Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

9881 results found

Greek Noun Stems in -ω and -ο: πειθώ

ayerm - 12/06/2018 - 20:45

Greek Irregular Nouns: γυνή

ayerm - 12/06/2018 - 20:55

Greek Irregular Nouns: κύων

ayerm - 12/06/2018 - 21:10

Greek Irregular Nouns: μάρτυς

ayerm - 12/06/2018 - 21:13

Greek Irregular Nouns: ὄναρ

ayerm - 12/06/2018 - 21:16

Greek Irregular Nouns: Πνύξ

ayerm - 12/06/2018 - 21:20

Greek Irregular Nouns: πῦρ

ayerm - 12/06/2018 - 21:28

Greek Irregular Nouns: υἱός

ayerm - 12/06/2018 - 21:34

Greek Irregular Nouns: χείρ

ayerm - 12/06/2018 - 21:38

Greek Adjectives of Two Endings

ayerm - 12/06/2018 - 21:45

Greek Adjectives: Comparatives in -ων

ayerm - 12/06/2018 - 21:50

Defective Verbs: nequeō Perfect System

ayerm - 03/10/2016 - 16:33

Defective Verbs: queō Perfect System

ayerm - 03/10/2016 - 16:28

Defective Verbs: queō Present System

ayerm - 03/10/2016 - 16:26

Defective Verbs: fārī

ayerm - 03/10/2016 - 16:21

2nd Conjugation Deponent Verbs Perfect System

ayerm - 03/01/2016 - 13:35

Verb Personal Endings: Future Perfect

ayerm - 02/20/2016 - 17:12

Reflexive Pronouns

ayerm - 02/20/2016 - 18:05

Possessive Pronouns

ayerm - 02/20/2016 - 18:11

3rd Conjugation -io verbs Imperfect

ayerm - 02/25/2016 - 13:02

3rd Conjugation -io verbs Future

ayerm - 02/25/2016 - 13:04

3rd Conjugation -io verbs Perfect

ayerm - 02/25/2016 - 13:06

3rd Conjugation -io verbs Pluperfect

ayerm - 02/25/2016 - 13:09

1st Conjugation Deponent Verbs Present System

ayerm - 03/01/2016 - 13:28

1st Conjugation Deponent Verbs Perfect System

ayerm - 03/01/2016 - 13:30

2nd Conjugation Deponent Verbs Present System

ayerm - 03/01/2016 - 13:33

2nd (Passive) Periphrastic Perfect System

ayerm - 03/08/2016 - 12:59

1st (Active) Periphrastic Perfect System

ayerm - 03/08/2016 - 12:55

2nd (Passive) Periphrastic Present System

ayerm - 03/08/2016 - 12:57

1st (Active) Periphrastic Present System

ayerm - 03/08/2016 - 12:53