Tum Pallās biiugīs fugientem Rhoetea praeter

trāicit. Hōc spatium tantumque morae fuit Īlō;400

Īlō namque procul validam dērēxerat hastam,

quam medius Rhoeteus intercipit, optime Teuthrā,

tē fugiēns frātremque Tyrēn, currūque volūtus

caedit sēmianimis Rutulōrum calcibus arva.

Ac velut optātō ventīs aestāte coörtīs405

dispersa immittit silvīs incendia pāstor,

correptīs subitō mediīs extenditur ūna

horrida per lātōs aciēs Volcānia campōs,

ille sedēns victor flammās dēspectat ovantīs:

nōn aliter socium virtūs coit omnis in ūnum410

tēque iuvat, Pallā. Sed bellīs ācer Halaesus

tendit in adversōs sēque in sua colligit arma.

Hīc mactat Lādōna Pherētaque Dēmodocumque,

Strȳmoniō dextram fulgentī dēripit ēnse

ēlātam in iugulum, saxō ferit ōra Thoantis415

ossaque dispersit cerebrō permixta cruentō.

Fāta canens silvīs genitor cēlārat Halaesum;

ut senior lētō cānentia lūmina solvit,

iniēcēre manum Parcae tēlīsque sacrārunt

Euandrī. Quem sīc Pallās petit ante precātus:420

'Dā nunc, Thybri pater, ferrō, quod missile lībrō,

fortūnam atque viam dūrī per pectus Halaesī.

Haec arma exuviāsque virī tua quercus habēbit.'

Audiit illa deus; dum tēxit Imāona Halaesus,

Arcadiō īnfēlīx tēlō dat pectus inermum.425


    Pallās, antis, m.: 1. A king of Arcadia, great-grandfather of Evander, 8.51. 2. Pallas, son of Evander, 8.104, et al.

    biiugus, a, um: adj. (bis and iugum), of a two-horse team or chariot; coupled, yoked, 10.253; chariot-, 5.144; subst. biiugī, ōrum, m., a double team or two-horse chariot, 10.575.

    Rhoeteus (dissyll.), eos, m.: a Rutulian slain by Pallas, 10.399.

    praeter: (adv.), besides, along by, past, 10.399.

    trāiciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a. and n.: to throw across, over; pass over, cross, 6.536; pierce, 2.273; transfix, 1.355; p., trāiectus, a, um, drawn or passed through, 5.488; transfixed, pierced, 9.419. (trāns and iaciō)

    Īlus, ī, m.: 1. Ilus, son of Tros and king of Troy, 6.650. 2. An earlier name of Ascanius or Iulus, 1.268. 3. Ilus, a Rutulian, 10.400.

    dērigō, rēxī, rēctus, 3, a.: to lay straight, bring into a definite line; to aim, direct, 1.401, et al. (dē and regō)

    hasta, ae, f.: a spear, 2.50, and freq.; hasta pūra, a headless spear, 6.760; pampinea hasta, a thyrsus, 7.396.

    intercipiō, cēpī, ceptus, 3, a.: to catch a thing passing along; intercept, 10.402. (inter and capiō)

    Teuthrās, antis, m.: an Arcadian follower of Pallas, 10.402.

    Tyrēs, ae, m.: an Arcadian follower of Pallas, 10.403.

    volvō, volvī, volūtus, 3, a.: to roll, 1.86; roll along or down, 1.101; roll or cast up, 3.206; toss, hurl, 12.906; roll over, roll in the dust, 12.329; cast, hurl down, 1.116; 9.512; roll, wheel, 1.163; of books, open, unroll, 1.262; of the Fates, fix the circle of events, decree, ordain, dispose, 1.22; 3.376; of the mind, revolve, meditate, reflect upon, 1.305; pass, continue, live through, experience, endure, suffer, 1.9; rotam volvere, to complete a cycle, period; (pass.), volvī, roll over, roll, 10.590; turn or wind about, 7.350; to be shed, to flow, 4.449; roll on, revolve, 1.269.

    sēmianimis (in hexam. poetry pron. semyanimis), e: (adj.), half alive; dying, 4.686.

    Rutulī, ōrum, m.: the Rutulians, an ancient tribe of Latium dwelling south of the Tiber, 1.266, et al.

    calx, calcis, f., and rarely m.: the heel, 5.324; the hoof of a horse, the fore foot, or hoof, 10.892; a spur, 11.714.

    atque, or ac: (conj.), and in addition, or and besides; and, as well, and indeed, and, 1.575; freq.; even, 2.626; in comparisons, as, 4.90; than, 3.561.

    velut (velutī): (adv.), even as, like, as it were, as, just as, as if, 1.82, et al. (vel and ut)

    aestās, ātis, f.: the summer, 1.265, et al.; summer air, 6.707; a year.

    coorior, ortus sum, 4, dep. n.: to arise completely, or at once; break out, arise, 1.148.

    dispergō, spersī, spersus, 3, a.: to sprinkle, shower around; disperse, scatter, 3.197; diffuse, dissolve, 11.617. (dis- and spargō)

    immittō, mīsī, missus, 3, a.: to send upon or to; drive to, 6.312; bring upon, 4.488; let in, 2.495; let fly, go, loosen, 6.1; hurl, fling, cast, 11.562; (with sē), rush into, 6.262; p., immissus, a, um, of the reins of horses, let loose; hence, (fig.), swiftly running, 5.146; unchecked, unbridled, 5.662; of the hair or beard, descending, left growing, neglected, long, 3.593.

    incendium, iī, n.: a burning, conflagration; flame, fire, 2.706; desolation, 1.566; fiery material, firebrand, 9.71. (incendō)

    pāstor, ōris, m.: one who feeds; herdsman, shepherd, 2.58. (pāscō)

    corripiō, ripuī, reptus, 3, a.: to take completely or eagerly; to grasp, snatch, seize, catch, 1.45; hurry away, 1.100; tear away; hasten on, take, 1.418; raise quickly, rouse, 4.572; sē corripere, to hasten away, 6.472. (com- and rapiō)

    medium, iī, n.: medium, iī, n., the middle, midst, 2.218; the intervening space, 6.131; ad medium, in the middle of the body, 12.273; in medium, into the midst, in public; before them, 5.401; for the common weal, 11.335.

    extendō, tendī, tentus or tēnsus, 3, a.: to stretch forth; stretch, extend, 5.374; continue, 12.909; magnify, advance, 6.806.

    horridus, a, um: adj. (horreō), rough, bristling, 3.23, et al.; bristling with arms; shaggy, grizzly, stiffened, 4.251; blustering, tempestuous, 9.670; terrible, fearful, 1.296.

    Vulcānius, a, um: adj. (Vulcānus), pertaining to Vulcan; forged or wrought by Vulcan, 12.739, et al.; of fire or flame, 10.408.

    dēspectō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a.: to look down upon, 1.396. (dēspiciō)

    ovō, ātus, 1, n.: to shout, rejoice, 3.544; triumph, 6.589; p., ovāns, antis, exulting, joyous, shouting, triumphant, 4.543; of things, 10.409.

    coeō, coīvī or coiī, coitus, coīre, irreg. n. and a.: to go or come together, assemble, 7.582; come together in conflict, join battle; of the blood, stand still, congeal, curdle, 3.30; come to terms, form a compact, 7.317; coīre in ūnum, to come to one place, unite, concentrate, combine, 9.801, et al.

    Halaesus, ī, m.: 1. An ally of Turnus, formerly companion of Agamemnon, 7.724. 2. Another ally of Turnus, 10.411.

    māctō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to magnify by worship; to sacrifice, immolate, 2.202; slay, slaughter, 8.294, et al.

    Lādōn, ōnis, acc. -ōna, m.: Ladon, a follower of Pallas, 10.413.

    Pherēs, ētis, m.: an Arcadian, follower of Pallas, 10.413.

    Dēmodocus, ī, m.: an Arcadian follower of Pallas, 10.413.

    Strӯmonius, iī, m.: an Arcadian follower of Pallas, 10.414.

    fulgēns, entis: gleaming, flashing, 2.749; glowing, bright, 9.614. (fulgeō)

    dēripiō, ripuī, reptus, 3, a.: to tear away; cast off; loosen, 3.267; haul down, launch, 4.593; cut off, 10.414. (dē and rapiō)

    ēnsis, is, m.: a sword, 2.393, et al.; knife, 2.155.

    efferō, extulī, ēlātus, ferre, irreg. a.: to bear, or bring out or forth, 2.297; bear away, rescue, 3.150; raise, elevate, lift up or high, 1.127; elate, puff up, 11.715; efferre gressum or pedem, walk, go, come forth, 2.753; efferre sē, arise, 3.215. (ex and ferō)

    iugulum, ī, n.: the joining part; the throat, 10.415, et al. (rel. to iungō)

    feriō, 4, a.: to smite or strike, 1.103; cut, 4.580; pierce, 12.304; slay, 10.315; strike or slay the covenant victim; hence, of a treaty, to make, 10.154.

    Thoās, antis, m.: 1. Thoas, a Greek chief, 2.262. 2. An Arcadian, follower of Pallas, 10.415.

    cerebrum, ī, n.: the brain, 5.413, et al.

    permisceō, miscuī, mistus or mixtus, 2, a.: to mix completely; mix, mingle, 1.488; (fig.), disturb, confound, 7.348.

    cruentus, a, um: (adj.), bloody, blood-stained, 1.296; covered with blood, 10.498.

    genitor, ōris, m.: he who begets; father, sire, 1.155, et al. (gignō)

    cēlō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to hide, conceal, 1.351, et al.

    senex, senis: (adj.), old, aged, hoary, 7.180; (comp.) senior, ōris, older; very aged, 5.179; hoary, 5.704.

    lētum, ī, n.: death, destruction, 2.134, et al. (cf. dēleō)

    īniciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to cast or throw into, or upon, 6.366; hurl, 2.726; lay on, of the hand of Fate, 10.419. (1. in and iaciō)

    manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

    Parca, ae, f.: more freq. pl., Parcae, ārum, f., the Fates (Clotho, the spinner, Lachesis, the allotter, and Atropos, the unaverted), 1.22, et al.

    sacrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to set apart to the gods; devote, consecrate, 2.502; w. acc. and dat., devote, 10.419. (sacer)

    Euander (-drus, 8.100; Ēvander, -drus), drī, m.: Evander, an Arcadian prince, son of Carmentis, and king of Pallanteum on the Tiber, 8.52.

    Thӯbris, idis, m.: an ancient king of Latium, 8.330.

    missilis, e: adj. (mittō), that is sent or cast; missive, thrown, hurled, 10.421; subst., missilia, ium, n., missile weapons, darts, missiles, 10.802.

    lībrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to balance, poise; of weapons, to aim, 5.479; to dart, 9.417. (lībra, a balance)

    exuviae, ārum, f.: that which has been taken off; a garment, vestment, 4.496; armor, arms; spoils, 2.275; memorials, relics, 4.651; skin, 2.473; hide, 11.577. (exuō)

    quercus, ūs, f.: an oak tree, 3.680; (meton.), an oak leaf crown, 6.772.

    Imāōn, onis (acc. Imāona), m.: a Latin warrior, 10.424.

    Arcadius, a, um: adj. (Arcadia), of Arcadia.

    īnfēlīx, īcis: (adj.), unlucky; unfortunate, luckless, unhappy, 1.475, et al.; sad, miserable, 2.772; of ill omen, ill-starred, ill-boding, fatal, 2.245; unfruitful.

    inermus, a, um: unarmed, 10.425.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/ja/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-x-399-425