173.

    trecentī, ae, a: num. adj. (trēs and centum), three hundred, 10.173, et al.

    inexhaustus, a, um: (adj.), unexhausted; inexhaustible, 10.174.

    Chalybes, um, m.: a people of Pontus, skillful in making steel; the Chalybes; (meton.), masses of steel or iron, 8.421; metalla Chalybum, mines of iron, 10.174.

    generōsus, a, um: adj. (genus), of high lineage, noble-blooded, generous, renowned, famed, 10.174.

    metallum, ī, n.: a mine; metal, 6.144.

    interpres, etis, c.: an agent between parties; a mediator, messenger, 4.355; author, 4.608; prophet, 3.359.

    Asīlās, ae, m.: 1. A Trojan warrior, 9.571. 2. An Etruscan chief and soothsayer, 10.175.

    pecus, udis, f.: one animal of a flock or herd; an animal, 1.743; a sheep, 3.120; victim for sacrifices, 4.63.

    fibra, ae, f.: a fiber, 6.600; root; entrail.

    praesāgus, a, um: adj. (praesāgiō), divining, prophetic, 10.177; foreboding, w. gen., 10.843, et al.

    fulmen, inis, n.: lightning, 10.177; thunderbolt, 2.649, et al.; thunder, 1.230. (fulgeō)

    dēnsus, a, um: (adj.), thick, dense, crowded, compact, in close array, serried, 2.383; frequent, 5.459.

    horrēns, entis: bristling, bristly, 1.634; rough, roughening, 1.165; fierce, 10.237. (horreō)

    hasta, ae, f.: a spear, 2.50, and freq.; hasta pūra, a headless spear, 6.760; pampinea hasta, a thyrsus, 7.396.

    iubeō, iussī (fut. perf. iussō for iusserō, 11.467), iussus, 2, a.: to order, request, usually w. inf., freq.; bid, 2.3; ask, invite, 1.708; will, wish, desire, 3.261; direct, enjoin, admonish, 3.697; persuade, advise, 2.37; to clear by command, 10.444; w. subj., 10.53.

    Alphēus, a, um: (adj.), of the Alpheus, Alphean, 10.179.

    orīgō, inis, f.: a source, origin, beginning, 1.372; descent, lineage, birth, 1.286; source, root, founder, 12.166. (orior)

    Pīsae, ārum, f.: a city of Etruria, now Pisa, 10.179.

    Etrūscus, a, um: adj. (Etrūria), Etrurian, Tuscan, 8.503; subst., Etrūscī, ōrum, m., the Etrurians, Tuscans, 9.150.

    solum, ī, n.: the bottom or ground of anything; soil, earth, ground, 1.367, et al.; land, 3.698; foundation, 10.102; the water beneath a ship, as its support; the water, sea, 5.199; support, table, 7.111.

    Astur, uris, m.: Astur, an Etruscan chief, 10.180.

    fīdō, fīsus sum, 3, n.: to confide, trust, rely; freq., w. dat., 7.290; w. abl., 5.398; w. inf., dare, 5.69; p., fīdēns, entis, trusting, bold, confident, w. abl., dat., or gen., freq. (rel. to πείθω, persuade)

    versicolor, ōris: adj. (versō and color), of various colors, particolored, 10.181.

    ter: (num. adv.), thrice, three times, 1.94, et al. (trēs)

    adiciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to throw to or upon; add, join, 12.837. (ad and iaciō)

    Caere, n., indeclin. (gen. Caeritis, f., abl. Caerēte, f.): Caere or Agylla, in the southern part of Etruria, now Cervetri, 8.597; 10.183.

    Miniō, ōnis, m.: a small river in the southern part of Tuscany, 10.183.

    Pyrgī, ōrum, m.: a tower on the coast of Etruria, 10.184.

    intempestus, a, um: unseasonable; unpleasant; gloomy, dark, 3.587; of unhealthy atmosphere or climate, malarious, unhealthy, 10.184.

    Graviscae, ārum, f.: Graviscae or Gravisca, a Tuscan town, 10.184.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.