This aition is indirectly attested


Fr. 62a

βρέφος· τὸ νεογνὸν παιδίον. κυρίως ἐπὶ ἀνθρώπου. Καλλίμαχος ἐν γʹ τῶν Αἰτίων καὶ ἐπὶ σκύμνου τίθησι.


Fr. 62b 



                                 τ]ῶν οἰκείων [

                                 ] τὰς χεῖρας, ἀπεσ[φάγη

   ὑπὸ τῆς ἀπο]τεκουσης λεαίν[ης

5            παρέ]σχοντο τῇ ’Αρτέμ[ιδι



    Fr. 62a Harder (=60 Pf. = SH 268A) EM 212.36 sqq. Gaisford s.v.

    Fr. 62b Harder P.Mil.Vogl. 1006.1-7

    This episode tells of an Epirote named Phalaecus, who was torn to pieces by a lioness because he had taken her cub up in his arms. A new fragment of the Milan Diegeseis published by C. Gallazzi and L. Lehnus confirms that the story occurred in this part of Aetia 3.

    Fr. 62b

    οἰκεῖος -α -ον: related, domestic, family (adjective); οἰκεῖος -ου, ὁ: relative (noun)

    ἀποσφάζω, aor. pass. ἀπεσφάγην: cut the throat of, slay, kill

    ἀποτίκτω ἀποτέξεις, ἀπέτεκον: bring to birth, give birth to

    λέαινα -ας, ἡ: lioness

    Fr. 62a (=60 Pf. = SH 268A) EM 212.36 sqq.

    brephos: a newborn child, properly of humans. Callimachus in the 3rd book of the Aetia uses it also for a lion cub.


    Fr. 62b P.Mil.Vogl. 1006.1-7

         .     .     .     .     .     .     .    

    5                           he was killed

         by the lioness who just gave birth.

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    Suggested Citation

    Susan Stephens, Callimachus: Aetia. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-947822-07-8.