Diffugiunt versī trepidā formīdine Trōes,

et sī continuō victōrem ea cūra subīsset,

rumpere claustra manū sociōsque immittere portīs,

ultimus ille diēs bellō gentīque fuisset.

sed furor ārdentem caedisque īnsāna cupīdō760

ēgit in adversōs.

Prīncipiō Phalerim et succīsō poplite Gȳgēn

excipit, hinc raptās fugientibus ingerit hastās

in tergus, Iūnō vīrīs animumque ministrat.

addit Halyn comitem et cōnfīxā Phēgea parmā,765

ignārōs deinde in mūrīs Martemque cientīs

Alcandrumque Haliumque Noēmonaque Prytanimque.

Lyncea tendentem contrā sociōsque vocantem

vibrantī gladiō cōnīxus ab aggere dexter

occupat, huic ūnō dēiectum comminus ictū770

cum galeā longē iacuit caput. inde ferārum

vāstātōrem Amycum, quō nōn fēlīcior alter

unguere tēla manū ferrumque armāre venēnō,

et Clytium Aeolidēn et amīcum Crēthea Mūsīs,

Crēthea Mūsārum comitem, cui carmina semper775

et citharae cordī numerōsque intendere nervīs,

semper equōs atque arma virum pūgnāsque canēbat.


diffugiō, fūgī, 3, n.: to flee apart; run away, flee, 2.212.

trepidus, a, um: (adj.), agitated, uneasy, disturbed, trembling, affrighted, 2.380; excited, tumultuous, 11.300; confused, in disorder, 10.283; alarmed, fearful of, anxious for, w. gen., 12.589; panic-stricken, 12.583.

formīdō, inis, f.: dread, dismay, apprehension, terror, fear, 2.76; awe, 7.608; personif., Fear, Dismay, 12.335. (formīdō)

Trōes, m.: (subst.), the Trojans, 1.30, et al. (Tros, one of the kings of Troy)

continuō: (adv.), immediately, straightway. (continuus)

subeō, iī, itus (p. subiēns, euntis), 4, n. and a.: to go or come under, into, or up to; alone, or with acc. and prep., or with dat.; without a case, come up, 2.216; go under, bend, stoop down under, 10.522; come after; follow, 2.725; take one's place, 12.471; enter, 1.171; come into or upon the mind, suggest itself, occur, 2.560; with acc. and prep., go, advance towards, 8.359; with dat., come or go up to, down to, into, 5.203; succeed to, 5.176; come after, follow, 10.371; with acc., approach, enter, 1.400; go under a burden, bear, with abl. of instrument, 2.708; go under the yoke, draw, 3.113; enter the mind of, strike, occur to, 9.757; approach, reach, 3.512; approach, 7.22; meet, encounter, 10.798; attack, 9.344.

claustra, ōrum, n. pl: fastenings; bolts, bars; barriers, 1.56; narrows, straits, 3.411. (claudō)

manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

immittō, mīsī, missus, 3, a.: to send upon or to; drive to, 6.312; bring upon, 4.488; let in, 2.495; let fly, go, loosen, 6.1; hurl, fling, cast, 11.562; (with sē), rush into, 6.262; p., immissus, a, um, of the reins of horses, let loose; hence, (fig.), swiftly running, 5.146; unchecked, unbridled, 5.662; of the hair or beard, descending, left growing, neglected, long, 3.593.

ārdēns, entis: burning, hot, sparkling, flaming, 5.637; bright, 4.482; impassioned, ardent, eager, 1.423; spirited, fiery, 1.472; glowing, lofty, 6.130; fierce, furious, 2.529; angry, 6.467. (ardeo)

īnsānus, a, um: (adj.), unsound; mad, insane, 6.135; inspired, 3.443.

Phaleris, is, m. (acc. -im): a Trojan, 9.762.

succīdō, cīdī, cīsus, 3, a.: to cut beneath; cut, sever, 9.762. (sub and caedō)

poples, itis, m.: the hinder part of the knee; hamstring, 9.762; knee, 12.492.

Gȳgēs, ae or is, m.: a Trojan, 9.762.

ingerō, gessī, gestus, 3, a.: to carry, bring, throw, cast into, at, or upon, 9.763.

hasta, ae, f.: a spear, 2.50, and freq.; hasta pūra, a headless spear, 6.760; pampinea hasta, a thyrsus, 7.396.

Iūnō, ōnis, f.: Juno, the Sabine and Roman name for the wife and sister of Jupiter, daughter of Saturn, 1.4, et al.; Iūnō īnferna, the Juno of the lower world, Proserpine, 6.138.

ministrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to serve, attend to, manage, 6.302; to minister, give, furnish, supply, 1.150. (minister)

Halys, yos, m.: a Trojan, 9.765.

cōnfīgō, fīxī, fīxus, 3, a.: to fasten together or firmly; transfix, pierce, 2.429, et al.

Phēgeus (dissyll.), ī or eos, m.: 1. A follower of Aeneas, 5.263. 2. Another follower of Aeneas, 12.371.

parma, ae, f.: a small round shield or buckler, usually carried by light troops, 11.693, et al.; in gen., a shield, 2.175.

ignārus, a, um: (adj.), not knowing; freq.; unaware, ignorant, 11.154; often w. genit., ignorant of, 1.630; unsuspicious of, 2.106; unconscious, 9.345; not knowing the land; (pass.), unknown, a stranger, 10.706.

Mārs (archaic form, Māvors), Mārtis: Mars, son of Jupiter and Juno; the patron of war and tutelar god of the Romans, 1.274, et al.; (meton.), martial spirit, courage, warlike fury, 6.165; battle, conflict, 2.335, et al.

cieō, cīvī, citus, 2, a.: to cause, to move; stir, 2.419; agitate, move, 4.122; excite, kindle, rouse, 6.165; raise, 12.104; call upon, invoke, 3.68; call up, exhibit, 5.585; of tears, shed, 6.468.

Alcander, drī, m.: a Trojan, 9.767.

Halius, iī, m.: a Trojan, 9.767.

Noēmōn, onis, m.: a Trojan, 9.767.

Prytanis, is, m.: a Trojan, 9.767.

Lynceus (dissyll.), eī, m.: one of the companions of Aeneas, 9.768.

contrā: (prep. and adv.; prep. w. acc.), over against; opposite to, 1.13; against, 5.370; to, 9.280; on the contrary, 12.779; on the other hand, in reply, 1.76.

vibrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n.: a., to cause to move tremulously; to dart, flash, 8.524; to move to and fro, brandish, 11.606; curl, 12.100; n., vibrate, 2.211; quiver, 10.484; glitter, flash, 9.769.

cōnītor, nīxus or nīsus sum, 3, dep. n.: to lean or brace one’s self against; struggle, strive, put forth all one’s strength, 5.264; strain every nerve, 9.769.

agger, eris, m.: materials gathered to form an elevation; a heap of earth or stones, dike, embankment, bank, 1.112; 2.496; heap of earth, 9.567; top, summit, ridge, raised surface, 5.44, 273; a rampart, 9.769, et al.; a height or rising ground, 12.446; aggerēs, mountains, mountain ramparts, 6.830. (aggerō)

dēiciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to cast down, 6.581; strike down, slay, 11.642; drive down, 4.152; shoot or bring down, 5.542; deprive of, 3.317; dēicere vultum, to cast down the eyes, 3.320; (pass.), dēicī, to be disheartened, dismayed, 10.858. (dē and iaciō)

comminus: (adv.), hand to hand, 7.553, 733; immediately; near at hand. (com- and manus)

galea, ae, f.: a helmet, either of leather or of metal, 3.468, et al.

vāstātor, ōris, m.: ravager, destroyer, 9.772. (vāstō)

Amycus, ī, m.: 1. Amycus, a son of Neptune, king of the Bebrycians, famous for his prowess in boxing, 5.373. 2. A companion of Aeneas, 1.221. 3. Another Trojan of the same name, 9.772.

unguō (ungō), ūnxī, ūnctus, 3, a.: to anoint, cover with oil, 6.219; envenom, 9.773; p., ūnctus, a, um, oiled over, oiled; of the bottoms of ships, covered with pitch, pitchy, 4.398.

armō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to equip with arms; arm, equip, 2.395, et al.; fit out, make ready, prepare, 4.299; (fig.), imbue, charge, 9.773; p., armātus, a, um, armed, charged, 12.857; subst., armātī, ōrum, m., armed men, warriors, 2.485. (arma)

venēnum, ī, n.: a poisonous drug; poison, venom, 2.221; a charm, drug, 7.190; poison of love, 1.688.

Clytius, iī, m.: the name of several Trojans, 9.774; 10.129, etc.

Aeolidēs, ae, m.: a son or descendant of Aeolus. 1. Ulysses, 6.529. 2. Misenus, 6.164. 3. Clytius, 9.774.

Crētheus (dissyll.), eī, m.: 1. A Trojan warrior, 9.774. 2. A Greek ally of Aeneas, 2.538.

Mūsa, ae, f.: a muse; one of the nine daughters of Jupiter and Mnemosyne, goddesses who preside over the liberal arts of poetry, music, etc., 1.8, et al.; (meton.), a poem or song.

cithara, ae, f.: the cithara, cithern, or lute, 1.740.

nervus, ī, m.: a nerve; sinew, tendon, 10.341; bow-string, 5.502; string of the lyre, 9.776.

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Suggested Citation

Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/zh-hans/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-ix-756-777