Fr. 94
Τὸν νεκρ[ὸ]ν.[. . . . . .].τ[. . . .]υβατονιστιναευω
Fr. 95
. .[
πατρο. .[
αἰαῖ καὶ μαλ[ ‘Ἵππου]
5 καὶ Κούρης’ α[
Fr. 94 Harder (= 94 Pf., = 197 Mass.) P.Mil.Vogl. I 18 col. III 25
sq. [image], Trismegistos 59371
The end of the line seems to have an error in it and defies articulation. If there is a corruption, Korte's ο]ὐ βατὸν ("not to be walked on, inaccessible") followed by Maas's εἴ τιν’ ἀκούω ("If I hear someone") suggests a line of approach.
Fr. 95 Harder (= 95 Pf., = 198 Mass.) P.Oxy. 2170, fr. 2 [image], Trismegistos 59370
Leimonis was the daughter of Hippomenes, the last descendent of Codrus of Athens. When her father discovered that she had been seduced, he closed her up in a stall with a horse that killed her. He then killed the man who had seduced her, tied him to a horse, and dragged him through the town. The cruelty of Hippomenes was legendary and is cited as the reason that the rule of the Codrids came to an end.