'Ante equidem summa de re statuisse, Latini,

et uellem et fuerat melius, non tempore tali

cogere concilium, cum muros adsidet hostis.

bellum importunum, ciues, cum gente deorum305

inuictisque uiris gerimus, quos nulla fatigant

proelia nec uicti possunt absistere ferro.

spem si quam ascitis Aetolum habuistis in armis,

ponite. spes sibi quisque; sed haec quam angusta uidetis.

cetera qua rerum iaceant perculsa ruina,310

ante oculos interque manus sunt omnia uestras.

nec quemquam incuso: potuit quae plurima uirtus

esse, fuit; toto certatum est corpore regni.

nunc adeo quae sit dubiae sententia menti,

expediam et paucis (animos adhibete) docebo.315

est antiquus ager Tusco mihi proximus amni,

longus in occasum, finis super usque Sicanos;

Aurunci Rutulique serunt, et uomere duros

exercent collis atque horum asperrima pascunt.

haec omnis regio et celsi plaga pinea montis320

cedat amicitiae Teucrorum, et foederis aequas

dicamus leges sociosque in regna uocemus:

considant, si tantus amor, et moenia condant.

sin alios finis aliamque capessere gentem

est animus possuntque solo decedere nostro,325

bis denas Italo texamus robore nauis;

seu pluris complere ualent, iacet omnis ad undam

materies: ipsi numerumque modumque carinis

praecipiant, nos aera, manus, naualia demus.

praeterea, qui dicta ferant et foedera firment330

centum oratores prima de gente Latinos

ire placet pacisque manu praetendere ramos,

munera portantis aurique eborisque talenta

et sellam regni trabeamque insignia nostri.

consulite in medium et rebus succurrite fessis.'335


equidem: (adv.), indeed, at least, certainly, surely; w. first person, for my part, 1.238. (demonstr. e or ec and quidem)

Latīnī, ōrum, m.: the people of Latium; the Latins, 12.823, et al.

tempus, oris, n.: 1. Time in general, a period, time, 1.278; interval or space of time, 4.433; crisis, circumstance, juncture, 7.37; season, fitting time, opportunity, proper moment, 4.294; ex longō (tempore), in or for a long time, 9.64. 2. The temple of the forehead, 9.418; commonly pl., 2.684; of animals, 12.173.

concilium, iī, n.: a body called together; assembly, council, 2.89; throng, company, 3.679. (com- and root cal-, call)

adsideō, sēdī, sessus, 2, n.: to sit by, besiege, 11.304. (ad and sedeō)

importūnus, a, um: (adj.), ill-timed, unseasonable; of birds of ill omen, ominous, inauspicious, 12.864; ill-advised, dangerous, hazardous, 11.305.

invictus, a, um: (adj.), unconquered; invincible, 6.365.

fatīgō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to weary, tire, 1.316; exhaust, 11.306; goad, 9.610; harass, vex, pursue, 6.533; infuriate, 9.63; rouse, 4.572; beat up, hunt, scour, 9.605; disturb, confound, 1.280; strike upon, beat, 10.304; demand with importunity, clamor for, 7.582.

nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

possum, potuī, posse, irreg. n.: to be able; can, 1.242, et al.; to avail, have influence, power, 4.382. (potis and sum)

absistō, abstitī, 3, n.: to stand off or away from, followed by the abl., alone or with prep.; withdraw from, 6.259; fly, dart from, 12.102; (with infin.), desist, cease, 6.399; (alone), stop, cease, 1.192.

quis, qua or quae, quid or quod: (indef. pron., adj., and subst.), any, some, 2.94, et al.; some one, any one, any body, anything, something, 1.413, et al.; sī quis, nē quis, etc., if any, lest any, etc., freq.; (adv.), quid, as to anything, in anything, at all, freq.; sī quid, if at all, freq.

adscīscō, scīvī, scītus, 3, a.: to call to one’s aid; to ally, 11.308; to adopt, 11.472. (adsciō)

Aetōlus, a, um: (adj.), Aetolian, 11.428; Aetōla urbs, Arpi in Apulia, built by Diomedes, 11.239.

angustus, a, um: adj. (angō), strait, narrow, 3.411; straitened, perilous, 11.309; subst., angustum, ī, n., a narrow place, passage, 2.332.

percellō, culī, culsus, 3, a.: to strike, smite vehemently; strike down, 5.374; overthrow, 11.310.

ruīna, ae, f.: a falling down; fall, overthrow; convulsion, commotion, destructive force, 1.129; onset, shock, 11.613; pl., ruin, overthrow, destruction, 1.238; dare, trahere ruīnam, to fall in ruins, 2.310; bring destruction, 12.454. (ruō)

manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

incūsō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to bring a cause or case against any one; to accuse, reproach, blame, 2.745; without object, upbraid, complain, 1.410. (1. in and causa)

expediō, īvī or iī, ītus, 4, a.: to make the foot free; to extricate, disentangle; bring forth, get ready, 1.178; seize, use, 5.209; serve, 1.702; unfold, describe, disclose, 3.379, 460; declare, 11.315; pass. in middle sig., make one’s way out, escape, 2.633. (ex and pēs)

paucus, a, um: (adj.), small, little; pl., paucī, ae, a, few, a few.

Tuscus, a, um: (adj.), Etrurian, Tuscan.

occāsus, ūs, m.: a going down; setting; the west, 11.317; fall, ruin, destruction, 1.238. (1. occidō)

Sicānus (Sicānius), a, um: adj. (Sicānī), Sicilian, Sicanian, 5.24, et al.

Auruncus, a, um: adj. (Aurunca), Auruncan, of Aurunca, an ancient town of Campania, 12.94.

Rutulī, ōrum, m.: the Rutulians, an ancient tribe of Latium dwelling south of the Tiber, 1.266, et al.

serō, sēvī, satus, 3, a.: to sow or plant; with indefinite object omitted, 6.844; scatter, spread, disseminate, 12.228.

vōmer, eris, m.: a plowshare, plow, 7.635.

collis, is, m.: a hill, freq.

asper, era, erum: (adj.), rough, 2.379; rugged, craggy, jagged, 6.360; chased, embossed, 5.267; (fig.), of the weather, stormy, 2.110; of temperament, spirit, or nature, barbarous, 5.730; formidable, fierce, 1.14; full of strife, warlike, 1.291; cruel, stern, 6.882; angry, 1.279; bitter, 2.96; displeased, 8.365.

pāscō, pāvī, pāstus, 3, a. and n.: to furnish with food; to feed; rear, breed, 6.655; nourish, 1.608; (fig.), 1.464; let grow, 7.391; cherish, indulge, nourish, 10.627; pass. as dep., pāscor, pāstus sum, 3, a. and n., to graze, 1.186; feed upon, eat, 2.471; use for pasture, to pasture, 11.319.

celsus, a, um: adj. (cellō, rise), high, lofty, 1.56, et al.

plaga, ae, f.: a tract, region, 1.394; zone, 7.226.

pīneus, a, um: adj. (pīnus), of pine, made of pine, produced from pine, piny, 11.786; pine-, 2.258; piny, pine-growing, 11.320.

Teucrī, ōrum, m.: the Trojans, descendants of Teucer, 1.38, et al.; adj., Teucrian, Trojan, 9.779, et al. (Teucer)

foedus, eris, n.: a treaty, league, alliance, freq., truce, 5.496; side or party, 12.658; covenant, contract, 4.339; laws of hospitality, hospitality, 10.91; pledge, love, 4.520; law, term, condition, rule, 1.62. (rel. to fīdō, trust)

cōnsīdō, sēdī, sessus, 3, n.: to sit or settle down together or completely; sink, 2.624; sit, 4.573; sit in mourning, 11.350; take a seat, 5.136; alight, 3.245; settle, 10.780; dwell, 1.572; abide, rest, 11.915; to lie at anchor, to anchor, 3.378; to be moored, stationed, 7.431.

sīn: (conj.), but if, if on the contrary, 1.555, et al.

capessō, īvī or iī, ītus, 3, intens. a.: to seize, 3.234; (fig.), lay hold of, assume, 8.507; seek to reach, hasten to, 4.346; undertake, achieve, perform, 1.77. (capiō)

solum, ī, n.: the bottom or ground of anything; soil, earth, ground, 1.367, et al.; land, 3.698; foundation, 10.102; the water beneath a ship, as its support; the water, sea, 5.199; support, table, 7.111.

dēcēdō, cessī, cessus, 3, n.: to withdraw, go away, depart from, 4.306; stand back, retire, 5.551.

bis: (adv.), twice, 1.381. (in composition bi-)

dēnī, ae, a: (adj. num. distrib.), ten by ten; ten each; (as cardinal), ten, 1.381.

Italus, a, um: Italian, 3.440, et al.; subst., Italī, ōrum, m., the Italians, 1.109. (Ītalia)

texō, texuī, textus, 3, a.: to weave; to build cunningly; form, fashion, fabricate, construct, 2.186; make intricate movements, interweave, 5.593; p., textus, a, um, woven, constructed, made, 5.589.

rōbur, oris, n.: hard oak or wood, 6.181; a tree, 8.315; (meton.), timber, a wooden structure; fabric, 2.260; (fig.), sturdiness, strength, firmness, courage, vigor, 2.639; pl., rōbora, wood, timber, 4.399; vigor, flower, 8.518.

compleō, ēvī, ētus, 2, a.: to fill up; fill, 2.20; complete, 5.46; fulfill, 9.108.

māteriēs, ēī, f.: matter, stuff, material, 11.328. (rel. to māter)

modus, ī, m.: a method, 4.294; mode, manner, way, 1.354, et al.; a measure, of song, measure, strain, note, 7.701, et al.; bound, limit, end, 4.98, et al.; fashion, of building, 11.328; abl., modō, in the manner or fashion; like, 9.119.

carīna, ae, f.: the keel of a ship, ship, 4.398; a boat, 6.391; frame, timber, 5.682.

nāvālis, e: adj. (nāvis), pertaining to ships; naval, 5.493; subst., nāvālia, ium, n., dock, docks, dockyard, naval arsenal, 4.593; naval equipments, 11.329.

dictum, ī, n.: a thing said; word, 1.197; command, precept, injunction, 1.695; promise, 8.643. (dīcō)

fīrmō, āvī, ātus, 3, a.: to make firm or strong; make steady, assure, 3.659; to establish, mature; confirm, 2.691; ratify, 12.212; encourage, 3.611, secure, guard, 11.466. (fīrmus)

ōrātor, ōris, m.: a speaker; envoy, ambassador, 7.153. (ōrō)

Latīnus, a, um: adj. (Latium), of Latium; Latin, 1.6, et al.; Latīna, ae, f., a Latin woman, 12.604.

praetendō, tendī, tentus, 3, a.: to hold out before; stretch forth, extend, wave, 8.116; stretch, extend before, 3.692; oppose, 9.599; (fig.), pretend, promise, 4.339.

rāmus, ī, m.: a branch, bough, 4.485, et al.; limb, 8.318; wreath, 5.71.

ebur, oris, n.: ivory, 1.592.

talentum, ī, n.: a monetary weight or sum, varying in different periods and countries, but around 60-70 lb., usually gold or silver; a large sum, weight, or amount, 5.112, et al.

sella, ae, f.: a seat; chair; chair of state, 11.334. (sedeō)

trabea, ae, f.: a toga of purple cloth, or one of white cloth with horizontal purple stripes, worn by Roman dignitaries, and ascribed to the primitive Latin kings, 7.612.

īnsīgne, is, n.: a distinguishing mark; symbol, ensign, 10.188; trophy, 12.944; pl., īnsīgnia, ium, distinctive arms, tokens, 2.339; royal ensigns or insignia, 8.506; trappings, 11.89.

medium, iī, n.: medium, iī, n., the middle, midst, 2.218; the intervening space, 6.131; ad medium, in the middle of the body, 12.273; in medium, into the midst, in public; before them, 5.401; for the common weal, 11.335.

succurrō, currī, cursus, 3, n.: to run up; run to assist; with dat., to aid, succor, relieve, help, 1.630; impers., succurrit, it comes into the mind, occurs, seems, 2.317. (sub and currō)

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Suggested Citation

Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/sv/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-xi-302-335