Fr. 41
γηράσκει δ᾽ὁ γέρων κεῖνος ἐλαφρότερον,
κοῦροι τὸν φιλέουσιν, ἑὸν δέ μιν οἷα γονῆα
χειρὸς ἐπ᾽οἰκείην ἄχρις ἄγουσι θύρην.
Fr. 41 (= 41 Pf., = 48 Mass.) Stob. 4.50.11
According to Stobaeus, this fragment is to be located in Book I. It lacks context and has the feel of erotic epigram, especially those of Tyrtaeus and Mimnermus (the latter was mentioned in the prologue). But, given the opening contrast of the aged poet and his recollection of his earlier encounter with the Muses, an old man led by children might be a metaphor for, or image of the poet as the book closes.