Prīmus init bellum Tyrrhēnīs asper ab ōrīs

contemptor dīvum Mezentius agminaque armat.

Fīlius huic iūxtā Lausus, quō pulchrior alter

nōn fuit exceptō Laurentis corpore Turnī;650

Lausus, equum domitor dēbellātorque ferārum,

dūcit Agyllīnā nēquīquam ex urbe secūtōs

mīlle virōs, dīgnus patriīs quī laetior esset

imperiīs et cui pater haud Mezentius esset.


ineō, īvī or iī, itus, īre, irreg. n. and a.: to go into; come upon; enter, 5.114; of a period of time, open, commence, begin; undertake, perform, 5.846.

Tyrrhēnus, a, um: adj. (Tyrrhēnī), Tyrrhenian; Etruscan, Tuscan, 1.67; subst., Tyrrhēnus, ī, m., a Tuscan, 10.787.

asper, era, erum: (adj.), rough, 2.379; rugged, craggy, jagged, 6.360; chased, embossed, 5.267; (fig.), of the weather, stormy, 2.110; of temperament, spirit, or nature, barbarous, 5.730; formidable, fierce, 1.14; full of strife, warlike, 1.291; cruel, stern, 6.882; angry, 1.279; bitter, 2.96; displeased, 8.365.

ōra, ae, f.: a margin, border, 12.924; coast, shore, 3.396; region, 2.91; rim, extremity, 10.477; pl., outline, compass, 9.528.

contemptor, ōris, m.: a despiser, scorner, 7.648. (contemnō)

Mēzentius, iī, m.: tyrant of Agylla or Caere, and ally of Latinus and Turnus, 7.648.

armō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to equip with arms; arm, equip, 2.395, et al.; fit out, make ready, prepare, 4.299; (fig.), imbue, charge, 9.773; p., armātus, a, um, armed, charged, 12.857; subst., armātī, ōrum, m., armed men, warriors, 2.485. (arma)

fīlius, iī, m.: a son, 1.325. (rel. to fēmina)

iūxtā: (adv. and prep. w. acc.), near, close, near by, 2.513; at the same time, 2.666; near to, 3.506.

Lausus, ī, m.: an Etruscan chief, son of Mezentius, 7.649, et al.

Laurēns, entis: adj. (Laurentum), of Laurentum, the ancient capital of Latium; Laurentine, Laurentian, 5.797, et al., subst., Laurentēs, um, pl. m., the Laurentians, 7.63, et al.

Turnus, ī, m.: the chief of the Rutulians, 7.56, et al.

domitor, ōris, m.: a tamer, 7.189; ruler, sovereign, 5.799. (domō)

dēbellātor, ōris, m.: a conqueror, 7.651. (dēbellō)

Agyllīnus, a, um: (adj.), of Agylla, a town in Etruria, afterwards called Caere, 7.652; subst., Agyllīnī, ōrum, m., the people of Agylla, 12.281.

nēquīquam: (adv.), in vain, to no purpose, 2.515.

patrius, a, um: adj. (pater), pertaining to one's father or ancestors; a father's, 2.658; paternal, natural to a father, 1.643; exacted by a father, 7.766; due to, felt for a father or parent, 9.294; ancestral, hereditary, 3.249; of one's country, native, 3.281; belonging to the nation, of the country, 11.374.

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Suggested Citation

Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.