The Chinese-language version of the DCC Caesar Gallic War commentary was created by a group of students and faculty at Concord Academy in Concord, Massachussets, USA. Many thanks to magistra Elizabeth Penland and her amazing team! Further resources for Chinese-speaking readers of Latin can be found at our sister site, Dickinson Classics Online.

    --Christopher Francese, Dickinson College, April 14, 2017

    Photo (by Rebecca Lindegren, use only with permission): Top row from left: Ben Zide, Tenzin Rosson, Ken Lin (林鸿燊), Michael Qiu (邱阳), Anna Dibble, Lysie Jones, Elizabeth Penland. Bottom row from left: Nora Zhou (周安琪), Helen Wu (吴颖怡), Rebecca Yang (杨若祺)

    Concord Academy Latin-Mandarin Project (CALM)

    Director: Dr. Elizabeth Penland, Latin and Greek Teacher

    Caesar Commentary (2015-2017)

    Project Leader: Dr. Elizabeth Penland

    Student Project Leaders: Nora Zhou (周安琪), Ken Lin (林鸿燊)

    Editorial Assistant: Ben Zide

    Senior Mandarin Consultant: Wenjun Kuai (蒯文君), Mandarin Teacher

    Translators (Mandarin): Nora Zhou (周安琪), Ken Lin (林鸿燊), Rebecca Yang (杨若祺),

    Helen Wu (吴颖怡), Jessica Ding (丁僑怡), Michael Qiu (邱阳)

    Translators (Latin): Nora Zhou (周安琪), Ken Lin (林鸿燊), Ben Zide, Michael Qiu (邱阳), Anna Dibble, Lysie Jones

    Project Support (Mandarin): Michelle Liu (陆清仪), Tim Lyu (吕天成), Paul Xu (徐鑫涛)

    Project Support (Latin): Jackson Boyle, Nina Callahan, Thomas Girdwood, Quess Green, Jinsoo Lee, Tenzin Rosson

    We would like to thank CA Latin Peer Tutors and CA Mandarin Club for their collective help.

    For their invaluable support of and assistance with this undertaking over two academic years, the CALM project owes deepest thanks to

    Rick Hardy, Head of School

    John Drew, Assistant Head of School and Academic Dean

    Jenny Chandler, Dean of Faculty

    Adam Bailey, Chair of Modern and Classical Languages

    March 2017
    Concord Academy, Concord, MA