Tum pius Aenēās strictō sīc ēnse precātur:175

'Estō nunc Sōl testis et haec mihi Terra vocantī,

quam propter tantōs potuī perferre labōrēs,

et pater omnipotēns et tū Sāturnia coniūnx

(iam melior, iam, dīva, precor), tūque inclute Māvors,

cūncta tuō quī bella, pater, sub nūmine torquēs;180

fontīsque fluviōsque vocō, quaeque aetheris altī

rēligiō et quae caeruleō sunt nūmina pontō:

cesserit Ausoniō sī fors victōria Turnō,

convenit Euandrī victōs discēdere ad urbem,

cēdet Iūlus agrīs, nec post arma ūlla rebellēs185

Aeneadae referent ferrōve haec rēgna lacessent.

sīn nostrum adnuerit nōbīs Victōria Martem

(ut potius reor et potius dī nūmine fīrment),

nōn ego nec Teucrīs Italōs pārēre iubēbō

nec mihi rēgna petō: paribus sē lēgibus ambae190

invictae gentēs aeterna in foedera mittant.

sacra deōsque dabō; socer arma Latīnus habētō,

imperium sollemne socer; mihi moenia Teucrī

cōnstituent urbīque dabit Lāvīnia nōmen.'


Aenēās, ae, m.: 1. A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid, 1.92. 2. Aenēās Silvius, one of the Alban kings, 6.769.

stringō, strīnxī, strīctus, 3, a.: to draw tight, bind; of a sword, draw out, draw, 2.334; graze, touch lightly, go near, 5.163; trim up, cut, 1.552; (fig.), touch the mind, 9.294.

ēnsis, is, m.: a sword, 2.393, et al.; knife, 2.155.

possum, potuī, posse, irreg. n.: to be able; can, 1.242, et al.; to avail, have influence, power, 4.382. (potis and sum)

perferō, tulī, lātus, ferre, irreg. a.: to carry or bear through; carry, restore, return, 11.717; report, 5.665; convey completely, carry home, 10.786; reach the mark, 12.907; undergo, endure, suffer, 3.323; (w. reflex. pron.), betake one's self, go, 1.389; p., perlātus, a, um, carried to the mark; striking, 11.803.

omnipotēns, entis: adj. (omnis and potēns), all-powerful, almighty, 1.60; supreme, sovereign, 10.1; subst., The Almighty, 4.220.

Sāturnius, a, um: adj. (Sāturnus), belonging to Saturn; Saturnian; sprung from Saturn; Saturnian, 4.372; subst., Sāturnius, iī, m., the son of Saturn, 5.799; Sāturnia, ae, f., 1. Daughter of Saturn, Juno, 1.23; 2. The city of Saturnia, built by Saturn on the Capitoline hill, 8.358.

dīva, ae, f.: a goddess, 1.632, et al.

inclutus, a, um: (adj.), famous, glorious, renowned, 2.82. (rel. to clueō, to be heard of; κλύω, hear; κλυτός, renowned)

Mārs (archaic form, Māvors), Mārtis: Mars, son of Jupiter and Juno; the patron of war and tutelar god of the Romans, 1.274, et al.; (meton.), martial spirit, courage, warlike fury, 6.165; battle, conflict, 2.335, et al.

torqueō, torsī, tortus, 2, a.: to wind, turn, twist, 4.575; roll along, 6.551; whirl, hurl, 3.208; shoot, 5.497; cast, dash, 1.108; direct, 4.220; turn away, 6.547; turn, cause to revolve, 4.269; control, 12.180; p., tortus, a, um, whirled, whirling, impetuous, 7.567.

fluvius, iī, m.: a stream; river, 1.607; water, fountains, abundant water; secundō fluviō, by the favoring stream, with or down the stream, 7.494. (fluō)

religiō, ōnis, f.: reverence for divine things; piety, devotion, 2.715; sanctity, 8.349; worship, sacred ceremonial, observance, 3.409; sacred thing, symbol, token, 2.151; object of worship; divinity, 12.182; augury, 3.363.

caerulus, a, um: (adj.), dark blue, 2.381; sea-colored, azure, 5.819; dark; black, 3.64; subst., caerula, ōrum, n., the dark blue waters; the sea, 3.208.

Ausonius, a, um: adj. (Auson), Ausonian; Italian, 4.349; subst., Ausoniī, ōrum, m., the Ausonians; Italians, 11.253.

fors, fortis, f.: chance, hazard, luck, hap, fortune, 1.377; nom., fors, as adv. (for fors sit), haply, perchance, 2.139, et al.; abl., forte, by chance, perchance, haply, 1.375, et al. (rel. to ferō)

Turnus, ī, m.: the chief of the Rutulians, 7.56, et al.

Euander (-drus, 8.100; Ēvander, -drus), drī, m.: Evander, an Arcadian prince, son of Carmentis, and king of Pallanteum on the Tiber, 8.52.

discēdō, cessī, cessus, 3, n.: to go apart or away, retire, withdraw, depart, 2.644; open, 9.20.

Iūlus, ī, m.: Iulus or Ascanius, son of Aeneas, 1.267, et freq.

nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

rebellis, e: adj. (re- and bellum), warring or making war again, 12.185; rebellious, insurgent, 6.858.

Aeneadēs, ae, m.: a son of Aeneas; pl., Aeneadae, ārum, followers of Aeneas, the Trojans, 1.565; Aeneadae, 3.18.

lacessō, cessīvī, cessītus, 3, intens. a.: to provoke, rouse, irritate, incite, 5.429; call forth, summon, rouse, 10.10; challenge, attack, assail, 11.585; strike, smite, 7.527; slap with the hand, caress, cheer, 12.85.

sīn: (conj.), but if, if on the contrary, 1.555, et al.

adnuō, nuī (ūtus, rare), 3, a. and n.: to nod to; with dat., acc. and dat., and infin.; ascent, consent, 4.128; promise, 1.250; direct, permit, 11.20.

potius: (adv.), preferably; rather, 3.654. (potis)

fīrmō, āvī, ātus, 3, a.: to make firm or strong; make steady, assure, 3.659; to establish, mature; confirm, 2.691; ratify, 12.212; encourage, 3.611, secure, guard, 11.466. (fīrmus)

Teucrī, ōrum, m.: the Trojans, descendants of Teucer, 1.38, et al.; adj., Teucrian, Trojan, 9.779, et al. (Teucer)

Italī, ōrum, m.: the Italians, 1.109. (Ītalia)

iubeō, iussī (fut. perf. iussō for iusserō, 11.467), iussus, 2, a.: to order, request, usually w. inf., freq.; bid, 2.3; ask, invite, 1.708; will, wish, desire, 3.261; direct, enjoin, admonish, 3.697; persuade, advise, 2.37; to clear by command, 10.444; w. subj., 10.53.

pār, paris: (adj.), equal, 1.705; like, 2.794; equal, well-poised, steady, 4.252; side by side, 5.580; well-matched, 5.114.

ambō, ae, ō: (adj.), both, 1.458.

invictus, a, um: (adj.), unconquered; invincible, 6.365.

foedus, eris, n.: a treaty, league, alliance, freq., truce, 5.496; side or party, 12.658; covenant, contract, 4.339; laws of hospitality, hospitality, 10.91; pledge, love, 4.520; law, term, condition, rule, 1.62. (rel. to fīdō, trust)

sacrum, ī, n.: a holy thing; pl., sacra, ōrum, n., sacred symbols, rites, 12.13; sacred rites, ceremonies, sacrifices, 2.132; sacred things, utensils, symbols, 2.293; mysteries, 3.112.

socer, erī, m.: a father-in-law, 6.830, et al.; pl., socerī, ōrum, parents-in-law, parents, 2.457.

Latīnus, ī, m.: Latinus, a king of Latium, whose capital was Laurentum, and whose daughter, Lavinia, became the wife of Aeneas, 6.891, et al. (Latium)

sollemnis, e: adj. (sollus, whole, and annus), coming at the completion of a year; annual; stated; ceremonial; religious, solemn, 5.53; festive, 2.202; customary, 12.193; subst., sollemne, is, n., pl., sollemnia, ium, solemnities, sacrificial rites, offerings, 5.605.

Lāvīnia, ae, f.: a Latin princess, daughter of King Latinus, 6.764, et al.

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Suggested Citation

Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/el/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-xii-175-194