The following abbreviations are used in the notes:
abs. | absolute | n. | neuter |
acc. | accusative | nom. | nominative |
act. | active | obj. | object |
adj. | adjective | opt. | optative |
adv. | adverb | part. | participle |
ao. | aorist | pas. | passive |
app. | appositive | perf. | perfect |
comp. | comparative | pl. | plural |
dat. | dative | plupf. | pluperfect |
dep. | deponent | pred. | predicate |
d.o. | direct object | prep. | preposition |
f. | feminine | pr. | present |
fut. | future | pron. | pronoun |
gen. | genitive | reflex. | reflexive |
imp. | imperative | rel. | relative |
impf. | imperfect | seq. | sequence |
imper. | impersonal | sg. | singular |
indic. | indicative | subj. | subject |
i.o | indirect object | superl. | superlative |
inf. | infinitive | voc. | vocative |
m. | masculine |