'Nāte deā (nam tē maiōribus īre per altum

auspiciīs manifesta fidēs; sīc fāta deum rēx375

sortītur volvitque vicēs, is vertitur ōrdō),

pauca tibi ē multīs, quō tūtior hospita lūstrēs

aequora et Ausoniō possīs cōnsīdere portū,

expediam dictīs; prohibent nam cētera Parcae

scīre Helenum fārīque vetat Sāturnia Iūnō.380

Prīncipiō Ītaliam, quam tū iam rēre propinquam

vīcīnōsque, ignāre, parās invādere portūs,

longa procul longīs via dīvidit invia terrīs.

Ante et Trīnacriā lentandus rēmus in undā

et salis Ausoniī lūstrandum nāvibus aequor385

īnfernīque lacūs Aeaeaeque īnsula Circae,

quam tūtā possīs urbem compōnere terrā.

Signa tibī dīcam, tū condita mente tenētō:

Cum tibi sollicitō sēcrētī ad flūminis undam

lītoreīs ingēns inventa sub īlicibus sūs390

trīgintā capitum fētūs ēnīxa iacēbit,

alba solō recubāns, albī circum ūbera nātī,

is locus urbis erit, requiēs ea certa labōrum.

Nec tū mēnsārum morsūs horrēsce futūrōs:

Fāta viam invenient aderitque vocātus Apollō.395

Hās autem terrās Italīque hanc lītoris ōram,

proxima quae nostrī perfunditur aequoris aestū,

effuge; cūncta malīs habitantur moenia Grāīs.

Hīc et Nāryciī posuērunt moenia Locrī,

et Sallentīnōs obsēdit mīlite campōs400

Lyctius Īdomeneus; hīc illa ducis Meliboeī

parva Philoctētae subnīxa Petēlia mūrō.

Quīn ubi trānsmissae steterint trāns aequora classēs

et positīs ārīs iam vōta in lītore solvēs,

purpureō vēlāre comās adopertus amictū,405

nē qua inter sānctōs ignīs in honōre deōrum

hostīlis faciēs occurrat et ōmina turbet.

Hunc sociī mōrem sacrōrum, hunc ipse tenētō;

hāc castī maneant in rēligiōne nepōtēs.

Ast ubi dīgressum Siculae tē admōverit ōrae410

ventus, et angustī rārēscent claustra Pelōrī,

laeva tibī tellūs et longō laeva petantur

aequora circuïtū; dextrum fuge lītus et undās.

Haec loca vī quondam et vāstā convulsa ruīnā

(tantum aevī longinqua valet mūtāre vetustās)415

dissiluisse ferunt, cum prōtinus utraque tellūs

ūna foret: vēnit mediō vī pontus et undīs

Hesperium Siculō latus abscidit, arvaque et urbēs

lītore dīductās angustō interluit aestū.

Dextrum Scylla latus, laevum implācāta Charybdis420

obsidet, atque īmō barathrī ter gurgite vāstōs

sorbet in abruptum flūctūs rūrsusque sub aurās

ērigit alternōs, et sīdera verberat undā.

At Scyllam caecīs cohibet spēlunca latebrīs

ōra exsertantem et nāvīs in saxa trahentem.425

Prīma hominis faciēs et pulchrō pectore virgō

pūbe tenus, postrēma immānī corpore pistrix

delphīnum caudās uterō commissa lupōrum.

Praestat Trīnacriī mētās lūstrāre Pachӯnī

cessantem, longōs et circumflectere cursūs,430

quam semel īnfōrmem vāstō vīdisse sub antrō

Scyllam et caeruleīs canibus resonantia saxa.

Praetereā, sī qua est Helenō prūdentia vātī,

sī qua fidēs, animum sī vērīs implet Apollō,

ūnum illud tibi, nāte deā, prōque omnibus ūnum435

praedīcam et repetēns iterumque iterumque monēbō,

Iūnōnis magnae prīmum prece nūmen adōrā,

Iūnōnī cane vōta libēns dominamque potentem

supplicibus superā dōnīs: sīc dēnique victor

Trīnacriā fīnīs Italōs mittēre relictā.440


    altum, ī, n.: the deep; the lofty; the deep sea, the main, the deep, 1.3; the sky, heaven, air, 1.297; from far, far-fetched, remote, 8.395. (altus)

    auspicium, iī, n.: an auspice; omen, token, sign, 3.499; power, authority, 4.103; will, 4.341; conduct, leadership, 11.347. (auspex)

    manifēstus, a, um: (adj.), made obvious; palpable, plain, clear, evident, 2.309; manifest, visible, 3.151, et al.

    sortior, ītus sum, 4, dep. n. and a.: to cast lots; obtain, get, take by lot, 3.634; share, 8.445; distribute, 3.510; assign, allot, appoint, 3.376; select, choose, 2.18; 12.920. (sors)

    volvō, volvī, volūtus, 3, a.: to roll, 1.86; roll along or down, 1.101; roll or cast up, 3.206; toss, hurl, 12.906; roll over, roll in the dust, 12.329; cast, hurl down, 1.116; 9.512; roll, wheel, 1.163; of books, open, unroll, 1.262; of the Fates, fix the circle of events, decree, ordain, dispose, 1.22; 3.376; of the mind, revolve, meditate, reflect upon, 1.305; pass, continue, live through, experience, endure, suffer, 1.9; rotam volvere, to complete a cycle, period; (pass.), volvī, roll over, roll, 10.590; turn or wind about, 7.350; to be shed, to flow, 4.449; roll on, revolve, 1.269.

    vicis, gen. f.: a change, turn in affairs; stage, interchange, 6.535; vicissitude, event, 3.376; combat, encounter, peril, 2.433, part, place, post, 3.634; watch, guard, 9.175. (nom. sing. wanting)

    paucus, a, um: (adj.), small, little; pl., paucī, ae, a, few, a few.

    quō: (final conj.) that, to the end that, in order that, 4.106; quō magis, by how much more, that the more, 4.452.

    hospitus, a, um: adj. (hospes), welcoming; friendly, hospitable; foreign, strange, 3.377; friendly, 3.539.

    lūstrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to purify by atonement, 3.279; go round the fields with the victims; hence to bless, ask for a blessing on; go or dance around an altar or the image of a god, 7.391; traverse, pass across, around, or over, 1.608; pass in review, parade before, 5.578; run through, 2.528; search, 1.577; observe, survey, 1.453; watch, mark, 11.763; of the sun, illuminate, 4.607. (lūstrum)

    Ausonius, a, um: adj. (Auson), Ausonian; Italian, 4.349; subst., Ausoniī, ōrum, m., the Ausonians; Italians, 11.253.

    possum, potuī, posse, irreg. n.: to be able; can, 1.242, et al.; to avail, have influence, power, 4.382. (potis and sum)

    cōnsīdō, sēdī, sessus, 3, n.: to sit or settle down together or completely; sink, 2.624; sit, 4.573; sit in mourning, 11.350; take a seat, 5.136; alight, 3.245; settle, 10.780; dwell, 1.572; abide, rest, 11.915; to lie at anchor, to anchor, 3.378; to be moored, stationed, 7.431.

    portus, ūs, m.: a port, harbor, haven, 1.159, et al; (fig.), 7.598.

    expediō, īvī or iī, ītus, 4, a.: to make the foot free; to extricate, disentangle; bring forth, get ready, 1.178; seize, use, 5.209; serve, 1.702; unfold, describe, disclose, 3.379, 460; declare, 11.315; pass. in middle sig., make one’s way out, escape, 2.633. (ex and pēs)

    dictum, ī, n.: a thing said; word, 1.197; command, precept, injunction, 1.695; promise, 8.643. (dīcō)

    Parca, ae, f.: more freq. pl., Parcae, ārum, f., the Fates (Clotho, the spinner, Lachesis, the allotter, and Atropos, the unaverted), 1.22, et al.

    Helenus, ī, m.: a prophet, son of Priam; carried away captive by Pyrrhus to Epirus, where he became the husband of Andromache and ruler of a small kingdom, 3.329, et al.

    Sāturnius, a, um: adj. (Sāturnus), belonging to Saturn; Saturnian; sprung from Saturn; Saturnian, 4.372; subst., Sāturnius, iī, m., the son of Saturn, 5.799; Sāturnia, ae, f., 1. Daughter of Saturn, Juno, 1.23; 2. The city of Saturnia, built by Saturn on the Capitoline hill, 8.358.

    Iūnō, ōnis, f.: Juno, the Sabine and Roman name for the wife and sister of Jupiter, daughter of Saturn, 1.4, et al.; Iūnō īnferna, the Juno of the lower world, Proserpine, 6.138.

    Ītalia, ae (Ī by poetic (epic) license), f.: Italy, 1.2, et al.

    propinquus, a, um: adj. (prope), near, neighboring, near at hand, 3.381; not remote, 11.156; near of kin, related, 2.86.

    ignārus, a, um: (adj.), not knowing; freq.; unaware, ignorant, 11.154; often w. genit., ignorant of, 1.630; unsuspicious of, 2.106; unconscious, 9.345; not knowing the land; (pass.), unknown, a stranger, 10.706.

    invādō, vāsī, vāsus, 3, a. and n.: to go into; enter, 3.382; enter upon, 6.260; invade, violate, 6.623; rush into, 12.712; attack, assail, 2.414; address, accost, 4.265; undertake, adventure, 9.186.

    invius, a, um: without a way; trackless, inaccessible, impassable, 1.537; difficult, 3.383.

    Trīnacrius, a, um: adj. (Trīnacria), Sicilian, 3.384.

    lentō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to make flexible; of oars, bend, ply, 3.384. (lentus)

    rēmus, ī, m.: originally steering-oar; an oar, 1.104.

    sāl, salis, m.: salt; brine, salt water, 1.173; (meton.), the sea, 1.35.

    īnfernus, a, um: adj. (īnferus), that which is below; of Hades, infernal, 3.386.

    lacus, ūs, m.: a lake, pool, source, 8.74; fen, 2.135.

    Aeaeus, a, um: (adj.), of Aeaea, the island of Circe; Aeaean or Colchian, 3.386.

    Circē, ēs or ae, f.: a sorceress, daughter of Helios and Perse or Perseis, 3.386, et al.

    sollicitus, a, um: adj. (sollus, whole, and cieō), wholly excited; of the mind, solicitous, troubled, burdened with care, anxious, 3.389.

    sēcrētus, a, um: separated, apart, retired, solitary, 2.299; secret; unnoticed, 4.494. (sēcernō)

    lītoreus, a, um: adj. (lītus), pertaining to the seashore; on the shore; very rarely, on the river bank, 3.390; of the shore, seashore, 12.248.

    īlex, icis, f.: the holm-oak, scarlet oak, ilex, 6.180.

    sūs, suis, c.: a hog, swine, 1.635; sow, 3.390.

    trīgintā: (num. adj., indecl.), thirty, 1.269.

    fētus, ūs, m.: a bearing or breeding; the young; the new swarm, 1.432; litter, 3.391; of vegetable products, growth, sprig, shoot, 6.207; fruit; product.

    ēnītor, nīxus or nīsus sum, 3, dep. n. and a.: to struggle forth or upward; to bring forth, bear offspring, 3.327.

    solum, ī, n.: the bottom or ground of anything; soil, earth, ground, 1.367, et al.; land, 3.698; foundation, 10.102; the water beneath a ship, as its support; the water, sea, 5.199; support, table, 7.111.

    recubō, 1, n.: to be lying back or down; recline; be extended; lie, 3.392.

    circum: (adv.), about, around; (prep. with acc.), around, about.

    ūber, eris, n.: a teat, an udder, 3.392; the breast, 5.285; breast, bosom, 3.95; (meton.), richness, fertility, fruitfulness, productiveness, 1.531.

    requiēs, ētis or ēī, f.: repose, rest, 3.393; respite, 4.433; support, comfort, 9.482; cessation, 12.241.

    nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

    morsus, ūs, m.: a biting; eating, 3.394; tooth, 7.112; fang, 2.215; gripe, hold, 12.782; fluke, 1.169. (mordeō)

    horrēscō, horruī, 3, inc. n. and a.: to become rough; bristle, rise bristling, 7.526; (fig.), to tremble, shudder, 2.204; dread, 3.394. (horreō)

    futūrus, a, um: about to be; future, 4.622. (sum)

    adsum, adfuī, esse, irreg. n.: to be near or by; to be present, at hand, or here, 1.595; to have arrived, 2.132; to be with, attend, 2.701; aid, accompany, 10.547; be propitious, 3.116; to beset, 2.330; inf., adfore, to be about to come, destined to come, 7.270. (imp. subj., adforem, -ēs, -et, -ent)

    Apollō, inis, m.: Apollo, son of Jupiter and Latona; the god of prophecy, medicine, music, poetry, and archery, 2.430; met., a temple of Apollo, 3.275.

    Italus, a, um: Italian, 3.440, et al.; subst., Italī, ōrum, m., the Italians, 1.109. (Ītalia)

    ōra, ae, f.: a margin, border, 12.924; coast, shore, 3.396; region, 2.91; rim, extremity, 10.477; pl., outline, compass, 9.528.

    perfundō, fūdī, fūsus, 3, a.: to pour over or along; wash, 3.397; overspread, overflow, 11.626; spot, stain, 2.221; anoint, 5.135; besprinkle, 12.611.

    aestus, ūs, m.: glowing heat; summer; a boiling; a billowy motion; waves of flame, flames, 2.706; wave, surge, 1.107; tide, sea, flood, 3.419; tide (of feeling), agitation, 4.532.

    effugiō, fūgī, 3, n. and a.: to flee forth or away; glide away, 2.226; get off, escape; speed along, 5.151; pass swiftly from, flee from, escape from, 2.793; 3.272; escape, 3.653. (ex and fugiō)

    malus, a, um: (adj.), bad; noxious, baneful, poisonous, 2.471; morally, hostile, 3.398; evil, wicked, impious, 1.352; ill-boding; subst., malus, ī, m., a wicked man or person; pl., the wicked, 6.542; comp., pēior, ius, worse.

    habitō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. and n.: to have continually, have in possession; occupy, inhabit, 3.106; dwell, 3.110. (habeō)

    Grāī (Grāiī) (dissyll.), ōrum, m.: the Greeks, 1.467, et al.

    Nārycius, a, um: adj. (Nāryx or Nāricium), of Naryx, a town of the Locri; Narycian, 3.399.

    Locrī, ōrum, m.: the Locriam; inhabitants of Locris, in Greece; Locri Epizephyrii, in Bruttium, 3.399; the Opuntii, of Opus, in Locris, 11.265.

    Sallentīnus, a, um: (adj.), pertaining to the Sallentini, a people in Iapygia, southeast of Tarentum; Salentine, 3.400.

    obsideō, sēdī, sessus, 2, n. and a.: to sit in or on; abide; hold, occupy, 3.421; besiege, beset, 2.441; throng, 12.133; obstruct, fill up, choke. (ob and sedeō)

    Lyctius, a, um: of Lyctus, a town in Crete; Lyctian, Cretan, 3.401.

    Īdomeneus (quadrisyll.), eī, m.: Idomeneus, king of Crete, and conspicuous among the Greek chiefs at Troy, 3.122, et al.

    Meliboeus, a, um: adj. (Meliboea), of Meliboea in Thessaly; Meliboean, 3.401.

    Philoctētēs, ae, m.: son of the Thessalian king Poeas of Meliboea, companion of Hercules, from whom he inherited the bow and arrows with which he killed Paris, 3.402.

    subnīxus, a, um: resting or seated on, 1.506; sustained, defended by, 3.402; held up by or bound under, 4.217.

    Petēlia, ae, f.: Petelia, a town on the eastern coast of Bruttium, 3.402.

    trānsmittō, mīsī, missus, 3, a. and n.: to send across; bear or convey across or over, 3.403; give over, 3.329; to cross, pass over, fly over, with acc. of the space crossed over, 4.154; to make across, of a passage or voyage, 6.313.

    trāns: (prep. w. acc.), across, with verbs of motion, over, beyond, across; through, athwart, 7.65; of rest, on the other side of, beyond, 3.403.

    purpureus, a, um: adj. (purpura), of purple; purple-colored, scarlet, red, purple, 1.337; of blood, 9.349; ruddy, glowing, brilliant, 1.591.

    vēlō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to veil, 3.405; cover, clothe; bind around, wreathe, crown, 5.72; festoon, adorn, 2.249; to shade by bearing in the hand, 7.154; 11.101. (vēlum)

    adoperiō, operuī, opertus, 4, a.: to cover up, cover, 3.405.

    amictus, ūs, m.: a veiling or draping of the person; an upper garment, covering; cloak, mantle, veil, 3.405; 5.421. (amiciō)

    quis, qua or quae, quid or quod: (indef. pron., adj., and subst.), any, some, 2.94, et al.; some one, any one, any body, anything, something, 1.413, et al.; sī quis, nē quis, etc., if any, lest any, etc., freq.; (adv.), quid, as to anything, in anything, at all, freq.; sī quid, if at all, freq.

    hostīlis, e: adj. (hostis), of an enemy, an enemy’s, 10.847; of the foe, 3.322; hostile, unpropitious, ominous, 3.407.

    ōmen, inis, n.: a prognostic, token, sign, omen, 2.182; (meton.), evil, 2.190; auspicious beginning, 7.174; pl., auspices; rites, 1.346; in ōmen, as or for a warning, 12.854.

    sacrum, ī, n.: a holy thing; pl., sacra, ōrum, n., sacred symbols, rites, 12.13; sacred rites, ceremonies, sacrifices, 2.132; sacred things, utensils, symbols, 2.293; mysteries, 3.112.

    religiō, ōnis, f.: reverence for divine things; piety, devotion, 2.715; sanctity, 8.349; worship, sacred ceremonial, observance, 3.409; sacred thing, symbol, token, 2.151; object of worship; divinity, 12.182; augury, 3.363.

    nepōs, ōtis, m.: a grandson, 2.702; pl., nepōtēs, um, grandchildren; posterity, descendants, 2.194.

    dīgredior, gressus sum, 3, dep. n.: to walk or go apart, aside, or away; depart, 3.410; separate, 4.80; come from, 2.718. (di- and gradior)

    Siculus, a, um: adj. (Siculī), pertaining to the Siculi, an ancient race, part of which migrated from Latium to Sicily; Sicilian, 1.34, et al.

    admoveō, mōvī, mōtus, 2, a.: to move, bring near to; to carry, convey to, 3.410; apply to, touch; admovēre ūbera, give suck, 4.367.

    angustus, a, um: adj. (angō), strait, narrow, 3.411; straitened, perilous, 11.309; subst., angustum, ī, n., a narrow place, passage, 2.332.

    rārēscō, 3, inc. n.: to become thin; to part or begin to stand open; to open, 3.411. (rārus)

    claustra, ōrum, n. pl: fastenings; bolts, bars; barriers, 1.56; narrows, straits, 3.411. (claudō)

    Pelōrus, ī, m., and Pelōrum, ī, n.: the northeastern cape of Sicily, 3.411.

    laevus, a, um: (adj.), the left, 10.495; (situated) on the left, 3.412; the left, 3.420; (fig.), ill-starred, unpropitious, baleful, 10.275; infatuated, blind, 2.54.

    circuitus, ūs, m.: a going round; circuit, 3.413. (circumeō)

    vāstus, a, um: (adj.), empty, void, wild, waste, 9.323; vast, unbounded, 1.118; huge, enormous, immense, 3.647; deep-, vast-, sounding, 1.245.

    convellō, vellī, vulsus, 3, a.: to pull violently; pluck, tear, pull up, 3.24; wrench forth, 12.774; cut off, 6.148; p., convulsus, a, um, rent, shattered, 1.383; convulsed, 5.143.

    ruīna, ae, f.: a falling down; fall, overthrow; convulsion, commotion, destructive force, 1.129; onset, shock, 11.613; pl., ruin, overthrow, destruction, 1.238; dare, trahere ruīnam, to fall in ruins, 2.310; bring destruction, 12.454. (ruō)

    longinquus, a, um: adj. (longus), far distant, in space or time; distant, remote, long, 3.415.

    vetustās, ātis, f.: oldness; age, antiquity; length of time, duration, continuance, 3.415; period, length of time, 10.792. (vetus),

    dissiliō, uī, 4, n.: to spring apart; burst asunder; be rent asunder, 3.416; break in twain, 12.741. (dis- and saliō)

    veniō, vēnī, ventus: to come, freq.; come forth; approach, 6.755; rise, appear, 1.353; dawn, 10.241; to present one's self or itself, 5.344; descend, spring from, 5.373; impers., ventum est, we, they came or have come, 4.151.

    medium, iī, n.: medium, iī, n., the middle, midst, 2.218; the intervening space, 6.131; ad medium, in the middle of the body, 12.273; in medium, into the midst, in public; before them, 5.401; for the common weal, 11.335.

    Hesperius, a, um: (adj.), of Hesperus; western (as related to Asia and Greece); Hesperian, Italian, 3.418.

    abscindō, scidī, scissus, 3, a.: to tear off, away, from, 5.685; separate, 3.418; tear, 4.590.

    dīdūcō, dūxī, ductus, 3, a.: to lead or draw apart; separate, sever, 3.419; distract, 5.720.

    interluō, 3, a.: to wash between; flow between, 3.419.

    Scylla, ae, f.: 1. A dangerous rock on the Italian side of the Straits of Messana opposite Charybdis, 3.420; personified as a monster, half woman and half fish, 3.424. 2. The name of one of the ships of Aeneas, 5.122.

    implācātus, a, um: (adj.), unappeased; insatiable, 3.420.

    Charybdis, is, f.: a whirlpool near the Sicilian coast, in the Straits of Messina, opposite the rock of Scylla; personified as a monster, 3.420.

    barathrum, ī, n.: an abyss, chasm, gulf, 3.421.

    ter: (num. adv.), thrice, three times, 1.94, et al. (trēs)

    gurges, itis, m.: a whirlpool, gulf, 3.421; flood, 2.497; wave, billow, 3.564; rolling, raging sea, abyss, 1.118; sea, ocean, 7.704.

    sorbeō, uī, 2, a.: to suck; absorb, draw on, 3.422.

    abrumpō, rūpī, ruptus, 3, a.: to break off, away, or tear away from, 9.118; tear asunder, rend, 3.199; end suddenly or abruptly, 4.388; put an end to, 4.631; violate, 3.55; p. abruptus, a, um, having burst, bursting, breaking forth, subst., abruptum, ī, n., anything broken off; a precipice; abyss, chasm, 3.422; in abruptum, headlong, 12.687.

    ērigō, rēxī, rēctus, 3, a.: to raise up, rear, erect, 4.495; cast upward, 3.423. (ex and regō)

    alternus, a, um: adj. (alter), one after the other; alternating, 6.121; by turns, in succession, 5.376; every second, 12.233.

    verberō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to lash, beat, strike, 3.423, et al. (verber)

    cohibeō, uī, itus, 2, a.: to hold together, restrain, confine, 3.424; check, curb, repress, 12.314. (com- and habeō)

    spēlunca, ae, f.: a cavern, 1.60; retreat, 5.213.

    latebra, ae, f.: a hiding place; recess, lodgment, retreat, 12.389; usually in pl., latebrae, ārum, an ambuscade; covert, retreat; cavern, 3.424; recess, cavity, 2.38; the hatches of a ship, the hold, 10.657. (lateō)

    exsertō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a.: to stretch or thrust forth, 3.425. (exserō)

    pūbēs, is, f.: the groin, middle, 3.427; the youthful population; youth, young men; youthful band, 1.399; brood, offspring, 6.580.

    tenus: (prep. w. gen. or abl., placed after its case), as far as; up to, 2.553; down to, to, 3.427; to, 1.737; hāc tenus, separated by tmesis, thus far, 5.603.

    immānis, e: (adj.), vast, huge, immense, 1.110; wild, savage, barbarous, 1.616; cruel, ruthless, 1.347; unnatural, monstrous, hideous, 6.624; (adv.), immāne, wildly, fiercely, 12.535.

    pistrīx, īcis, f.: a sea monster, 3.427. (cf. pristis)

    delphīn, īnis, and delphīnus, ī, m.: a dolphin, 3.428, et al.

    cauda, ae, f.: the tail, 3.428, et al.

    uterus, ī, m.: the womb, belly, 11.813; cavity, 2.38.

    lupus, ī, m.: a wolf, 3.428, et al.

    mēta, ae, f.: a meta; one of the cone-shaped pillars, three of which terminated each end of the spina in the Roman circus, and marked the turning point of the course; a turning point, goal, 5.129; (fig.), limit, extremity, end, bound, 1.278; 8.594; meridian, zenith, 5.835; mētae mortis, the bounds of death; i.e., fixed by death, 12.546. (mētior)

    Pachӯnum, ī, n.: Pachynum or Pachynus, the southeastern promontory of Sicily, 3.429.

    cessō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. n.: to remit action; stay, linger, rest; be inactive, 1.672; cease, 2.468; delay, 6.51; impers., cessātum est, delay has been made, has happened, 11.288. (cēdō)

    circumflectō, flexī, flexus, 3, a.: to bend around; turn far round, 3.430.

    īnfōrmis, e: shapeless; deprived of beauty, deformed, blank, waste; misshapen, hideous, 3.658; uncouth, foul, 6.416; unseemly, dishonored, 12.603.

    antrum, ī, n.: a cave, cavern, grotto, 1.166.

    caerulus, a, um: (adj.), dark blue, 2.381; sea-colored, azure, 5.819; dark; black, 3.64; subst., caerula, ōrum, n., the dark blue waters; the sea, 3.208.

    resonō, āvī, 1, n. and a.: to sound again or loudly; reëcho, resound, 4.668; (w. acc.), make resound, fill, 7.12.

    prūdentia, ae, f.: a foreseeing; wise foresight, prudence, wisdom, 3.433. (prūdēns, foreseeing)

    vērum, ī, n.: that which is true; truth, justice, right, 2.141.

    praedīcō, dīxī, dictus, 3, a.: to say beforehand; foretell, prophesy, predict, 3.252; forewarn, 3.436; p., praedictus, a, um, foretold.

    adōrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to pray to; supplicate, worship, adore, 1.48.

    libēns, entis: (adj.), willing; well-pleased, ready, gladly, freely, 3.438, et al.

    supplex, icis: adj. (supplicō, beseech), kneeling, entreating, suppliant, 3.439; subst., supplex, icis, c., a suppliant, 2.542.

    Trīnacria, ae, f.: the three-cornered land; Sicily, Trinacria, 3.440. (Τρινακρία, with three promontories)

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/pl/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-iii-374-440